Serenitea Pot

I was extremely happy that I couldn't contain my smile. Albedo and the others noticed this and couldn't help but chuckle. The girls gathered in our room so I went out and invited the boys to breakfast together. Aside from Albedo and Kaeya, my classmates were also here. Bennett and Razor. I've known them for quite some time now, but we couldn't hang out properly.

The two archons were also here, along with Childe, who was invited here by Zhongli. Instead of being hostile towards him, I just let him be. Zhongli told me all the details about what happened when I was knocked out. If anything, I should be more hostile towards Signora.

"This should be interesting. The child between a god and an otherworlder." said Albedo as he put a hand under his chin. I glared at him and he quickly got the message. "D-don't worry, I won't do anything stupid!"


We continued on eating when Bennett suddenly spoke up.

"I still can't believe you have a god as your wife. Not even that, I can't believe that you're actually way older than you look."

"Speaking of god, you should really keep this information a secret, comrade. The Fatui might target her and your child. I can guarantee that me and my men won't do anything, but I don't know about the others." said Childe.

"Ganyu already told me about that possibility. Though you not doing anything is reassuring, the fact that there are still more who will harm my family is problematic."

I began pondering on what to do. Sure, not letting the news out of Havria being a god will remove the problem of the Fatui off our backs, but they're not the only threats to my family. There's the Abyss Order, Treasure Hoarders, and other unknown enemies that might have some hostility towards me.

I'm confident in my strength to protect my family, Ganyu isn't to be underestimated as well, but there's always a time where both of us will be away from our home. Ganyu suggested to me earlier that we'll just buy a house here in Liyue. Yes, all of my lovers will live with us as well. That way, our house will be at a place where we will be certain that Havria and the child are protected.

However, we're already going back to Mondstadt in three days, so I'm afraid that we don't have much time to look for an available house. This is making me more worried about their safety the more I think about it.

"Why not just live in a Serenitea Pot?" said Zhongli as he sipped his cup of tea, snapping me out of my deep thinking.

"What now?" I asked in confusion.

"Madame Ping has a present for you, does she not? The one she told you to pick up whenever you want to?"

"Ah, right… Is that the 'home' she was implying?"

"Correct, you could ask her for details later. I can assure you that with that, you don't have to worry about your family's safety. Although if you want to, we can make a contract. I'll protect them when danger comes while you're away."

"I'll take you up on that offer then."

I made a contract with Zhongli that he'll protect them whenever I'm away. With a god protecting them, I should have no worries now. Bennett and Razor were confused about all of this so they just chatted with each other. Venti on the other hand… he just keeps on drinking wine…

When Zhongli ordered something else, I saw Childe starting to sweat bullets. Ah, so he's an archon who has no money sense as well.


While I was talking with Madame Ping, a girl called her out from behind me.

"Hey there, granny!" a cheery voice said.

"Ah, Yanfei. Here to have some tea?"

I looked behind me and saw a girl with a pale complexion and bright teal green eyes. Her pupils were in an ovoid shape while her hair was a salmon pink that flowed past her shoulders, fading into a pale peach at the tips. The hair around the sides of her head is cut short, making way for her cream colored antlers. She was shorter than me, probably even shorter than Ganyu. I swear I've seen her before.

"Oh? If it isn't the man I fancy. I'm Yanfei, a top legal expert in Liyue."

"Excuse me, what?"

"Didn't Ganyu-senpai tell you?"


I pulled out my phone and decided to call Ganyu. With just a single ring, she picked up the phone.

//Hey, dear. What is it?//

//What's with Yanfei telling me she fancies me?//

//Ah, you met her? I forgot to tell you that she started liking you about a week ago, my bad. Are you mad?//

//No, I'm not mad. I was just surprised. So...//

//Let me ask Havria first...// Ganyu said as she held off for a bit. After a few seconds, she gave me an answer. //Permission granted.//

//Pfft. It really sounds hilarious when put to practice.// Since Ganyu and Havria are my wives now, I need their permission if I ever take another girl as a lover. Ganyu already knows Yanfei, and Havria trusts Ganyu's deduction, that's why they immediately agreed.

//That's all, love you.//

//Love you too, dear.//

With that, she hung up the phone. Of course, I wouldn't just accept her. I need to get to know her better as well. I wouldn't just get into a relationship with a person I just met after all… ahaha.

"I presume I don't need to introduce myself now?"

"Pfft, of course you don't. I already know quite a lot about you. Though, you know nothing about me."

"Well, that'll change in due time." I said with a shrug. We both laughed until a fake cough caught our attention.

"I see that you youngsters are already getting along quite well. I've never seen a man match Yanfei to this extent before."

"Ahaha, you could just say I'm adaptable to whatever the situation is."

After that, we talked about the matter of the Serenitea Pot. She talked about how this was an artifact that she made specifically so that me and my wives could have a house to live in. Not just that, she made it so that the house that was already inside had lots of rooms. She told me how to enter the Serenitea Pot and I was actually quite surprised at how easy it was. I just needed to touch the teapot and focus.

She handed me a bag which contained ten or more items known as Realm Dispatch. These items help people enter my realm even without touching the teapot itself. The limit of people that one dispatch could bring to my realm is five. So basically, I can bring more than fifty people to my realm.

"You can buy blueprints for furniture and Tubby can help you in building."

I was confused about who Tubby was, so I asked Madame Ping. She said Tubby was a teapot spirit that she put in the realm to help me with my problems. Phew, that's reassuring. She handed me the teapot and I gratefully accepted it.

"Why don't you check it out?" said Yanfei as she looked at the teapot I was holding. It was cute how she just popped out of my shoulder from behind me.

"Alright then, wanna come with?"


"Ladies first."

"Why, what a gentleman you are. I wasn't wrong falling for you."

She touched the teapot and a second later, she turned into golden light and entered the teapot by the snout. Wow, that was something. I stepped forward and held the teapot, trying to enter. However, something weird happened. My left eye had that yellow flash again and before I knew it, new information entered my brain.

'This is… Realm Creation!'

I internally celebrated when I fully took in the information. Hell yeah! I finally have a replacement for my Domain! Although, we still need to investigate what's on the other side of that rift. I shook my head and entered the teapot. Let's worry about those things later.