Another Reality

It's already been a week since that sparring match and we were already back at Mondstadt. There weren't really a lot of eventful things that happened within that week. The only thing that we all remember quite well was Havria's childly demeanor when we got to Mondstadt. She took in the sights with awe and we couldn't help but just enjoy her reactions.


I breathed out as I took in the sight before me. Even though I've seen this a lot of times now, it's still breathtaking. I was sitting at the edge of the island that my mansion was residing in. My feet were dangling at the edge, just a step closer to the endless void below me.

"Hey, dear. What are you doing here?" asked Ganyu as she sat beside me. She kissed me on the cheeks and smiled.

"Ahaha, I was just resting. You know how it's been for the last few days."

"Fufu, it was quite a lot of work for you, wasn't it?"

I just chuckled at her statement. It was truly a lot of work. Havria was way more clingy and wanted more attention from me. Not that I minded really. To be honest, I kinda liked it. This whole week, she was just really affectionate of me and I cared for her since I didn't really want her to move that much.

"I hope you'll be that caring for me as well in the future."

"What are you saying? Of course, I will." I said as I gently lay her head on my shoulder. I stroked her hair gently as I rested my head on hers, both of us taking in the sight before us. Although, I would rather just look at her.

Back then, I was only in this world because of Lumine. However, I now have a family in this world. Ever since I got into a relationship with Mona, I was already bound to this world. So me marrying just solidifies that more. Not that I really mind.

"Hey, you're bringing Havria with you, right?" Ganyu asked as she held my hand.


"I wish I could go with you as well…"

"Me too, but you have student council work. Not to mention the Qixing secretarial work that Ningguang left you."

"For once, I'm not happy about it…"

"Ahaha, just bear with it. In return, I'll take you on a date after the investigation."

"I'd like that."

After that, it was just pure silence. Not an awkward one where you want to leave. Rather, it was a warm one that made me want to stay in this moment for a bit longer. I held her even closer to me as her grip on my hand tightened.

"Be careful out there, okay?"

"Mhm, I will. For now, let's just enjoy this moment, alright?"

"Okay… I love you." she said as she nuzzled on my shoulder.

"I love you too."


The next day arrived and it was time for the investigation. Everyone was already prepared for this trip. Actually, I would say they were too prepared…

"Do you really need to bring a bag that big?" I said as I looked at the bag that Jean brought out of her Storage Ring.

"Why of course, we're going to uncharted lands. We might be staying for a few days. We need all the essentials." I think that's more than just essentials… "Also, aren't you the same as well?"

"..." I can't really deny that. I mean, I was bringing my pregnant wife with us.


"Ugh, alright. Let's go!"

Just as I said that, Havria switched from holding my hand to hugging my arm. Ah, so soft… Wait, now's not the time. We need to go through this rift first. I also need to be on guard. So, I summoned my Geo Flowers and made everyone have one. This way, they have extra protection just in case.

If I were to say ladies first, I might regret it later. So, I just went on first. Well, along with Havria that is. Since she was hugging my arm and all. My eyes widened when I saw what was on the other side.

It was an exact copy of my Domain back when it was still the Temple of Falcon. Down to even the irregular energy gatherings at some parts. Whoops, I need to take care of those. Extending my free hand, I used Gluttony to devour the energy. Jean and the others entered while I was doing that. They asked me what that was for and I told them it was to clean up and Abyssal Energy that has gathered.

Since they've dealt with the Abyss Order a lot, they knew how dangerous it was thus they didn't ask anymore questions about that topic. Instead, they asked me where we were.

"Well, I think we're at the Temple of Falcon."

"You mean you're Domain?" said Barbara.

"Yes and no."

"I'm confused…"

"What I mean is this is a Temple of Falcon in another reality. This is a different Teyvat."

"Oh! Like from those stories!"

"Yeah, kinda like those."

Since this was the exact copy of the Temple of Falcon, I knew which was the exit. Even if I didn't I could just fly around. When we reached the exits, I pulled the door using Anemo since it didn't have a handle(Who the fuck designed this?). Anyways, the scene we saw was the same one you'd see after exiting the Temple of Falcon.

We walked outside and took in a deep breath. Dang, it smells the same. I mean, of course it would. My reality didn't really have polluted air since the cars function using Electro crystals. Still, it feels somewhat refreshing even if it's the same. I couldn't really explain why. Well that was until Eula pointed something out.

"Weird, there's no tall buildings." Eula said as she looked at the direction of where the City of Freedom was.

I looked over and she was right, there weren't any tall buildings. In our reality, you could see the buildings even from this distance. Now that I look closely, the Elemental Energy in that area isn't as dense as it would have been in our reality. The reason for the density was because of the Electro crystals in the electronics… No way…

"You three stay here, me and Havria will check on something!" I said as I quickly carried Havria bridal style.


Even before they could ask me what I meant, I flew towards the direction of Mondstadt. Havria tugged on my clothes and asked me what was wrong. I told her the details and she quickly used an ability similar to my eyes. I guess it can be called Divine Gaze? Yeah, let's just call it that.

"You're right, the Elemental Energy is way lower than in our reality."

"Mhm, I think I have an idea as to why that is."

"And that is?"

"This reality isn't as developed as ours."

"Hm, that does make sense. The buildings aren't visible and the Elemental Energy isn't that dense at all."

I nodded as we soon arrived at the place where Mondstadt should be. However, it didn't take me long to know the truth. This was Mondstadt. The emblem at the gate says it all. Not to mention the large statue of Barbatos that I can see clearly even at this distance.

"You were right… Hey wait, why are you smiling?"

"This is gonna be interesting…"