Martial Type

Day 2 of my training and I can already feel like I'm about to die with the amount of strain I put on my body. It was worth it though, especially with all the enemies that I'm facing. At first it was just normal monsters, but now I might as well face gods. Damn, my life really is a rollercoaster.

"Haah… I should rest for now…"

After doing this for two days, I can already feel the changes in my body. I know it doesn't work like that, but the healing that Gluttony gave me made the process quicker. Still, it only healed my body, but it didn't take away the pain.

I took out some food from my storage ring that I bought before I went into my Realm the other day and started eating. It tasted good, but I'm already missing Noelle's cooking. Haah… just another more day and I'll be able to taste it again.

After I finished eating, I rested for a bit more since quickly moving after eating will just lead to vomiting. When my rest was finished, I stood up again and picked up the pole with the weights. It was getting kinda light for me now… Only kinda though.

I was thinking of adding more weights, but just decided to just do it when the weights don't even bother me anymore. And so, the first half of day 2 went on like that.

As for the second half, I decided to develop my Martial Type more. I can just work on trying to summon my Stand later.

"Let's see… right arm bent and fist closed near the chest while left is extended and hand is open with the palm facing my enemy… This should be a good beginning stance."

After that, I made a large dense boulder in front of me and took a deep breath.

"Martial Type, First form: Pale Shockwave!"

As I punched the air in front of me with my burning fists, a huge dark pointed shockwave formed and shattered the boulder. Well shit, that's powerful… Ehehe. I made an even denser and larger boulder as I jumped high up to get a wider range on my attack.

"Martial Type, Second form: Pale Barrage!"

I then proceeded to punch in blinding speed, making multiple smaller but faster dark shockwaves. And due to my higher position, I was able to land all my shots perfectly on the middle of the boulder. Because of this, the boulder shattered outward which was quite the sight to see really.

Alright that two forms down and one more to go to balance my Sword Type and Martial Type. Now, what should the third form be… Maybe something involving my legs this time? Yeah, that could work. What type of move though…


I then made a boulder with the same density as the first one and instead of keeping my distance, I decided to dash to it this time. When I got close enough, I winded up a kick while putting all my strength into my legs. My legs also burned brightly. Or maybe not, do black flames even glow?

"Martial Type, Third form: Pale Whirlwind!"

As soon as my kick connected, a small whirlwind formed due to my wind up being in a circular motion. Well, semi-circular but you get the point. Also, my legs were armored by Geo so that I could avoid any injuries. Once again, the boulder exploded.

The whole day went on like that with boulders just exploding because of my training.

Day 3 and all I'm doing is meditating. Well, not really meditating. I was trying to break the seal to release my Stand. However, it proved to be rather difficult. I didn't want to use Pride or Gluttony to remove the seal and just use a normal way, but it seems I still have too.


I placed my hand on my chest and used Gluttony. I heard a faint shattering noise and I felt something leave my body from behind. I looked behind me and saw him. My Stand.

Well damn, I didn't think that would work like it did but hey, I'm not complaining. He still had the same appearance he did all those years ago, but he feels… different? Like, he feels more powerful than before. Not to mention…

"Why is my Realm… distorting?"

It feels as if my Stand was preventing the existence of my Realm altogether. When I made my Stand disappear, everything went back to normal. So it really was my Stand… Well shit, Reality Distortion.

After that, it was just more boulder smashing. I'll keep the full capabilities of my Stand secret for now. Ehehe.

When I got back home, it was around 6 in the morning the next day. I was heading towards the kitchen to get some food from the fridge because to be honest, I needed more. I'm just too hungry and the food I bought was surprisingly not enough. When I got to the kitchen though, I saw Havria drinking tea.

"Havria? Why are you up this early in the morning?"

"Ah, welcome back!" She stood up from her seat when she noticed me and went in for a hug. I smiled and hugged her back, basking in her warmth. I missed this. "As for the answer to your question, I was waiting for you. Also, you should take a bath first…" She slowly removed herself from me as I laughed wryly.

"Yeah, I'll be right back." I kissed her on the forehead and went on my way to the bathroom.

I took out some extra clothes from my storage ring and went in. Let me tell you, taking a bath after three days of intensive workout is the best feeling. I sighed in relief and just let the pleasure take me. Luckily, the pain from all my training was all away.

After about twenty minutes, I finally left the bath wearing my casual clothing and headed back to the kitchen. When I got back, Noelle was already there, cooking away while she hummed. Havria was helping her out and I actually saw her use her powers, the salt one, to create salt to add to the eggs she was making.


I spoke up and saw Noelle's eyes widen. I guess Havria didn't tell her yet. She quickly looked towards my direction and smiled. "Welcome back, darling!"

"Mhm, what are you cooking for breakfast?"

"Havria's taking care of the bacon and eggs while I'm making pancakes."

Ooh, I haven't tasted Noelle's pancakes in a while so this should be good. I kissed her on the cheek and also did the same to Havria as I decided to wake up the others that live within my humble abode. I walked into the room that I shared with my two wives and saw Ganyu sleeping peacefully. I smiled and carefully made my way to her.

"Wake up sleepyhead." I poked her cheek softly.

"Hng…?" Ganyu slowly opened her eyes and when she saw me smiling at her, she smiled softly as well. "Good morning. Welcome back, dear."

"Good morning to you too." I said as I kissed her on the forehead. "Now go freshen up, breakfast is almost ready."

She nodded and slowly went to the bathroom that was in our room. You know, I sometimes wonder how many bathrooms this house has. I sighed and continued to go around the house to wake up the others.