
Chapter 86

We headed north from The Chasm, which meant we went to Lingu Pass. If they truly went this way, then we're bound to find some traces of them at some point. Luckily, we did find some and those are footprints. Can't really complain since something is better than nothing.

We followed the footprints and surprise surprise, it just ended. Haah, luckily there were people nearby so we have another chance to find some clues. And so, we did just that. We all went off to ask the people around individually since asking in a group might just pressure them.

…I wish we just asked in a group though…

"Ah, the Hero of Liyue!"

"What an honor to meet you, Savior!"

Guh… And that just continued on and on with each person I asked. What's worse was they didn't even know shit about what I was asking them about! Not only was it frustrating that I didn't get anything, when we all met up again they told me that they didn't even get anything except for one person on Zhongli's side…

"So, what did you get?" I asked as I looked at Zhongli.

Zhongli: "She said that she saw four men with baskets and picks around four or five days ago. She also said that they looked lifeless and were following a staggering child."

That's the second time I've heard of this child. "What exactly did this child look like? Who knows, we might see them while we're looking for clues." I asked Zhongli.

Zhongli: "Blue hair and short. She mentioned that the little girl also looked… serious."

Ah, another possessed one. What the hell is with possessions suddenly? Is it because I suddenly introduced a Stand to this world…? No, that's a dumb assumption. It might just be a huge coincidence.

Anyways, Zhongli told us the directions he got so we followed him. When we followed the path, we saw someone getting attacked by Geovishap Hatchlings and Pyro Slimes. Something's weird though. The Geovishap Hatchlings feel a bit…off?

"Shenhe, take care of the Slimes. Zhongli, go and rush to the girl and shield her. I'll take care of the Geovishaps."

The two nodded while Kun Jun got a few distance away. Now, you might be asking why I didn't just take care of the Slimes too. Well, that's because I'm using my Martial Style. That meant that my attacks brought out flames. I actually don't know if Gluttony and Pride has no effect on Pyro Slimes, but I'm not risking testing that.

The two got to work quickly while I went ahead and aggroed the Geovishaps. Luckily, I was successful. I ran a few ways away from the others since I don't want to risk getting anyone hurt.

'Alright, this should be good enough.'

I got into my stance and took a deep breath. I clenched my fists and performed the first form, sending a huge shockwave to the Geovishaps. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough since they only got knocked back. Man, I really didn't want to be destructive. That or maybe that was just a flimsy punch.

"Alright, let's get a bit serious then."

I dashed to one of them and made sure to put a lot more strength on my fist this time. Not to mention keeping more focus. I punched the Geovishap straight in the abdomen and made a hole in it as the shockwave exited on the other side of its body.

The shockwave broke off some pieces of land, but who cares. Actually, someone might care nevermind. Anyways, I looked behind me only to see a huge hole on the ground. Shit, the sound of the shockwave earlier didn't let me hear whatever the other Geovishap was doing.

I felt the ground beneath me shake so I quickly jumped up. As soon as I did that, the Geovishap sprouted out. It was actually a bit confused when it didn't see where I went so I used that opportunity to use the third form and kick the Geovishap on the head. I heard a loud crack and wondered what it was, but soon got an answer as the head of the Geovishap got sent flying along with the black whirlwind.

"Holy shit that's really brutal…"

I looked at the burning corpse of the Geovishap in front of me and the other one behind me. I can feel the power going inside my body, but it also made me think about the cost. I killed both of these without even a tinge of care…

"Maybe I should try another approach first…"

These were just hatchlings too. I can't imagine being the parent of these things and seeing them get murdered like this. And since I'm going to be a parent myself, I know just how scary that can be… Wait, why am I even caring now? Didn't Lumine already point it out? I've killed far more than anyone should, so just why am I caring now…

"Maybe Lumine pointing it out made me realize just how much of a murderous man I am…" I whispered, soft enough that only those who can talk to the wind can hear my words.

Shenhe: "Are you okay, Aether?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Shenhe held my shoulder.

"Oh, yeah I am. I just had a thought."

I gave Shenhe a smile and a pat on the head to wash her worries away. Luckily, it worked since she smiled ever so slightly. Oh right, I forgot to mention this but she had her red ropes on. I really wanted her to not wear those anymore, but she said it's better safe than sorry.

We walked back towards the girl only to see her already being questioned by Zhongli and Kun Jun about the missing miners. Possibly about the little girl too. When we just got to them though, the girl hurried off. She stopped for a bit though and looked at us then gave a thankful nod before continuing on.

"What did she say?" I asked, still looking at the running girl.

Kun Jun: "She said that the miners were headed to Nantiamen. We're not sure if it's the same group though…" He looked around and found another ore. "Hey, maybe that can help us!" He crouched down and started doing his thing again.

We waited for a bit before we heard him talk.

Kun Jun: "It's the same group alright. They followed this road."

Should we start calling him Kun Jun compass from now on with how his ability works? Anyways, now we know that we're on the right track. However, there was something weird about this all that I can't really point out why…

Zhongli: "All of this feels out of the ordinary. Seemingly dazed miners walking ceaselessly day and night while being led by a child. There's also the Geovishap Hatchlings earlier, they were more hostile than they should be."

He's right about that one since I noticed it as well. We don't really have time to think about it though since we still have people to find and judging by what Zhongli said, we might be too late if we don't hurry up. So, we began following the road that the miners took.

After walking for a while, the road led us to Nantiamen. When we arrived there, we saw a man lying on the ground with a basket beside him. Zhongli walked closer and examined the man. He told us that judging by his appearance, he must have passed out due to exhaustion.

Miner: "I can… can still dig…"

I looked at the miner in pity as he tried to stand up, only for him to fail and fall back on the ground. Well, it was about to fall to the ground. I caught him using Anemo just as he was about to hit the ground. I looked around and saw a nearby camp. I floated the man over to the camp and set him down there.

I look at him again, this time focusing more on seeing Life Force. Luckily, he was still alive and well, but he was still exhausted so he needed rest. And a lot of rest at that. Just to make sure, I sent Sora over to him for healing.

"He talked about digging… Does that mean he dug himself into this state?" I asked, looking at my companions.

Zhongli: "It's certainly a possibility."

Kun Jun went to the miner and crouched down, not even noticing Sora as he went back to me. I guess normal people really can't see him or at least people who aren't like Shenhe and Zhongli. That's a good thing, I wouldn't want my enemies to see my secret weapon anyways.

Kun Jun: "Are these… ore fragments?"

I looked closely and sure enough, they were ore fragments. Kun Jun touched the ore and I could see elemental energy gathering again. Seems like he's doing his thing again. He told us what he saw and sure enough, this was one of our missing miners. Why is he here though?

Shenhe: "Something must have happened for him to be left behind."

We nodded and Kun Jun suddenly spoke up. He rummaged through his small bag and after a few moments, he took out three crystals.

Kun Jun: "Here! This is for you all. I bought this from the market. These are not just any old crystals though. The purity of these crystals is extraordinarily rare! So, one for each of you. A memory, if you will."

We all took one and just like he said, these crystals were something else entirely. Each angle you look at, the colors of the crystal seem to change into something else. In that way, the crystal is different wherever you look.

Kun Jun: "Is something wrong? Is it not to your liking?"

I stopped admiring the crystal and looked toward Kun Jun and saw him talking to Zhongli. The man in question was staring at the crystal intently.

Zhongli: "No, it's not that. I just didn't anticipate a gift in a time like this. Thank you, I will take good care of it." he said with a smile.

I looked at Shenhe and saw her admiring the crystal, probably admiring it more than I was earlier. She looked really adorable. She might have noticed me staring at her since she looked back at me and gave me a warm smile. Wow, her emotions are breaking through her binds more and more. I gave a warm smile of mine in kind.

Zhongli placed a hand on my shoulder and said that we needed to talk. I followed him so that we were far enough from the group and he began saying what was in his mind. He mentioned how Dragonfall is a rare material that is used for forging as it was formed through elemental reactions unlike other crystals. However, only a minority of it can survive for a long time.

These crystals first emerged in the midst of a great battle, thousands of years ago. The powerful clashes of elemental energy gave birth to elemental crystals. After the fighting had ceased, these geological remnants were miraculously preserved.

Still, they are all crystal creations, few and far between. A few hundred years ago, they were virtually mined to obscurity.

Zhongli: "Why is it then, that a citizen of Liyue now wishes to strike upon ore that has long since vanished from the earth?"

"Well, I've had this suspicion for a while now, but I think he may be possessed."

Zhongli: "Ah, you had the same thought that I had. I assume Shenhe knows of it too?"

"Surely. She's an exorcist after, so this is one of her fortes."

Zhongli nodded in agreement. We looked at Kun Jun and just decided to spectate whatever he's going to do for now. I really hope that the soul inhibiting his body isn't a bad one.

We were now in front of a very large tree. To those who don't have the same eyes as me, this tree may seem to just be mythical. To my eyes though, I could clearly see that this tree was brimming with elemental energy. Or rather, it was like a…

"Ley Line…"

Knowing what Ley Lines are, I'm not really surprised now… Still though, why would it be here? We decided to split up and search in different directions again, but not before I heard Zhongli mutter "Ancient tree…". Does he know what this tree is? Oh wait, of course he does. He's the Archon of this nation after all.

I didn't find anything in my end so I went to Shenhe. She also didn't find anything so we contemplated on who to go to next. Since Zhongli was the farthest from us, we decided to go to Kun Jun instead. When we arrived, we saw him clutching his head.

"You okay?" I asked, which made him look at me.

Kun Jun: "Y-yeah…just a bit light headed."

"I see…" That was both concerning and suspicious.

Shenhe: "Did you see anything yet?"

Kun Jun: "No…not yet."

Just then we heard Zhongli call out to us from behind the tree. We headed towards the direction of the voice and saw him in front of an opening. What's weird was that it was newly made. Not just that, there's also an ominous presence coming from within the hole…

"Well then, our answers lie ahead."

We all entered the opening and sure enough, the miners were mining away inside. What caught my eye was the seal that they were tunneling into. If they were not discovered, I'm sure as hell they're going to persevere until they open it.

Zhongli: "Behind this seal is…"

Zhongli couldn't finish his sentence as the miners rushed at us with their pickaxes. Both me and Zhongli made our shields, covering all of us in one large cylindrical Geo shield that adorned my flowers. Each time the miners hit the shield, the flowers fire back and knock them away.

There was something weird that I felt from behind us, so I turned and saw that the blue haired girl came out from a gathering of black smoke within the confines of our shield. She was just about to attack Zhongli, but Kun Jun blocked the attack with his very own white energy.

When both black and white energies collided, I felt the ground shake and the pressure emitted from the point of impact was incredible. Something bad happened though.


"Oh shit…"

The seal cracked when the girl turned into black smoke and basically went towards it. With the seal now broken, it began sucking us in. I couldn't really escape as turning into either Anemo or Gluttony will just speed up the process. With no means of escape left, we were all sucked in.