Chapter 5- Step Further

I moved aside to let him in and we moved to the living room to sit on the on the couch.

"Do you have a plan?" He asked.

" I do, first on the 26th I need you at my house by 7 pm and no later than. Do you still take boxing?" I asked.

"Yes" he said

"Good, we earned about 56 million I have already made a private account. 28 million for the both of us. You will go to the college you want and once you get back we will move on to step 2." I said.

"Don't you want more money, I mean you are the one who won." He asked.

"There will be plenty of more chances in the future I'll tell you now you will basically be my secretary I will have 80% of all profit made while I will give you 20%. So take this advance paycheck now and use it wisely" I said.

"I see, what will I be doing? What's the business?" He asked.

"You will see when you get back I have 15 steps already in mind we'll a step at a time. I expect you will tell no one where you got the money or who you work for." I said

"No worries no one believe if I said I work for a reincarnated 7 year old." He said.

At around 8:05 Jamal came home from his friends house. By then I had cooked dinner. I ate dinner with Jacob and Jamal, and once we were done Jamal went got his room to sleep.

When it was just me and Jacob he asked "What happening on the 26th boss?"

"We're getting rid of a nuisance" I replied.

He just nodded his head and left.


The next morning

At 4am I heard mother getting home from her second job. I didn't want to go out there and greet her cause I knew she was exhausted and if I went out there she'd offer to cook me breakfast that's how selfless she is.

At 6:30 I got up and cooked for Jamal and I, and left a a plate in the fridge for mother. I made sure Jamal got out the door to school and left as well.

I went to the store to get a phone and took a piece of paper that had Jacob's number on it.

[First task purchase a house not far from mine, fully furnished, and a new laptop also buy the grand piano from the local music store.] I texted him.

Not long after Jacob responded with [understood boss.]

After getting the confirmation I wanted I went to the music shop that always seemed to be empty besides old man Mr.Stevens at the cash register.

"I think someone's going to buy that old piano of your Mr.Stevens." I said with a smile on my face.

He just smiled and nodded, he never said much.

I went to the piano and started to play a few keys and started to get into a flow.