Day Four: Chapter Ten

Everything that has life has xhole, which means that all living things have the potential to perform what is commonly known as magic. However, all things don't have the same potential for magic. Some creatures are born with more xhole, which literally means "life blood", than others, and these beings can perform stronger magic more easily than those with less xhole. This aptitude for magic is passed genetically. The only other way to gain xhole is to consume another's life force. This is how you got your powers, Jada and it's also the reason magical beings aren't more common place. Creatures with high xhole are rare, and when their xhole is extracted, they die and cannot reproduce.

Plants and fungi that can perform magic are called fairy. Animals that can are called demons. Humans who can perform magic are called many names: witches, warlocks, sorcerers, enchanters, and the list goes on.

Originally, sorcerers, as they're most commonly called these days, all over the world practiced their own kind of magic, following the rules and guidelines of their homelands. But, in the 1400's one group of sorcerers who're now known as the HCSS, High Council of Sorcerers and Sorceresses, decided that they wanted to enforce their morals onto the entire world. So, they placed curses on six certain spells and made it so that when anyone anywhere preformed one of these spell, terrible things would happen to them. Then they put curses on the curses so that if they tried to undo those curses, an even worse fate would fall upon them or anyone that tried to save them. They called this The Magical Law.

The most important thing about The Magical Law, isn't the "law" itself, but the permanent effects it had on Earth, but to understand why that is, we need to know The Magical Law, the curses that went with them, and the allegedly unintended side effects.

Now, for reasons not publicized to the rest of the world, the first and second law are both hidden from the general public, so the list starts at three.

So, The third law: Magic cannot be used to make people fall in love. The fourth law: Magic cannot be used to kill. The fifth law: Magic cannot be used to to make someone immortal. The sixth law: Magic cannot be used to bring people back to life

Who ever attempts to break the third law, to make someone fall in love, will fall deeply in love with everyone they find attractive. When they die, they'll be reborn and each life they will suffer immense loneliness until someone finally loves them back. They are born with all the memories of their past lives and they pass this curse on to every third child.

If someone breaks the fourth law by attempting to kill another human with magic, they will become a beast with no control over themselves one night of each month, on the night of the moon cycle they were under when they tried to set the spell. They will suffer through great physical pain each time they change into this beast. The HCSS claims they they didn't intend for this curse to be as contagious as rabies or for it to grant beast-like super smell, speed, strength and hearing.

If they were to try to break the fifth law to make themselves or another immortal, (and I'll quote this one word for word,) "They will die, then walk the earth among the living, hiding in the shadows, because the sun will burn their flesh, until they die a second time." However, the cursed were able to sustain their undead bodies by drinking the blood of the living, indefinitely, pretty much giving them the immortality they wanted to begin with. They gained inhuman senses, strength and speed, and often develop telepathic abilities. On top of that, they were be able to pass this curse through blood ingestion.

And finally, we come to the sixth curse, the one you're least likely to encounter but it's important to drill this one in to new sorcerers. If you try to bring back your loved one, or any person who's already dead, the dead body will rise, eat you alive, then die again. If you escape, your loved ones animated corpse will attack and eat people at random until they find and consume you, or they are either dismembered, burned to ash or both.

Sorry, that was incredibly boring. But bare with me, we're getting to the point.

Essentially, the Magical Law, and by extension the HCSS, created what you know as yortsi, werewolves, vampires, even zombies. Since then, groups like OWRA, (the Old World Restoration Association), The Restoration Army, Saviors of the New World, Champions of the Old World, started popping up all over the world with the goal of "restoring the world to the way it should be" or "restoring earth back to the humans," all that kind of talk. So we, the cursed, have each found ways to hide among humans.

Historically, vampire's have used dummy towns with a human figure head to disguise a large network of vampires, usually run buy a King or Queen who is the sire of every vampire in the region. The city we're in right now was once one of those dummy towns. But it was slightly different. Everyone in the magical world new about it, because Empress, the queen, had no reason to hide. She and Moniasili, the oldest, most powerful fairy on record, considered each other kindred spirits, and formed an unprecedented alliance. Moniasili kept vampire hunters out with her barrier. And the queen grew in strength as her number of subjects increased. At one point she was nearly invincible.

Once I was the favorite of her favorites favorites favorite, (sorry if that's a little confusing) and that won me a place in her entourage. I wanted out of her sect, so I stole the xhole from Moniasili's children, and used it to perform a spell that put them to sleep. For that, Moniasili banned me, and, out of bitterness, she allowed everyone else but me, in. Many restorativists took advantage of that and eventually eliminated it's vampire population. Empress is among the dormant vampires in the town, and when she wakes up to find all her children dead, she will turn the humans here, rebuilding her empire the quickest possible way. She and her associates don't discriminate either. Men, women, children, witches, if you can be turned you will become hers.