"I don't know, and can't believe all these stories, I hope I wake up and it's all a dream." said Carolline as she closed her eyes with the previous incident if all she experienced was just a dream.

Carolline closed her eyes for a long time without realizing Alexander lifted her and laid her on the bed.

Carolline is fast asleep because she is too tired and weak after giving her blood to Alexander.

Until morning came, Carolline slowly opened her eyes hoping that what happened last night was just a dream.

"Carolline, good morning." Alexander greeted with a smile.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh." screamed Carolline seeing Alexander beside her wearing black glasses.

"What's up Carolline? why are you shouting?" asked Alexander staring in surprise.

"You!! is still here?" Carolline asked, pinching her own cheek as it hurt, meaning that last night wasn't a dream.

"I took care of you sleep, you looked tired last night." said Alexander who was very grateful because Carolline had given her pure blood.

"It's all because of you !! do you know?" said Carolline grumpily getting out of bed and Alexander followed.

"Why are you following me?" asked Carolline uncomfortably.

"I I will come with you wherever you go." said Alexander dealing with Carolline.

"You know! where am I going now!" asked Carolline, her eyes bulging.

Alexander shook his head with his innocent face.

"I'm just coming with you." said Alexander with a faint smile.

"If I want to take a shower, you will come?" asked Carolline anxiously.

"I'll come with you wherever you go." said Alexander again with certainty.

"Should not!!! you dirty brain!!" said Carolline with hands on her hips.

"What a perverted brain Carolline?" asked Alexander approaching Carolline.

"I'll explain later, you sit here, and don't go anywhere !! I want to take a bath first." said Carolline after pulling Alexander's hand to sit on the bed.

"Why can't I come with you? you are mine right?" asked Alexander and couldn't continue his words as Carolline had covered his mouth with her hand.

"Ssssttt... be quiet!! and don't make a sound !! Okay?" said Carolline exasperatedly, then went into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

And not yet finished changing clothes in the bathroom, Alexander was already in the bathroom through the door.

"Kkyyyaaaaa!!! Alexander!!" shouted Carolline immediately put on his towel then pinched Alexander's ear and brought him back to sit on the bed.

"Who sent you in Alexander?" asked Carolline with her beautiful, piercing eyes.

"You've been in there too long, I'm afraid something will happen to you Carolline." Alexander replied innocently.

"Shut up, now close your eyes !! and don't ever look at me!! don't open your eyes before i tell you okay !! you understand Alexander?" asked Carolline seriously.

Alexander nodded his head.

"Good, watch out when you see it!" said Carolline then took off her towel to change clothes.

After getting dressed Carolline combed her hair then put on a slightly red lip gloss, because she saw her face and lips looked pale.

With a little perfume on her body, Carolline was done dressing up and getting ready for work.

Without remembering Alexander, who was still sitting quietly on the edge of her bed, Carolline came out and locked the door of her house.

Carolline took a deep breath forced to get to the shop. Edward had to walk because her bicycle had been left on the road.

But really unexpectedly, Carolline saw her bicycle was perched outside right under her window.

With joy, Carolline cycled quickly to make it in time to get to Edward's place.

"Morning Edward." said Carolline with a very sweet smile.

"You don't usually get here early in the morning? and there is another smile." said Edward in return of Carolline's smile.

"Yes, just be grateful... at least today I don't have dreams anymore, and about Alexander you talked about.... Alexander!! Oh, my God!! I forgot Alexander is still in the room!!" shrieked Carolline straight out of the shop intending to return home.

"Wait Alexander is a ghost, he can be free wherever he can disappear, come and go as they please, so why should I worry?" Monologue Carolline as he walked back into her shop.

With his busy work, it didn't seem like the time had passed until the afternoon.

"Edward I have class tonight, I'm not working late." said Carolline intending to go home quickly to see the presence of Alexander who did not appear before her.

"Okay Carolline, be careful on your way." said Edward who was still busy with his new cake.

Wearing her jacket, Carolline back pedaling back to her house.

Arriving home, Carolline hurried open the door of his house and climbed the stairs leading to her room.


Alexander seemed still sitting on his bed with his eyes still closed.

"Alexander!!" Carolline was surprised by what she saw, Carolline quickly approached and sat beside Alexander.

"Alexander!! open your eyes." called Carolline a little loudly.

Slowly Alexander opened his eyes then smiled sweetly at Carolline's eyes with dimming eyes.

"You have returned." Alexander said in a weak voice then his body fell into Carolline's embrace.

"Alexander!! Alexander!!" shouted Carolline, patting Alexander on the cheek.

"I could suffocate in the world if away from you Carolline, you my breath." said Alexander in a low voice.

"You can return to your world, Alex, without having to wait for me here!!" said Carolline not understanding Alexander's way of thinking.

"I hold your word Carolline, You said I shouldn't be anywhere and didn't open my eyes until you said to open mine." Alexander replied getting weaker.

"Well I'm sorry, I wronged you, now drink my blood so you can be refreshed." said Carolline looking at Alexander's face which was like a living corpse.

"No Carolline, I'll just go to recover my strength, I don't want you to go limp like me because I drank a lot of your blood." said Alexander staring sadly Carolline's face.

"All right, hope your strength will recover quickly." said Carolline guiltily.

Alexander's body at that time also disappeared leaving a distinctive citrus scent from Alexander's body.

Carolline took a deep breath, Between pity and who knows what feelings, Her thoughts could not escape Alexander's innocent face.

"Alexander, what happened to you in the past? how can you love Cleopatra, if you know Cleopatra has betrayed you with your stepbrother Edgar? then what are you looking for until you are stranded in this real world?" muttered Carolline as she rubbed the ring that Momy had given her which was powerless before she read the chant.

"Drrrrttt... Drrrrttt... Drrrrttt"

Carolline took his cell phone from her pocket and saw Lucas's name on it.

"Hello, Luc." said Carolline with a heart full of longing.

"Hello dear, you are in college right? I'll wait at the usual place." said Lucas, who had just come from a vacation with his family.

"Okay Luc, see you later." said Carolline and then hung up the phone.