"Carolline, drink this blood ... your life will be saved. I want to help you now! Hurry up and drink this blood Carrolline! before it's too late!" said Lucas while giving his drink to Carolline.

"No, I won't drink it. I don't want Lucas." said Carolline in a muffled cry.

"Carolline if you don't drink this blood, you will die by their hands! My clan and demon clan are already after you!" said Lucas, who was getting ready to fight the demon attack that suddenly appeared under the leadership of Alexander's half-brother Edgar Cimbber. Only Alexander Xavier has the blood of the demon clan and the vampire as the successor of the king in the two world clans.

"I still don't want Lucas! I'd rather die than drink this blood! why don't you just drink it?" said Carolline as he got up from her place to leave immediately. But Lucas quickly sat Carolline back down.

"Carolline, I don't have to drink it, because I'm already a part of them. I want to protect you Carolline! now the vampire clan and demon clan also want you to be theirs." said Lucas looking up at Carolline's face. Lucas could no longer lie and cover up who he really was.

"No wonder! You've changed Lucas! since when did you become a part of them" Carolline asked suddenly feeling dizzy with what happened to her who was always dealing with unnatural humans. Before it was Alexander and now Lucas, and whoever else would come up against her.

"Since I was on vacation and became so sick that I almost died. Because I love you..I want to live, and my parents who had previously been part of them asked for help from the Vampire king and saved my life so I could live eternally like them." Lucas replied honestly as he looked around the garden which was partially filled with several demon clans.

"I have to go home, I'm going crazy over here." said Carolline who was very annoyed with Lucas who had lied to her and didn't come clean from the start.

"Carolline, you can't easily leave here. Everyone here has targeted you. You must drink that blood so that they will no longer pursue your holy blood." Lucas said with a guilty look.

"I told you, until I die I won't drink that blood! I want to go home now, you can take me or not it's up to you!" said Carolline as he got up from her seat.

"Okay, I'll walk you ... but I can't guarantee we'll get out of here!" said Lucas, who hadn't finished talking, there was a demon who was already behind Carrolline getting ready to bite.

"Carolline watch out!!" shouted Lucas, throwing the demon with bacon, pulling Carolline's hand close to him.

"Let's go through there." said Lucas holding Carolline's hand and took him away from the demons and vampires who were fighting each other.

Terrified, Carolline let Lucas take her away.

"Where are you going?" asked Edgar, who suddenly stood before them.

Lucas stopped in his tracks, pulling Carolline behind him.

"You don't go anywhere! stay here!" said Lucas approaching Edgar who is already in the form of a demon.

"Hand over Carolline, I'll let you go!" said Edgar, drawing his sword.

"I'm not leaving, Carolline is only mine and forever mine." said Lucas with his eyes already bright red.

"Okay, if that's what you want!" said Edgar immediately attacking Lucas without giving another chance to counter his attack.

Lucas, who has become part of the Vampire King Nicolas, is not the least bit afraid, even retaliating with an equally sadistic attack.

Carolline took a few steps back, with the fear already shrouding her heart. Carolline ran away from Lucas and Edgar.

No matter how far she ran, Carolline could not find a way out.

While crying Carolline was still running to find a way out.



Three Vampires were standing right in front of her. Carolline stopped her steps with a pale and terrified face.

"Stop you guys! Do not come close!" shouted Carolline, taking a few steps back.

"Huaaahhhhh!!" The three vampires stared intently at Carolline, one of them grinning with fangs, he eyes bright red. With slow steps the three vampires started to approach Carolline.

Carolline grew frightened. Too scared Carolline panicked and did not think about using Rachel's aunt's ring.

Carolline looked left and right to find a way to run. But there isn't the slightest gap there. The three vampires have split into three positions. In front of her, on the left and on the right who were ready to attack her. Carolline turned to the back of the lake that looked quite deep.

Carolline grew more panicked and scared. His eyes were closed tightly when he saw the three vampires getting closer to her.




Several times the sound of slashing swords was heard along with the sound of almost simultaneous screams from the three vampires.

Then it was quiet. Carolline's body gasped when a hand touched her shoulders.

"Aaahhhhh lepassssss!!" shouted Carolline, her eyes still closed.

"Sssttttt... don't scream." whispered someone whose voice was familiar to her ear.

Slowly Carolline opened her eyes and was very surprised by the presence of Alexander who was already in front of her.

"Aleeeexxxxx!!" shouted Carolline who was immediately silenced by Alexander.

"Don't scream and don't move! I will take you away from here! right now I can't fight them because my strength still hasn't recovered." said Alexander in a low voice.

Carolline looked at Alexander's eyes with guilt. Because of her Alexander had to recover in order to become strong again.

"Alexander, Forgive me." said Carolline in a low voice, hugging Alexander's body tightly.

Alexander smiled happily, and returned the hug of Carolline who always warmed his cold body.

"We gotta get out of here Caroll, close your eyes now." said Alexander lifting Carolline's body and carrying her.

Covering Carolline's body with his robe, Alexander carried Carolline away as fast as the night breeze.

"Open your eyes Caroll." whispered Alexander after being in Carolline's room.

Still in Alexander's arms and arms, Carolline opened her eyes slowly.

"Alex, are we in my room?" asked Carolline, still in Alexander's arms and arms.

Carolline looked around the room in disbelief.

Alexander nods his head and smiles.

"Are you still comfortable in my arms?" Alexander asked when he saw Carolline, who still felt at home hugging his neck by resting his head on his chest.

Carolline's face was red.

"Hem ... put me down." said Carolline embarrassedly.

"No." Alexander replied intending to flirt Carolline.

"Why don't you put me down?" asked Carolline, looking full of Alexander's dazzling face.

"I didn't put it down before you kissed me." Alexander replied in a low voice as he stared at Carolline's seductive red lips.