"Come in." said Carolline with a cold look starting to show her courage.

William came into the room and saw Carolline standing some distance away from him.

"Why do you look so hateful to me?" William asked looking full at Carolline's face.

"I can't forgive what you did to Alexander. You know, Alexander almost lost his life because of your cursed poison." said Carolline with an angry look.

"You shouldn't be angry with me. Because with me giving the cursed poison, you and Alexander can know that you are the chosen partner." said William with a serious face.

"What do you mean by talking like that? How do you know that Alexander and I are a choice couple?" Carolline asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Grandmother Queen, once told me that there is a second generation that will replace the previous generation. Two chosen partners who have been chosen by the heavens to become leaders of the immortal world and the human world." said William seriously.