Alexander opened his eyes after a while of sleep. Alexander's face was very shocked after realizing he was sleeping not in Carolline's room.

"Why am I here? Aren't I in the human world resting in Carolline's room? Why am I suddenly here? Who did this?" asked Alexander as he got up from his sleep.

"Carolline! Carolline! are you here calling." Alexander wished Carolline was in his palace too.

But several times Alexander called Carolline, Carolline did not come to his place.

"I can't believe this? Who did this to me? Where is Carolline? And why am I here?!" Alexander asked with my feeling irritated that there was something beyond his ignorance.

Reluctantly Alexander got out of bed and looked for Carolline outside the room.

Outside the room, when Laurent saw Alexander coming down the stairs, he immediately approached him.

"Good morning Prince Alexander." said Laurent as he bowed to Alexander.