Alexander nodded his head then gave the clothes to Carolline to put them on immediately, and he himself also put on his clothes.

After finishing putting on their clothes, Alexander and Carolline walked towards the door to meet King Vansmir and the others.

"Prince Alexander!! You're finally back!" said Commander Laurent as he hugged Alexander.

"Prince Alexander, Princess Carolline, I'm glad you guys are free from the power of the black moon Queen." said the King of Vansmir relieved to see that Alexander and Carolline were fine.

"Thank you Commander Laurent, King of Vansmir, Prince William, Yero, Lucas, because of all of you I can be here. You all are truly a true friend." said Alexander with a happy smile to see all his friends, especially to see Carolline again.

"Carolline." Lucas called then hugged Carolline tightly without caring about the other's eyes.