Community Service

"Man this place is ugly" Izuku said looking at the beach

"There's trash everywhere and as far the eye could see, holy shit. What the fuck has the local government do?" Izuku ask confuse then he look around

"Absolutely nothing" Izuku said disappointed at the local government lack of action to handle the situation

"Well better get moving" Izuku said smiling as he roll back his sleeve then grab some trash


Izuku with a little struggling drag a massive fridge from the ocean to the stairs

Izuku lift a cabinet with his back while carrying 2 chairs in his hands

Izuku wear multiple tires across his body while running around the beach

Izuku do a dash across the beach then parkour his way pass a massive pile of trash

Izuku swim in the ocean with a weigh attach on him, he then dive for a full minute before resurfacing

Izuku in his apartment cleaning his Beretta 92F pistol, he was then studying late night with his laptop

Izuku is down in the beach firing his M416 assault rifle, shooting down targets with pinpoint accuracy

Izuku training in the beach with his guns, sweeping the trash filled beach. He threw a flashbang before he enter the makeshift room, shooting down the "enemies" before clearing the next room

The rest of the montage showed Izuku studying, jogging, push up, sit up, swimming, shooting

Montage end

Izuku is walking down the street with a shopping bag in both of his hands "Hmm it's been what? 8 months already and both my training and the beach is getting better, luckily nobody press any charges because of the guns sound. It was a quiet neighborhood after all" Izuku said walking down the street towards a tunnel

He then enter a tunnel when suddenly his radar show an unknown dot right behind him, he stop before jump to the right evading a slimy tentacle trying to capture him

"Hooo, nobody has able to evade my surprise attack before" The Sludge villain said as he get down from the tunnel ceiling

"Well there's a first for everyone" Izuku said calmly as he get up drop his shopping bag and face the villain

"Heh, it doesn't matter. Just stay still and let me get inside you" The Sludge villain said as he jump to Izuku

"Okay now that's gross and sounds wrong" Izuku said as he evade the Sludge villain attempt to catch him

The Sludge villain launch his tentacles to Izuku only for Izuku to evade easily. Izuku try to grab his pistol in his back waist but decided not to

"Would you... just... stay... still!" The Sludge villain yell as he try to catch Izuku only to fail every single time

'Every part of his body is literally liquid, shit! I can't hit or shoot him. Wait... his eyes are...' Izuku though as he evade the Sludge villain attack when suddenly a manhole blast open to the sky making both the Sludge villain and Izuku to stop and look back at the manhole with curiosity and confusion

"Fear not young man, you're safe, why?... because I AM HERE!" All Might said as he came out of the sewer

'Wait... did he just came out of the sewer?... he can't smell good' Izuku though confuse and disgust

"Oh no" The sludge villain said terrified as he take a step back before he try to attack All Might with his tentacles only for the hero to dodge and counter

"TEXAS...! SMASH!!!" All Might roar as he punch the air making a massive and fast wind pressure, the wind pressure hit and disintegrate the Sludge villain while Izuku get down trying to take cover

"Motherfuck!" Izuku curse as the wind pressure pass him and hit the Sludge villain

As the wind die down the Sludge villain is spatter around the tunnel, Izuku gets up then look around when All Might approach him

"You okay, young man?" All Might ask Izuku

"Holy shit..." Izuku said stunned by what he sees

"Language" All Might said sternly making Izuku look at him with a "what the fuck" face

Izuku rolled his eye then get up "Yeah, I'm good. Though next time make sure the one you're trying to save is not in the line of fire when you do that, I almost blown away by that" Izuku said as he dust himself

"HAHAHA, sorry young..." All Might laugh

"Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya" Izuku introduce himself

"Sorry Young Midoriya, but I have to take him down quickly" All Might said as he grab a soda bottle and start putting the Sludge villain in it

'Well that is... unique' Izuku though seeing the unique/creative arresting method

"Well thank you, Young Midoriya for stalling the villain long enough for me to arrest him" All Might thank Izuku who is helping All Might putting the Sludge villain inside a soda bottle

"Not a problem, sir. I'm not sure I can take him down myself with the quirk I have" Izuku reply

"Hooo, may I know what is your quirk, Young Midoriya?" All Might ask Izuku with curiosity

"Classified beyond top secret and need to know only" izuku answer calmly making All Might confuse

"You can't be serious" All Might said confuse with Izuku's answer

"If I gonna tell you, sir. Then I have to kill you after" Izuku answer pointing All Might with a finger gun

"Ooookayyy... well let me take him to the police station! Sorry, but pros are constantly fighting not just villain, but also time!" All Might said before he prepare himself then jump high in the sky moving away from Izuku's line of sight

"...Well that was something" Izuku said before he move back to the tunnel to grab his shopping bag only to see nothing on the tunnel making him confuse

"Huh? I'm sure I put it down th..." Izuku said before he realize something


"Motherfuck!" Izuku curse as the wind pressure pass him and hit the Sludge villain also making his shopping bag flying to God knows where

(Flashback end)

Izuku fall on the ground in a very dramatic way then look up and scream "God damn you, All Might!" Izuku curse

Izuku get back up and grumble "Just great! I spend 200 bucks on that! Sigh... I guess I'll go back to the store" He said as he go back to the store downhearted


"Damn that was close" All Might said wiping his mouth from blood as he fly thru the air

"I almost out of time, but luckily, Young Midoriya help me capture this guy. Now just get him to the police station and the rela..."All Might said before he check his pocket where he put the Sludge villain in

He look at the pocket only to find it empty "SHIT!!!" All Might curse then he landed on a roof and check every pocket on his pants and find the bottle is nowhere to be find

"Don't tell me... I lost the bottle while flying in the air?!" All Might yell in fear as he spew some blood from his mouth


"Okay, I still have uh... 50 bucks. Sigh... I need to be economical on this one or I wouldn't ha-" Izuku mumble when he was cut by a large explosion from the market place

"What the hell? Gas leak? Or an attack?! Damn!" Izuku said then he run to the market place and see the place is on fire

"What the fu-