We All Have Motivation

3 days later in the middle of a city

"This is a follow-up report on yesterday's incident at the U.A. rescue training facility where hero course students were attacked by villains. According to police investigation, the criminals call themselves "The League of Villains" and have been plotting to kill All Might, who has been a teacher at U.A. since spring of this year. Police have arrested 72 villains with 13 are dead, but the whereabouts of the ringleader is currently unknown" A female news anchor reported the news on the a giant TV in the side of a building

UA High School

"The police have investigated the group calling themselves "The League of Villains" and there does not appear to be anyone registered with the name Shigaraki, in his 20s or 30s with a quirk that lets him disintegrate whatever he touches. It's the same with the villain called Kurogiri with the Warp Gate. They are probably not citizens and are using false names. In other words, they are people with unregistered quirks who part of the society's underbelly" Tsukauchi explain in front of UA teachers and Principal Nezu

"You mean, we don't know anything" Vlad King stated angrily

"We must hurry, once their ringleader, Shigaraki's gun wounds heal, they'll definitely try again. It'll be a pain" Snipe claim

"Their ringleader, huh?" All Might wonder

"What is it, All Might?" Nezu ask All Might

"It was a bold attack that normal people wouldn't carry out even if they though of it. To suddenly go on and on with his wild statement like that. although he didn't reveal his own quirk, he bragged about that Nomu's quirk. And when things didn't go the way he wanted, he was visibly upset. Well, the incident with the quirk was to also force my hand, but..." All Might explain before he lay back oh his chair while holding his chin

"Even so, it was foolish to throw away the advantage of having unknown quirks when fighting against heroes." Nezu claim with Tsukauchi nod in agreement

"He made immature, wild statement with a straight face. He bragged about his possession. He though everything would simply go his way. Adding that to what I saw of him when he carried out the attack, the picture I get of Shigaraki is someone who hasn't gotten rid of his childish sense of omnipotence, a man child" All Might explain surprising the other teachers

"A child with power?" Vlad King ask surprise

"Could it be that he never received the quirk counseling every child gets in elementary school?" Midnight commented

"Well, what does that have to do with everything?" Snipe ask

"There were 72 villains arrested and 13 dead the other day at USJ. They were all small-timers that lurked in back alleys. But the problem is how they all agreed with that man-child and followed him. In the current environment saturated with heroes, villainous people who have been oppressed may be drawn to that kind of simple-minded evil" Stukauchi explain

"That's true" Vlad king agree

"There are plenty of people who don't know what to do with their quirks" Snipe stated

"This is alarming, though" Mindnight said worried

"Tsukauchi" All Might call him

"What is it All Might?" Tsukauchi reply

"... how many died?" All Might ask looking to his feet

"13" Tsukauchi reply

"I know Young Midoriya is unique, but I never though he is able to kill people..." All Might said worried

"I know we shouldn't agree with his terms, Nezu. He's too dangerous" Vlad King claim

"I know, but he does use those weapon to protect his classmate and because of that he able to contact us, and even if I don't agree with the terms I couldn't reject it, his terms came from the General of The Army himself. He has more power then me" Nezu explain

"But I agree that we need to keep an eye for Midoriya, he has more combat skill then any of us including All Might, he is dangerous but with the right guidance he'll be a fine asset to the heroes" Nezu added

"Lets continue" Nezu told Tsukauchi who nod

"Thanks to you heroes that we are able to devote ourselves to our investigation. We'll expect our search network and continue to assist in arresting the perpetrators" Tsukauchi finish his report

"A man-child... in some sense, he's like our students. He still has room to grow. If there someone capable backing him, trying to cultivate his malice" Nezu said concern

'I don't want to think about what could happen' All Might though worried

Midoriya's apartment

Izuku is slowly peeling off the bandages on his face "Fuck... my face" He curse as he peel off the last bandage

"That damn Nomu, I was lucky that I survived an All Might level punch to the face" Izuku mumble as he rub his cheek

"Sigh... all right, lets see what we got" Izuku said then he grab his phone and exit his bedroom

"School is close, obviously, 72 villains arrested with 13 death not included the Nomu. But man, how the fuck is the Nomu able to survived 30 rounds to the brain and All might punches? Guess regeneration is no joke" Izuku said as he walk to the living room

"... third day of school... ever since I came to that school I've been facing death much more often than an actual mission. I mean entrance exam nearly crushed by a giant robot, second day an explosion to the face, and the third day an All Might level punch to the face plus electrocution" Izuku said then he lay down on the sofa

"If this continue I might looking for an early retirement and I'm not even graduated yet" Izuku said sighing

Izuku then look at his new assault rifle on the table, he think for a bit then get up and grab the rifle

"Ah fuck this. If I die, I die simple as that" Izuku said as he disassemble the rifle and check it's condition

Next day, UA High School

"Nee, nee, did you watch the news last night?" Toru ask curious

"Yeah" Ojiro reply

"Did you see how everyone in our class was on-screen for a second? I didn't stand out at all..." Toru said depress

"That's true" Shoji reply surprising Ojiro

"It's hard to stand out looking like that, huh?" Ojiro wonder as he imagine a floating gloves between the 1A's girls

"But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it" Kaminari claim

"I was surprise" Kirishima agree

"Can you blame them? The hero course that keeps pumping out pro heroes was attacked" Jirou commented

"Who knows what would've happened if the teachers hadn't come when they did" Sero said nervously

"Or Midoriya lose before he contacted UA" Krishima added

"Stop that, Sero, Kirishima! Just thinking about it's making me wet myself-" Mineta yell but Bakugou cut him

"Shut up! Be quiet, scum!" Bakugou yell annoyed making Mineta scared while Izuku just sit in his chair massaging his face

"But man. All Might was great. He pushed back those crazy strong villains" Sato claim as he punch the air

"Yes, his strength is worth wondering at" Tokoyami agree

"Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" Iida ordered in front of the class

"We're already in our seats" Kirishima said

"You're the only one who's not" Sero added

"For fuck sake, Iida, sit down and shut up" Izuku ordered him sternly

"Shoot!" Iida said as he sit down embarrassed

"Don't worry about it" Uraraka assure him

"Tsu, who's gonna teach homeroom today?" Mina ask Asui who is behind her

"Well, Mr. Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries" Asui reply

"Doubt" Izuku simply said making others look at him

"What do you mean doubt, Midoriya?" Uraraka ask confuse

"I am more injured that that sleep derived teacher and yet I'm sitting here with you all, so I'm pretty sure Aizawa will arrive in 3... 2... 1..." Izuku stated then he point the door

Soon Aizwa open the door and greet "Morning" He said

(Since Aizawa's injuries is not as severe as the canon one, he did not use the mummy bandages across his face and hands)

"Mr. Aizawa!" The class yell surprise

"So you're all right, Mr. Aizawa?" Iida ask raising his hand

"My well-being doesn't matter, besides someone take more hits than I did" Aizawa said looking at Izuku

"Thanks" Izuku said sarcastically

"More importantly, the fight is not yet over..." Aizawa continue

"Fight?" Bakugou wonder excited

"Don't tell me..." Kaminari said worried

"The villains again...?!" Mineta yell terrified

"... the U.A. sports festival is drawing near" Aizawa finish

"The school festival!" The class yell excited

"That's a super normal school event-" Kirishima yell excited but suddenly Kaminari push his face

"Wait a minute!" Kaminari yell

"Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jirou ask concern

"What if they attack us again or something...?" Ojiro added

"Apparently, they think of it as U.A. showing that our crisis management system is rock solid by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to 5 times that of previous years" Aizawa explain

'Heroes in the light plus Ranger Corp Special Forces in the shadows' Izuku though

"Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains" Aizawa explain

"But that's a good reason, isn't it? It's just a festival of sports" Mineta said terrified

'How the hell did you able to enter the hero course in the first place?' Izuku though annoyed

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the U.A. sports festival" Aizawa finish explaining

"Of course, all the top heroes around the country will be watching. For scouting purposes" Yaoyorozu explain with pumping her hand

"I know that" Mineta said

"After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick" Kaminari explain with a thumbs up

"A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekick, though. Kaminari, I feel you'd be one of them. Since you're dumb" Jirou argue and mock Kaminari

"Ugh... that wasn't very plus ultra of you, Jirou" Kaminari argue but Jirou ignore him

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. Time is limited, if you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year, a total of just three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!" Aizawa finish explaining and encourage them

"Yes, sir!" The class comply

"Ooh rah!" Izuku comply

"Homeroom is dismissed" Aizawa said then he exit the classroom

Timeskip to lunch break

"Even though all that stuff happened, I'm getting really excited!" Kirishima claim excited

"If we put on a good show and stand out, we'll have taken the first step to becoming a pro!" Sero agree

"It was worth coming to U.A." Sato claim proudly as he slam his hand together

"We will only receive a few chances. We cannot afford to miss this" Tokoyami claim

"Ojiro, I'm getting kind of nervous now. I need to stand out at the sports festival!" Toru said as she jump up and down in front of Ojiro's desk

"But the pro might not notice you unless you try really hard" Ojiro reply

"Oh dear, what'll I do? I stand out just by standing still, so the scout won't be able to stop looking at me, right?" Aoyama claim near Koda who is confuse then nod frantically

"You're lucky, Shoji. Your brawn stand out on it's own" Kaminari praise Shoji

"There's no point if I cannot show them my usefulness" Shoji argue

"Looks like everyone are pumping up" Izuku said calmly

"And you're not? We have enrolled here to become heroes, so of course we would get fired up!" Iida exclaim with a very unique was of fired up

"Iida, you have a unique way of getting fired up. It's weird" Asui claim a little creep out

"I second that" Izuku agree with the frog girl

"Midoriya, don't you feel the same?" Iida ask

"Not really, you remember that I didn't want to be a hero, but this is a nice way of training against many odds" Izuku reply

"Midoriya, Iida... let's do our bast at the sports festival" Uraraka said with a very serious and a little dark expression

"U-Uraraka, your face...! It's..." Iida said surprise by her face

"... somebody get a holy water, looks like Uraraka is possessed" Izuku said sweatdropping at Uraraka's "dark" expression

"What's the matter? You don't look carefree at all, even though that's what your name means" Mina said confuse

Mineta about to say something but Asui slap him with her tongue

"Everyone, I'm gonna do my best!" Uraraka yell with her fist in the air

"Yeah!" Some people cheer with her

Uraraka turn around then yell "I'm gonna do my best!" She yell

"Y-yeah..." Kirishima said sweatdropping

"What's wrong? Your personality's all over the place" Sero said sweatdropping

"Seriously, somebody get a holy water, now" Izuku said again confuse of Uraraka's expression

'The hell got into this girl? Hmm... there is one thing I want to ask her' Izuku though then he Look at Uraraka again

'Did she hit her head or something?' Izuku though sweatdropping

In the way to the cafeteria

"Uraraka" Izuku call her

"Yes?" Uraraka reply

"Why did you came here? Why do you want to be a hero?" Izuku ask her

"Huh? Um... because..."Uraraka said nervously

"For money? Your motivation is money?" Izuku ask confuse

"To boil it down simply, yes..." Uraraka answer bashfully

"Sorry it's such an unwholesome reason. You two have such admirable motivations, it's embarrassing" Uraraka said embarrassed

"You forget the fact that I do not have any motivation to become a hero, but I guess we all have motivation, whatever it is" Izuku reply

"How is having a goal to support your livelihood not admirable?" Iida assure

"Yeah, though I'm sure money is not your real endgame, so what is it?" Izuku ask again

"My family owns a construction company, but we haven't gotten any work at all, so we're flat broke. This isn't really something to tell other people, though..." Uraraka explain as she play with her hair

"Construction?" Iida wonder

"She could basically lift any material from one place to another, that alone will cut the heavy lifting cost to almost zero" Izuku explain to Iida

"That's right! She could make any raw material float. They wouldn't need any heavy lifting equipment" Iida agree

"Right?! That's what I told my dad when I was little!" Uraraka yell knowing the two understand her reasoning

"But, my dad said "As your dad, I'd be happier if you could achieve your dream" I'll definitely become a hero and make money and let my parents take it easy" Uraraka declare with determination

"Then I have your back" Izuku claim smiling surprising Uraraka

"Y-you're fine with my motivation?" Uraraka ask dumbfounded

"Like I said, we all have motivation, whatever it is" Izuku reply smiling

"Midoriya..." Uraraka said with a teary eyes

"Bravo!" Iida yell as he clap his hands surprising Izuku and Uraraka

"Bravo! Bravo, Uraraka! Bravo!" Iida claim

Izuku and Uraraka look at each other then laugh

Suddenly there is a booming laughter coming towards them

"HAHAHA!!! YOUNG MIDORIYA IS HERE!!!" All Might yell as he pointed Izuku

"The hell? Uh... did you need something, sir?" Izuku ask confuse

"Lunch. Wanna eat together?" All Might ask as he bring out his launch

"He's like a maiden!" Uraraka laugh

Izuku lean to Iida "Is this just me, or did All Might just act like a child kidnapper?" Izuku ask Iida

"Midoriya! That is highly inappropriate and disrespectful! But... I have to agree with you" Iida scold but eventually and reluctantly agree with Izuku

"How about it?" All Might ask again

"Uh... yeah, sure, I'll see you two later" Izuku accepted the offer then walk to All Might

'What did he want from me?' Izuku though confuse

Inside the Cafeteria

"I wonder what he wanted with Midoriya" Uraraka wonder

"Maybe it's because he is the only one who fight the villains during the USJ incident, and he help All Might in the last second even though he was injured" Iida concluded

"Oh yeah" Uraraka agree

In front of them Todoroki is silently listening to their conversation

'All Might... and Izuku Midoriya..." Todoroki though

Teacher's lounge

"So, I know you didn't drag me here only to ask me for lunch, so what is it?" Izuku ask as he sit down to a chair

"I'M SORRY!!!" All Might apologize with bowing down surprising Izuku

"Uh... what?" Izuku said confuse

"I'm sorry, Young Midoriya, because of my stupidity you have to suffer" All Might apologize

"Whoa, whoa okay now Mr. Symbol of Peace what happen the other day is not your fault, We have no idea that a villain will attack the school in the first place, what happen to me is their fault not yours" Izuku assure All Might

"Still as a teacher, I failed my job" All Might said feeling guilty

"No, you did not failed your job, you save the class, you save 22 people inside that building, All Might" Izuku assure

"But you almost die, that alone showed me that I fai-" All Might argue but Izuku cut him

"Don't blame yourself. Sigh, if I'm being honest I have do some mission in the past, so this is not the first time I've been dancing with death" Izuku confess surprising All Might

"What do you mean mission?" All Might ask confuse

"I am part of the Ranger Corp and I been doing some Black Ops in the past, though these past 2 days is the closest I've been to death" Izuku explain and chuckle in the last part

"A near dead experience is not laughable, Young Midoriya" All Might reprimanded

"We all handle life or death situation differently" Izuku simply said

"Still, I'm sorry" All Might apologize again

"It's okay, but is it all? There's still something you want, right?" Izuku ask

"Yes, we have decided to ask help from you to-" All Might explain but Izuku cut him

"To work as security detail during the sports fest?" Izuku cut All Might surprising him

"You know?" All Might ask

"We know, All Might, even if you didn't ask us the Ranger Corp has send a team of Special Forces to protect the sports fest, the heroes protect on the open and the SF form the shadows" Izuku explain

"That's good to hear, and one more thing. During the sports festival you can only carry 1 weapon and 1 weapon only, and if you're using guns then don't use real bullets" All Might explain Izuku's situation

"Roger, I'll keep that in mind. Is that all?" Izuku reply then ask

"Yes, that is all" All Might confirm

"Well then, let's eat" Izuku said then he grab an MRE

"You eat that?" All might wondered

"Yes, sir. Despite what it looks like, the food is quite good" Izuku said as he grab a stew hamburger MRE

"Okay... can I try?" All Might ask curious

Izuku smile "Sure" He reply