A Grim Past

In one of the small hallway Izuku and Todoroki are inside there staring at each other

"So what do you want?" Izuku ask as he cross his arms

But Todoroki just keep staring at Izuku

"You gonna talk or not?" Izuku ask starting to get annoyed but Todoroki still silent

"I guess you became deaf and mute now" Izuku said as he leaving Todoroki

"I was overwhelm" Todoroki suddenly said making Izuku stop and look back

"So much so that I broke my pledge" Todoroki continue

"I beg your pardon?" Izuku ask

"I Pledge to never use it, but you force me to in brief moment" Todoroki said as he look at his left arm

"Your pledge will kill you, and others as well" Izuku said making Todoroki glare him

"I won't kill someone, not with "his" quirk" Todoroki snarl

"You got it wrong. I'm not saying you will kill someone with your fire, but you will let someone die by not using it" Izuku explain confusing Todoroki

"How not using it could make me led someone dead?" Todoroki ask glaring Izuku

"What if someone is trapped under an ice and your right side is damage, you can't use your ice and since you pledge to never use your fire you did not use it, even though you know your fire could save that someone" Izuku explain making Todoroki angry

"That would not happen" Todoroki said angrily

"The possibility is not zero either" Izuku said calmly

"I will never use "his" fire" Todoroki said angrily

"Like I said before this whole competition started, if you intentionally hold back in front of your enemies you'll die, I know it too well" Izuku explain

"Too well? What do you mean?" Todoroki ask confuse about the last part

"I had friend, he's not using his quirk for a reason, I always told him to use it but keep declining, even when the situation calls for it... he still refuse to use his quirk, it cost him his life" Izuku explain stunning Todoroki

"That will not happen to me, never" Todoroki declare

"I failed to save and lost my friend once, I will not let it happen again" Izuku declare

"I'm not your friend" Todoroki said

"We'll see about that" Izuku simply said

"Sigh, Endeavor's my old man. I'm sure you know that he's been stuck as the number two hero for forever" Todoroki change the subject of conversation

"Believe in this one, I'm glad he's stay that way till his retirement" Izuku claim surprising Todoroki

"What do you mean?" Todoroki ask confuse but rather glad and happy

"He and I, or to be precise the Ranger Corp has crossed path before, and because of his fucking ego and stupidity! He almost make our mission failed, but that's not the worst part. He killed 3 of my men" Izuku explain with anger, hate, and venom on his voice

This shocked Todoroki a lot, his so called "father" killed 3 soldiers?

"Wait what? He kill your men?" Todoroki ask in shock

"Technically he didn't directly killed them, but his actions let to a chain reactions that makes 3 of my men dead. I can't tell you about the detail, but he is the only hero inside the Ranger Corp's "shit list" you should be proud on that one" Izuku explain and smirk on the last one

"Yeah, I do" Todoroki reply smiling

"So, about that flaming piece of shit, what do you want to talk about?" Izuku ask

"Right, as a hero, he won a name for himself with crushing force. Because of that, the living legend, All Might, is a great eyesore to him. Since he couldn't surpass All Might, he move onto his next plan" Todoroki explain confusing Izuku

"Next plan?" Izuku ask confuse

"You've heard of quirks marriage, right?" Todoroki ask

"... I don't like where this is going" Izuku said realizing what Todoroki's intention

"So you know, that thing became a problem for the second and third generations after superpowers appeared. Choosing a spouse based only on strengthening your own quirk and passing it onto your children, forcing people into marriage. The old-fashioned way of thinking brought about by lack of ethics. He is a man with both accomplishments and money. He won over my mother's relative and get a hold on my mother's quirk. He is still trying to fulfill his own desire by raising me to be a hero to surpass All Might" Todoroki explain

'I am very killing that piece of crap now' Izuku though angrily

"It's so annoying. I won't become the tool of scum like that" Todoroki stated angrily

"In my memories, my mother is always crying. "Your left side is unsightly" my mother said as she poured boiling water on me" Todoroki said as he put his left hand on his scar, this make Izuku a little shocked

'We knew... we knew... we knew about the abuse, the domestic violence, everything, but... that asshole has bought the right people so this never investigated further. That... asshole...' Izuku gritted his teeth in anger

"Basically, I picked a fight with you to show him what I can do, without using my damn old man's quirk... no... I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it" Todoroki declare with anger

Todoroki then walk away "I don't care what are you capable of with or without your weapons. I'll rise above you with just my right side. Sorry for wasting your time" Todoroki declare

'He and Kei are not really that different, but both of us agree that Endeavor is someone you can take inspiration from. Despite that, I will not let someone die by their own stupidity again, not like Kei. So either you like it or not Todoroki Shoto, I will save you from the darkness that hold you back, and by the end of this competition, you will use you fire' Izuku mentally declare


"Now that launch is over, it's finally time to reveal the last game! But before that, there's good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals! This is just a sports festival! So we've prepared recreational games that everyone can participate in, too!" Present Mic announce as the students are getting back to the field

"We've even brought real cheerleaders from America to liven things up!" Present Mic added as the cheerleaders are cheering

"Huh?" Aizawa ask confuse as he see something unbelievable for him

"What's the matter, Class A? What kind of fan service is that?" Present Mic ask as the 1A's girls are wearing a cheerleaders outfit but also looking depressed

Nearby Kaminari and Mineta giving each other thumbs up

"Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us, didn't you?!" Yaoyorozu yell angrily at the two pervert

Yaoyorozu fall to her knees "Why am I always caught up in Mineta's schemes? I even use creation to make the outfits..." Yaoyorozu ask herself depressed

Uraraka then get down and pat her back

"Those guys are so dumb!" Jirou yell angrily as she throw away her pom pom

"Well, there's still time before the finals, and it'd be pain if things got tense. It's fine! Let's do it!" Toru yell then she move her arm around

"What?!" Jirou ask surprise

"Toru, you like this, huh?" Asui ask

"What in God's name are you girls wearing?" Izuku ask the girls as he enter the field

The girls look at Izuku with frighten expression

"Midoriya!" Uraraka yell before she realize what is she wearing then cover herself "I-it wasn't like you think! We're not like that!" Uraraka yell embarrassed

"It's those two isn't it?" Izuku ask pointing the two perverts who still thumbing up at each others

"Yeah, it's those two" Asui confirm izuku's suspicion

"I'll be right back" Izuku said then he walk to the two perverts

Izuku approach Mineta and Kaimnari then grab both of their necks "You two have something to say?" Izuku ask the two

Mineta and Kaminari are surprise at first but Mineta answer "I don't know what are you talking about"

"Same, I'm just enjoying the view" Kaminari reply glancing at the girls

Izuku tighten his grip "You two have something to say?" Izuku ask again

"Uhh, Midoriya... it hurts..." Mineta said as he touch his neck

"Uhh yeah, ease up will ya?" Kaminari agree

Izuku tighten his grip again "You two have something to say?" Izuku ask a third time with some anger on this one

"We don't k-" Kaminari about to say but Izuku tighten his grip once again

"You two have something to say?" Izuku ask with a full anger this time, making the two perverts sweating bullets

"C-calm d-down-" Mineta try to calm Izuku but Izuku now completely choking the two perverts

"You two have something to say?" Izuku ask with a full blown killer aura surprising the people around him

"AHHHHHHHH!!! I'M SORRY!!! I'M SORRY!!! WE WON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!" Both Mineta and Kaminari apologize while screaming like a bitch

"Good" Izuku reply then he release the two, Mineta and Kaminari drop to the ground, sliding away from Izuku before running away like a bitch

"Thank you!" Uraraka thanked Izuku while bowing down with the girls behind her giving a nod or thumbs up

"Not a problem, now if you wanted to go change, though..." Izuku reply then he look at Uraraka from up to bottom

"... you look cute" Izuku told her smiling before walking away

Uraraka just stand there trying to process what she just hear, a minute goes by then Uraraka started to blush

'W-w-wait, did M-Midoriya just called me c-c-cute?!' Uraraka though embarrassed

Mina hear this then smirk 'Oooo, what's this?' Mina though interested


"Let's agree to be careful with our plans, especially around Midoriya" Kaminari whisper

"Yeah, I really though he'll kill us" Mineta reply

"Oh I will if you two keep behaving like this" Izuku said as he is suddenly standing behind the two perverts

Mineta and Kaminari tense up then slowly turn their heads and see Izuku behind them arm crossed looking angry

"Uhh... hi...?" Kaminari said frighten

"Let's have a little "talk" shall we?" Izuku told the two as he drag them away

At this that Mineta and Kaminari knew, they fucked up


"All right, everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games!" Present Mic announce then the screen show ranking bracket

"When that's over, the 16 from the 4 teams that made it to the final round will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one!" Present Mic announce making the audience cheer out in excitement

"The last round is a tournament where we fight one-on-one, huh?" Kirishima ask as he look at the screen

"I'm gonna stand on these stage that I watch every year on TV!" Kirishima yell excited

"Was it a tournament last year?" Mina ask

"It's different every year, but there's a on-on-one competition every year. Last year, it was a sports chanbara match" Sero explain

"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket" Midnight announce as she is holding the lots box

"Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games. The 16 finalist can choose whether or not they want to participate in the recreation. I'm sure of you want to rest or to save your strength" Midnight explain

"Now, from the first place team-" Midnight about to walk to the first team when Ojiro raise his hand

"Um...! Excuse me" Ojiro said making Midnight stop

"I'm withdrawing" Ojiro said making the whole students gasp

"Ojiro?" Izuku ask confuse

"This is a rare chance for pros to see you" Iida reminded

"I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until almost the end. I think it was that guy's quirk" Ojiro explain

'That guy? Wait, who's Ojiro team up with?' Izuku though as he scan the students

"I know that this is a great chance and that it's foolish to waste it. But... everyone here competed by giving their all. I can't... I can't be up here with everyone without knowing what really happened" Ojirou explain downheartedly

"You're worrying too much about it! You should just make sure you produce results in the finals!" Toru reassure

"If you're gonna say that, I didn't do anything either" Mina claim

"That's not it... I'm talking about my pride here... I can't..." Ojiro explain

"Also, why are you girls wearing cheerleader outfits?" Ojiro added making the girls look down in embarrassment

"I'm Nirengeki Shoda from Class B. I also want to withdraw for the same reason. Regardless of ability, don't you think it goes against the goal of this sports festival for those who didn't do anything to move onto the final round?" Shoda stated

"What's with these guys?! They're so manly!" Kirishima yell crying manly tears

"This is an unusual turn of events. We'll have to see what the chief umpire, Midnight, has to say about this" Aizawa announce

"Youthful talk like that is something... I like! Shoda! Ojiro! I accept your withdrawal!" Midnight announce

'She decided based on her tastes...!' The students though sweatdropping

Aoyama put his hand on Ojiro's shoulder "I'm going to do it, okay?" Aoyama claim

"In that case, we'll have to move up two people from the fifth place cavalry battle team... "Midnight announce

The team in question is Team Kendo

"If that's what's going to happen, then rather than us, who barely did anything during the cavalry battle, it should be than, right?" Kendo claim with her teammates agree

"The ones who fought to the end and stayed in the top, Team Tetsutetsu, right?" Kendo claim looking at Team Tetsutetsu

"Kendo...!" Tetsutetsu yell surprise

"This isn't collusion or anything. It's just makes sense" Kendo claim smiling

"Y-you guys...!" Tetsutetsu yell before crying

"And so, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki have moved up to make 16! This is the bracket based on the results of the drawing!" Midnight announce as the names are shown

Tetsutetsu vs Kirishima

"Again?! This is too redundant!" Both hardening boys complain

Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu

"I'll give it my all" Tokoyami claim

"Th-that's what I want!" Yaoyorozu stated

Ashido vs Aoyama

"Merci. Too bad you got me as your opponent" Aoyama claim blinking

"You mean, too lucky!" Mina corrected

Shinso vs Midoriya

'Shinso... he's Ojiro's cavalry teammate, hmm...' Izuku though then his radar spotted someone approaching him from behind

"It's you, isn't it? Izuku Midoriya" Shinso said as he is behind Izuku

Izuku turn towards Shinso while raising his eyebrow

'He's the one who declare war 2 week ago, so his name is Shinso, eh?' Izuku though looking at Shinso

"looking forward to the first match" Shinso told Izuku

Izuku just look at Shinso not responding to what he said, Shinso then left

'I still on the dark on his quirk, though' Izuku though

Todoroki vs Sero

'It'll be sooner than I expected... come, Midoriya. I'll defeat you with this hand' Todoroki mentally declare

Uraraka vs Bakugou

"Huh? Uraraka?" Bakugou ask confuse

"Hiiiiiiiii!" Uraraka trembling in fear

Iida vs Hatsume

"Are you Iida?" Hatsume ask as she approach Iida

"Hm? Indeed, I am Iida" Iida confirm

"Oh good! Actually..." Hatsume yell

"All right! Let's leave the tournament aside for a momentary interlude! Let's have fun with the recreation!" Present Mic announce as fireworks lit up in the sky

"All right!" The 1A's girls yell as they're cheering off

"The first is the scavenger hunt!" Present Mic announce as the students are flipping the cards then search what they need


Cementos is creating the battle arena "Okay, it's pretty much done" Cementos said as he finish his job

"Thank you, Cementos! Hey guys, are you ready?!" Present Mic ask the audience then the audience reply with cheers

"A lot's happened, but it's time now come to this! A serious battle! You can only depend on yourself! Even if you're not a hero, you'll face lots of situations like that! You get it, right? Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge. Use all of that to rush up!" Present Mic announce

Izuku is inside the tunnel preparing himself then he remember his conversation with All Might earlier


"Young Midoriya!" All Might call Izuku who is sitting in a chair inside the halls

"All Might, sir, what do you need?" Izuku ask as he get up

"About your weapons" All Might said

"What with it?" Izuku ask

"It's just I already told you that you could only bring one weapon only and if you're using a gun then it cannot be loaded with real bullets" All Might reminded

"Ah, yeah, you did said that 2 weeks ago" Izuku remember

"Then why you're using two weapons and real bullets?" All Might ask

"2 weeks ago I only said "I'll keep that in mind" I didn't say wilco to it" Izuku reply making All Might facepalm

"This is serious, Young Midoriya" All Might look at Izuku disappointed

"Sigh, okay, but since I don't carry rubber bullet with me I'll use the knife, and don't worry I won't kill" Izuku claim

"Good then" All Might reply smiling

Flashback over

Izuku grab his knife 'Knife plus martial arts with experience vs quirks, let's see who win' Izuku though then he sheath his knife back

"Audience! The finals that you've all been waiting for are finally starting!" Present Mic announce making the audience cheer up

"Match number one!" Present Mic announce then the screen show Izuku and Shinso

"He's the one who break through all obstacle with courage, bravery, skill, determination, and weapons! From the hero course, Izuku Midoriya! Versus-" Present Mic announce as Izuku walk out of the tunnel with his game face on

"Sorry, he hasn't done anything to stand out yet! From the general studies, Hitoshi Shinso!" Present Mic announce as Shinso walk out from the tunnel

"Rules are simple. Force your opponents out of bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say, "I give up!" Bring on the injuries! Because we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! Put your moral and ethics aside for a moment! But of course, anything life-threatening is crap! It's not allowed! Heroes should only use their fists to catch villains!" Present Mic announce the rules as Izuku and Shinso is above the battle arena

"I'll stop things if they go too far" Cementos stated as he sit on the sidelines

"Ready?! Start!" Present Mic announce

As Izuku about to run towards Shinso, Shinso talk

"Nice day, isn't it?" Shinso ask confusing Izuku

"It's a good day to fight, right?" Shinso ask again

Izuku walk towards Shinso "What the fuck a..." Izuku reply but suddenly he stop talking and walking also look kinda dead

"I win" Shinso smirk

"Ahhhh! I should've warned him!" Ojiro curse himself

"Hey! Hey! What's up?! It's the important first match! Liven things up!" Present Mic announce while Uraraka and Iida are worried

"Midoriya! The match just started and he's become completely frozen?!" Present Mic announce