
Tatooin Station, 2 days after the sports festival

It was raining outside, and some large screen TV display parts of the sports festival a few days ago. Izuku is riding a packed train to school

Izuku is standing near the door, looking outside with some military though in mind when someone called him

"Excuse me... excuse me! Midoriya from the hero class!" A passenger call Izuku making the nearby passenger to look at Izuku

"Huh?" Izuku ask confuse as he look at the calling passenger

"Good job at the sports festival! Your strength is incredible!" The passenger claim

"Wait, Midoriya as in Izuku Midoriya? The winner of the U.A. sports festival?" A passenger ask curious

"You were so cool!" A passenger claim

"He look cooler in person!" A female passenger squeal

"His quirk is incredible! Must be a strength type, right?" A passenger ask

"Definitely!" Another passenger reply

"Do your best, hero" The entire carriage cheer for Izuku

"Thank you you all, I appreciate it. And I will" Izuku reply


Izuku is walking through the rain with a military poncho and army hat

"Damn, I still want to rest. My injuries haven't heal up completely" Izuku mumble when suddenly Iida called him

"Morning Midoriya!" Iida greet as he run towards Izuku wearing a lime green poncho

"Hm?" Izuku look back and see Iida

"Why are you walking so slowly? We're going to be late!" Iida ask as he run pass Izuku

"You really need to chill out Iida, we're still 5 minutes away" Izuku said as he run together with Iida

"U.A. students should always arrive 10 minutes early!" Iida yell as he run faster leaving Izuku behind

"You just don't want to be punish by Aizawa!" Izuku yell as he chase Iida

Later in the locker room

Iida and Izuku take off their poncho and store it at their locker

"Iida-" Izuku is cut by Iida

"If it's about my brother, there is no need to be worry. I apologize for worrying you needlessly" Iida told Izuku smiling

'Fake, you are hurt Iida' Izuku though

"Iida just talk to me" Izuku said

"I'm fine! Now, lets get to class!" Iida yell as he semi run in the hallway

'He's tougher than Uraraka, but I don't know that's a good thing or not' Izuku though as he walk to class

"It's different when they broadcast the matches on TV after all, huh? So many people talked to me on the way here!" Mina claim excitedly

"Yeah, me too!" Kirishima claim

"People were staring at me, too. It was kind of embarrassing!" Toru claim

"Isn't it normal for you, Hakagure?" Ojiro ask

"Hey, I had some elementary schoolers suddenly tell me "Don't worry about it" " Sero claim depressed

"Don't worry about it!" Asui told Sero who is now frustrated

"After just one day, we're suddenly been thrust into the spotlight, huh?" Kaminari ask Mineta

"U.A. really amazing, huh?" Mineta reply when Aizawa open the door

"Morning" Aizawa greet

"Good morning!" The class greet back

"All right class, we're having a special hero informatics class today" Aizawa said making the class tense

'Here it is' The class though worried

' "Special" ? Is it quiz? I hope not...' Kaminari though worried

'I'm bad at laws relating to heroes and stuff like that...' Kirishima though worried

'I'm pretty sure it's internship related' Izuku though calmly

"Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names" Aizawa said

"We're gonna do something exciting!" The class cheer in excitement

Aizawa glare at them making the class to shut up

"This is related to the pro draft picks I mention the other day. The drafts begins in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate asset to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest died down by graduation" Aizawa explain

"Adults are so selfish!" Mineta smack his table while trembling

"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh?" Toru ask

"That's right. And here are the totals for those with offers" Aizawa said as he display the offer results










"In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on three people technically, but now it's these two this year" Aizawa said as he point the results

"Gah, there's such a big difference!" Kaminari whine

"Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one!" Aoyami complain

"Todoroki's first, and Bakugou' second, also Midoriya is not there...?" Jirou ask confuse

"Why is Todoroki have a higher offers than Bakugou , and why Midoriya is not there?" Kirishima ask confuse

"Maybe they see Todoroki have more potential than Bakugou, but Midoriya? By far he have more potential than any of us" Sero stated

"What do you mean more potential?!" Bakugou yell angrily

"Sigh... you're amazing, Todoroki" Yaoyorozu praise

"They're probably all because of my dad" Todoroki claim

"Wow, we got offers!" Uraraka said excitedly as she shake Iida

"Yes, yes" Iida reply

"Midoriya, you didn't get any! Maybe they are scared of your brutal fighting style" Mineta said as he shake Izuku slightly

"Sure" Izuku reply dryly

"Keep these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internship with pros" Aizawa explain

"Internship" Sero said surprise

"Yeah, at USJ, you already got to experience combat with real villains, but it will still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand" Aizawa explain

"So that's explain the hero names!" Sato claim excited

"Things are suddenly getting a lot more fun!" Uraraka claim excited

"But I'm still surprise that Midoriya didn't have any offers" Kirishima said with others agreeing

"No, I do have offers, but because of some circumstances I rejected it all" Izuku reply surprising the class

"What?! Why?!" Mina ask confuse as others

"I have work with the Ranger Corp, what is the work? That's classified" Izuku reply

"That's not fair! You're not interning!" Mineta complain

"I'm not interning, I'm working. And unlike you all, I'm getting paid" Izuku reply smirking

"Oh come on!" The class groan

"Silence" Aizawa glare making them silence

"Back to the hero names, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it..." Aizawa said when the door suddenly open

"... you'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight cut Aizawa, this make the boys excited

"Because a lot of hero names used by students becomes recognized by society, and they end up becoming professional hero names!" Midnight explain as she approach Aizawa

"Well, that's how it is. So Midnight will be making sure your names are okay. I can't do stuff like that. When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future, and you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say "Names and natures do often agree" Like "All Might" , for example" Aizawa explain as the name boards are divided to the students

10 minutes later

"Okay, let's start presenting names starting with those who are ready" Midnight said surprising the students

"What?! We're presenting these?!" Kirishima yell shocked

"Man, that'll take some nerve..." Sero complain

Aoyama then get up to the present his hero name

"This won't end well" Izuku commented

"Here I go... "Shining Hero: I can not stop twinkling" !" Aoyama announce confidently

"What the heck?!" The class yell shocked

"That's not a name, that's a sentence" Izuku facepalm

"It'll be easier to use if you take out the "I" and shorten the "can not" to "can't" " Midnight said as she change Aoyama name on the board

"You're right, mademoiselle" Aoyama agree

"It's okay?" The class ask shocked

"Anyway, choose one. English, or French!" Sato yell

"Just let it go, Sato. He won't budge" Izuku said holding the bridge of his nose

"Then, I'll go next!" Mina yell as she go in front of the class

"Hero name, "Alien Queen" !" Mina announce

Midnight then imagine the alien queen from the old classic movie "Alien" If that thing even exist here in the first place

"Are you trying for the thing with acidic blood? I wouldn't if I were you!" Midnight yell terrified

"Dang it" Mina said defeated

'Since the first ones were weird, it feels like we're supposed to make them funny now!' The class though frustrated

"Kero! Then, may I go next?" Asui ask as she raise her hand

"Go ahead, Tsu" Midnight accepted

"I've had this in mind ever since I was in elementary school. "Rainy season Hero: Froopy" " Asui announce

"That's so cute! It seems friendly. I like it! It's a great example of a name that everyone will love!" Midnight agree with the name

"Froppy! Froppy! Froppy! Froppy!" The class cheer in agreement as she raise the class's morale

"Then I'll go too! "Sturdy Hero: Red Riot" !" Kirishima announce

"Red Riot? You're paying homage to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot, right?" Midnight ask

"Yes, It's pretty old-fashioned, but the hero image I'm going for is Crimson himself" Kirishima claim

"If you're bearing a name you admire, it'll come with that much more pressure" Midnight stated

"I'm prepared for that!" Kirishima claim

"Man, I haven't though of names yet..." Kaminari complain

Jirou then poke Kaminari's shoulder "Why don't I give you one? How about "Jamming-yay" ?" Jirou offer

"It's like Hemingway, who wrote A Farewell to Arms! Sounds smart! It's cool" Kaminari agree

"No... it's because even though you're strong..." Jirou said as he remember stupid Kaminari "... you always end up like that" Jirou said trying to hold her laugh

"Hey, Jirou! Stop messing with me!" Kaminari protest as Jirou walk to the present her hero name

"Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack" Jirou announce

"That's good! Next!" Midnight yell

"Tentacle Hero: Tentacole" Shoji announce

"It's like tentacle with some octopus thrown in!" Midnight said

"Taping Hero: Cellophane" Sero announce

"Nice and simple! That's important!" Midnight agree

"Martial Arts Hero: Tailman" Ojiro announce

"Your name reflects your body!" Midnight said

"Sweet Hero: Sugarman!" Sato announce

"So sweet!" Midnight squeal

"Pinky!" Mina yell frantically

"Pinky pink complexion!" Midnight yell agree

"Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt" , combining "charge" with "lighting bolt" !" Kaminari announce

"Oh, I feel tingly!" Midnight claim

"Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl!" Toru announce

"That great!" Midnight agree

"Come on, let's keep right on going!" Midnight yell

"I hope I will not bring shame to this name. "Everything Hero: Creati" " Yaoyorozu announce

"Creative!" Midnight agree

"Shoto" Todoroki announce simply

"Your name? Its it okay?" Midnight ask

"Yeah" Todoroki answer simply

"Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi" Tokoyami announce

"God of the night!" Midnight claim

"Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice!" Mineta announce

"Pop and kitschy!" Midnight claim

"Petting Hero: Anima" Koda simply show his board

"Okay, got it!" Midnight agree

"King Explosion Murder" Bakugou announce darkly

"You probably shouldn't use something like that" Midnight suggested

"Why not?!" Bakugou yell angrily

"You should be "Explosion Boy" !" Kirishima suggested

"Shut up, weird hair!" Bkaugou yell at Kirishima

"I though I'm the killer in this room" Izuku commented

"W-what are you talking about, Midoriya?" Mineta ask terrified

"Remember USJ?" Izuku ask making Mineta silent

"Okay, my turn... this is what I though of: Uravity" Uraraka announce

"Sounds stylish!" Midnight squeal making Uraraka sigh out in relief

"Choosing hero names is going more smoothly than I though it would! All that's left is Bakugou, who needs to rethink his, and Iida. And Midoriya, right?" Midnight ask

Iida remember his conversation with his brother in the hospital, who ask him to lived up the Ingenium name in his place

'I am still...' Iida though frustrated

"Tenya" Is what written on Iida's board

"You're using your first name, too?" Midnight ask

'Hero name...' Izuku though when Midnight call him

"Midoriya, are you ready?" Midnight ask

"Yes, ma'am" Izuku reply then he walk forward

"You all know that I'm no really into the hero business, but as long as study here then I need a hero name. I don't have any other name beside my official Ranger Corp callsign "Delta 9-1", so I just take that "The Hero Who Answer The Call Of Duty: Delta" " Izuku announce

"I like the military vibe!" Midnight agree

"That sounds like a Special Forces" Kirishima claim

"I am a Special Forces, Kirishima" Izuku corrected

"Lord Explosion Murder!" Bakugou announce

"No, that's still no good" Midnight said sweatdropping

"Looks like he have chuunibyou" Izuku commented

"Shut up, I don't!" Bakugou yell angrily


"Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we'll go back to talking about the internships. They will last for a week. As for where you'll have them, those who had offers from pros will be given your own lists, so you can choose from those yourself. Those who didn't have offers will choose from among 40 agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns. They all work in different places and have different specialties" Aizawa explain

"For example, 13 would be focused on rescue from accidents and disasters more than fighting villains" Midnight give and example

"Think carefully before you choose" Aizawa ordered

"Yes, sir!" The class comply

"Ooh rah!" Izuku comply

"I want to fight crimes in urban areas!" Krishima claim

"I hope I can intern at a place with floods. I wonder if there are any" Asui hoped

"Turn in your choices before the weekend" Aizawa inform

"We've only have 2 days?!" Kirishima yell surprise

"Make your decision efficiently. Dismissed" Aizawa said as he and Midnight walk out the classroom

Lunch Time

"Hey guys, have you decided what pro agency you're going to yet?" Mina ask

"I'm going to Mt. Lady!" Mineta stated

"Mineta, you're thinking about something perverted, aren't you? Asui ask as she walk by

"Of course not!" Mineta claim

"Ashido, you made it pretty far in the tournament, too. It's weird that you didn't get any offers" Ojiro said confuse

"You said it" Mina said agree

"So you're not going in the intern, Midoriya?" Uraraka ask

"Nope, I have work with the military" Izuku reply

"You are very serious with the military, aren't you?" Asui ask

"Hey, I'm the hero who answer the call of duty remember?" Izuku reminded

"Actually, I've already decided!" Uraraka claim

"Really?" Mina ask surprise

"Where?" Ojiro ask

"Battle Hero: Gunhead's agency" Uraraka answer

"That's nice, even if your quirk is more to the rescue type, you still need a combat abilities. Especially in self defense" Izuku said agreeing with Uraraka's choice

"You're right! fighting Bakugou in the sports festival made me think. The stronger I get, the more possibilities I'll have! If I only do what I want, I'll have a narrower perspective!" Uraraka stated

"Ooh rah to that, girl" Izuku said smiling

Later that afternoon

"Midoriya, let's go home together" Uraraka offer

"Yes, ma'am" Izuku reply

"Iida you too-huh?" Uraraka ask Iida but he is not on his desk

'Iida...' Izuku though worried

3 days later, Musutafu Shinkansen Train Station

"You all have your costumes, right? Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything

"Yessir!" Mina yell excitedly

"Speak clearly! It's "yes, sir" Ashido" Aizawa scolded

"Yes, sir..." Mina said dejectedly

"Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internships! Off with you, now" Aizawa reminded

"Yes, sir!" The class comply

"Ooh rah!" Izuku comply

Iida then began to walk to his train when Izuku and Uraraka call him

"Iida! If you want to talk, you can talk to us" Izuku said

"We're friends, right?" Uraraka ask nodding

"Yeah" Iida simply said before walking away

'I want to help you, Iida. But my job prevented me from doing that. I just hope this isn't like Kei all over again' Izuku though as he go outside where a Quinjet is waiting for him in the parking lot