The Calm After The Storm

A days after the Hosu attack

News crews filled the city trying to coverage what just happen in the small city while hero, police, and Ranger Corp are still busy cleaning up the rubble and evacuating survivor or casualty. Meanwhile the Nomu's dead body are heavily guarded by the Ranger Corp

In the same time, Hosu General Hospital

Todoroki and Iida are inside a hospital room with bandages on their arms

"Did you sleep, Iida?" Todoroki ask while laying down on his bed

"No" Iida reply a little downhearted

"Figures, me too" Todoroki claim then he get up and sit down on his bed when Izuku enter the room

"Ah good, you two are awake" Izuku said as enter the room with a can of cola in his hand

"Midoriya, I'm sorry, I cause you-" Iida try to apologize but Izuku cut him

"I said it before, I don't want your apologize, I don't need your apologize. If we're still in that alley with no one around I will beat the shit out of you Iida" Izuku said seriously making Iida flinch

"I-I..." Iida unable to reply and only look down on his bed

"Do you really need to be that hard on him, Midoriya?" Todoroki ask

"Of all the people underneath my command, Iida is the last person that I expected to go rogue or vigilante like this" Izuku explain angrily while Iida still look down ashamed

Izuku then approach Iida's bed "You lost my respect and trust on you, Iida. But since you are my friend, I'm willing to give you a second chance. Don't mess it up" Izuku told Iida

Iida look at Izuku before he get up from his bed "I won't, and I know you don't want this" Iida then bow down to Izuku "I'm sorry, and thank you for the second chance" Iida apologize

"Apology accepted, now stop bowing" Izuku ordered making Iida stop bowing

"Sigh... this class is much more intense and troublesome then my own Ranger Corp team" Izuku mumble frustrated then he drink his cola

"Looks like you are having a hard time" Todoroki commented

"I am, I have to deal with a lot of work for what happen last night, especially that damn Hero Killer" Izuku reply frustrated when the door is open by Manual follow by Endeavor and the police chief. They all enter the room, though Endeavor keep his distance from Izuku for what happen in the sports fest

"Manual" Iida said downhearted

"Old man" Todoroki said a little irritated

"You must be the U.A. students who brought down the hero killer, right?" The police chief ask

"Yes, sir" Izuku simply said

"I am the police chief of Hosu, Kenji Tsuragame" The chief introduce himself

'The police chief came all this way... why?' Todoroki though confuse

"Regarding the Hero Killer. He had fairly serious injuries, with internal bleeding and broken bones, and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof" Chief explain

"Since you are U.A. students, I'm sure you already know that when superpower still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and not made sure quirks were not use as weapons. And then , the profession of "hero" emerged to fill that gap, woof. For individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others actions that normally would be appropriate to denounce to be accepted officially is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the profession, woof" Chief explain

"With due all respect, sir, tell us something we don't know" Izuku interrupted

"What I'm saying is that even up against the Hero Killer, for uncertified individual to cause injury with their quirks without specific instruction from their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules. The three of you, and the pro heroes Endeavor, Manual, and your supervisor Midoriya must receive strict punishment" Chief explain

"No one will punish me, chief" Izuku claim calmly

"You break the law by going vigilante, you need to be punish" Chief insisted

"My role in this city is not as a hero, a hero in training, or a student. But as a member of the Ranger Corp Special Operation Command. I have permission to use my quirk and weapons. And beside, I am the supervisor of of this operation" Izuku explain calmly though with serious look

The chief and pros look at each other before look back to Izuku "You're the one Capt. Price told us about?" He ask

"Izuku Midoriya, Delta 9-1. Reporting for duty, sir" Izuku introduce himself before drinking his cola

"We'll deal with you later" Chief said but then Todoroki stand up

"Wait a minute, back to the Hero Killer. If Iida hadn't done anything Native would've been killed. If Midoriya hadn't come the two of them would've been killed. No one realized that the Hero Killer had appeared. Are you saying we should've followed the rules and watched people get killed?" Todoroki protested

"Shoto, stand down" Endeavor ordered but Todoroki ignore him

"Are you saying that as long as it turns out all right, it's okay to bend the rules?" Chief ask making Todoroki flinch

"Some rules or orders are meant to be broken" Izuku stated

"I though you are a soldier? You should obeyed to your orders and the law as well" Chief said skeptically

"No if it's regarding the lives of many and innocent. There's a lot of example through out history of a soldier that disobeyed orders but ended up saving the world" Izuku explain

"How come?" Endeavor ask annoyed and a little afraid

"One instance during the 1960s Cuban missile crisis, a Soviet submarine commander was ordered to launch a nuclear tipped torpedo towards a US Navy fleet. He refuses, and because of that he avoided World War 3. That submariner disobeyed orders because it was unethical to started war, and for the three of us, we broke the law because it was unethical for us to watch a man dies and did nothing" Izuku explain firmly

"And isn't a hero's job to save people?" Todoroki added

"Sigh... this is why you all are not a full-fledged hero yet. But taking everything that has happen, you three are quite lucky" Chief claim

"We were given a punishment and a lecture. How come we're lucky?" Iida ask confuse

"We could, no, should be arrested" Izuku reply surprising Todoroki and Iida

"Arrested?!" The two yell surprise

"We are originally going to make Endeavor here responsible to Hero Killer arrest, until the video appear in the internet" Chief explain but Todoroki and Iida are confuse

"You two are not holding your phone or turn on the TV, make sense you two didn't know" Izuku said as he pull out his phone then open Youtube

"There's a camera on the building in the other side of the alley that recorded everything" Izuku said as he show the video to Todoroki and Iida

"And when I mean everything, I mean everything. Stain attack Native, Iida intercept Stain, I join the fight, Todoroki join the fight, even the three of us take out Stain. We should be in prison right now" Izuku explain with the two are looking at the video dumbfounded

"So... is he here to arrest us?" Iida ask ask terrified

"No" Chief simply said confusing the two

"Take a look of this" Endeavor turn on the TV and show a news that hundred of people are surrounding the police station demanding them to leave the three young heroes alone

"Usually if someone is using their quirk without permission we would arrest them, but because of worries that the civilian would riot if we arrest you three, we decided to change the story a little bit so you all wouldn't arrested" Chief explain

"So the official police report is that you three are given permission to use your quirks by your supervisors and happen to spotted the Hero Killer while helping with the civilian evacuation near the area" Manual explain

"Personally, I don't want to be the one to find fault with promising young ones because of one big mistake, woof. Though next time you are caught using your quirks without permission, you won't escape this easily" Chief explain with a thumbs up

"I'm sure I won't ended up like this again since I already have permission from the General of The Army. But these two, as their commanding officer I'll make sure the two of them will never do crazy stunt like this ever again, you have my word" Izuku claim as he bow down

"Very well" Chief reply

"You three need to be more responsible next time" Endeavor lecture

Izuku rolled his eye then walk to the window and see plane flying to the city airport

"Guess they're here" Izuku said gaining the attention of others

"They?" Iida ask confuse

"Those guys" Izuku pointed to a C-17 and 4 F-35s flying above the city "Ranger Corp Air Force, they will transport Stain to our HQ for questioning also carry the Nomu's remain for analysis" Izuku explain

"You Rangers work fast" Chief commented

"The faster they all inside a secure location the better" Izuku reply then he radio Price about the transport

"You three may broke the law, but the very least" Chief said then he bow down "As someone who also protects the peace, I can say thank you" he thanked

"Please start with that next time" Todoroki said annoyed


Izuku is walking on the hospital lobby when he got a call from Uraraka "Midoriya's here" Izuku answer the call

"Moshi moshi? Midoriya? Oh my God, what happen? Why did you fought the Hero Killer? Are you okay?" Uraraka ask frantically through the phone but Izuku just giggle

"Why did you giggle? This is serious, Midoriya!" Uraraka yell worried

"Sorry, it's just, the way you are worried to me is kinda cute" Izuku apologize still giggling

"C-c-cute?!" Uraraka blush beet red

"But to answer your question; I was happen to pass through the area when shit happen, I fought him to save Iida and pro hero Native, and yes, I'm fine" Izuku answer her questions

"Midoriya... I'm worried about you, I really do. I though I lost you in USJ..." Uraraka said worriedly

"Well USJ is the closes time I've been to death, but I lived. So don't worry, I'll survived" Izuku assure his best friend

"I know, but-" Uraraka about to reply when Gunhead call her

"Uravity, we're about to start" Gunhead told her

"Oh ok" Uraraka reply "I'm sorry Midoriya, I need to go" Uraraka apologize

"It's okay, see you back at school" Izuku reply then the two hung up

"Is that your boyfriend?" Gunhead ask cutely

"Uhh no! It wasn't like that! We're not dating!" Uraraka yell embarrassed

Meanwhile Izuku just stare his phone before he go back to Todoroki and Iida's room

"So how are you two doing?" Izuku ask as he enter the room

"Midoriya, Iida just finished getting examined" Todoroki inform

"How's your arm, Iida?" Izuku ask looking at Iida

"I might have permanent damage on my left hand" Iida answer downhearted

"The price of your foolishness" Izuku commented as he stand in front of Iida

"Yeah... both of my arms were pretty beat up, but it looks like the damage to my left arm was especially severe. There was damage to my brachial plexus. But it just means that I'll have trouble moving my hand and fingers and experience some numbness. Apparently, there's a possibility that it can be healed with nerve transplant surgery" Iida explain

"I see" Izuku said understanding the situation

"When I fought the Hero Killer, I stopped being able to think. The first thing I should've done was tell Manual. But I forget myself in anger. I hat him, but he spoke the truth. That's why, until I become a true hero, I think I want to leave my left hand as it is" Iida declare

"Iida..." Todoroki said worried

Izuku just stare Iida for a few second before he speak "As long you able to redeem yourself I don't mind. Though you better not use your left arm as an excuse to not able to fight" Izuku said sternly

"Don't worry, I won't" Iida reply confidently

"Speaking of left hand" Izuku said then he folded his left arm sleeve and reveal his scarred left arm from the sports fest "Mine kinda in the same, though it have mostly heal up" Izuku said as he flex his left arm

Todoroki look at the two with frighted expression "I feel... kind of bad..." Todoroki said worried making the two to look at him

"About what?" Izuku ask

"I feel like if I get involved... other people mess up their hands..." Todoroki said sweating nervously

"Huh?" Izuku and Iida are confuse

"Is it a curse?" Todoroki ask nervously

"Pffff! The fuck?! Are you serious?!" Izuku ask trying not to laugh while Iida laugh

"I am. I'm like "The Hand Crusher" or something" Todoroki reply seriously

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha! "Hand Crusher" ?! Hahahaha!" Both Izuku and Iida laugh loudly

Meanwhile in UA

Aizawa and Nezu are having a talk inside the principal office

"The Hosu incident has show us that the League of Villains have more than one Nomu and they have different quirks" Nezu said as he drink his tea

"Yeah, but I'm more interested in three of my students that are involved there" Aizawa reply looking at the police reports

"So what do you want to do with them?" Nezu ask

"According to the report, Midoriya is there as a soldier not a hero so he's off the hook, and both Todoroki and Iida have permission to use their quirks by their supervisor as well" Aizawa answer

"But...?" Nezu ask

"But, I'm sure other then Midoriya, the other two must be lying about their permission" Aizawa answer sighing

"So what you gonna do?" Nezu ask again

"Since Midoriya is off the hook I can't do anything, but for Iida and Todoroki I want them to make a 5000 word essay on quirk law or anything related by their return, if they fail then they will face a week of detention" Aizawa explain

"Ok, I think that is a very fair punishment for the two" Nezu agree with Aizawa's punishment

"I'm gonna call Midoriya to tell the two of them, excuse me" Aizawa said then he grab his phone and call Izuku

Meanwhile across multiple places in Japan, villains are preparing them self for an attack. An attack straight towards UA. An attack that will change UA