Mission Failed

Around the time when Compress kidnapped Bakugou

"Well, target successfully collected. Good night" Compress silently said through a radio as he disappear behind the mist

Meanwhile 400 meters west of the camp house, villain Dabi, Twice, and Moonfish are waiting for Compress

"Hey, Dabi! Did you hear the radio? I'm so pumped! Mr. Compress already succeeded! Took him long enough! I was getting sleepy" Twice said

"Don't say that. He did a good job. Now, we just have to wait for everyone to get back here" Dabi said

"That's not right! You're right" Twice reply

"Meat" Moonfish said

"You'll get your chance next time, Moonfish" Dabi said

"Why we so far away? We're close!" Dabi ask

"This place was suppose to be hard to find because of the wall of flames and gas, but the gas was cleared away. Things never go according to plan, huh?" Dabi reply

"You're right. Things are going as planned!" Twice reply

"Meat" Moonfish said

"Next time" Dabi reply

"Hey, Dabi! Speaking of which, this has nothing to do with anything, but is it okay not to call the "Nomu" guy? You said it'd only react to your voice or something, right? It's very important!" Twice ask

"Oh, yeah. That guy" Dabi reply

"Be grateful! Bow to me!" Twice yell

"A monster specially for me, from Shigaraki. It's probably killed at least one person by now" Dabi said when Toga appear

"Huh? No one else is here yet?" Toga ask as she approach them

"You lunatic, did you get the blood? Ho many people's worth?" Dabi ask

"Sorry, I got none" Toga said downhearted

"None?! Weren't you told to get at least 3?!" Twice yell

"It couldn't be helped. They all never separated and I can't attack them all without being killed in the process" Toga explain

"Looks like U.A. is more prepared than we expected, but at least we got our objective" Dabi said as Compress arrive

"Gentlemen" Compress greet

"Oh Mr. Compress! Welcome back! You haven't gone yet?!" Twice greet

"You got Bakugou?" Dabi ask

"Of course" Compress show the marble Bakugou "It was quite easy since no one realize he's gone" Compress explain

"Heh, they are still a stupid brat after all" Dabi said smirking

"Meat" Moonfish said looking at the forest

"Next time, Moonfish" Dabi said

"Meat" Moonfish said again

"I said next time" Dabi said again

"Meat" Moonfish said again

"Next time, freak" Dabi said annoyed

"Meat" Moonfish said again

"Listen here yo- FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!!" Dabi didn't finish as dozens of bullets fly towards him from the forest "What the?!" Dabi yell surprise as he take cover

"Shooting at us?! Your ideas are far out!" Compress yell as he take cover but unknown to him, he drop the marble on the ground

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! It feels good!" Twice yell as he dodge the bullets

"Waaaaa!" Toga scream as she take cover

"Meat... meat... meat!" Moonfish yell then he use his teeth to propel forward

Meanwhile in the forest

"TATATATATATATATATATA!!! TATATATATATATATATATA!!! TATATATATATATATATATA!!! Whoa! I said stable, Iida!" Izuku yell as he fire his LMG on Iida's back

"We're in a forest, Midoriya. And it's not helping that you fire it near my ears" Iida reply as he continue running

"Consider this as your punishment for Hosu TATATATATATATATATATA!!! TATATATATATATATATATA!!! TATATATATATATATATATA!!!" Izuku reply then he fire again

Moonfish then coming towards the students fast "MEAT!!!" He yell

"Split up!" Izuku ordered then Iida with Izuku go to the left while Todoroki with Kirishima go right

"Meat!" Moonfish yell as he chase Todoroki and Kirishima

"Hey! That guy is chasing us!" Kirishima yell

"You two keep him away from here! We'll get Bakugou!" Izuku ordered as Iida run towards the rest of the villains

"Mister, get out of the way" Dabi said as he light up his arm

"Roger" Compress comply then he move away from Dabi then Dabi launch a massive blue fire towards Izuku and Iida

"Idiot! That's cold!" Twice complain

"Evade!" Izuku yell as he jump off Iida's back and Iida jump away avoiding the fire

"Midoriya! Iida!" Todoroki yell worried

"Watch out!" Kirishima yell then Todoroki create an ice wall that block Moonfish's teet

"We have to deal with this monster first if we want to help them!" Kirishima yell as he harden his arms

"It won't be easy, but not impossible either" Todoroki commented then he launch an ice attack towards Moonfish

"Meat!" Moonfish yell as evade Todoroki's attack then he launch his teeth and destroy Todoroki's ice wall and about to hit Todoroki when Kirishima block it

"That was close" Kirishima said as he block Moonfish teeth

"Thanks" Todoroki said then he launch another ice attack

"Meat... give me meat...!" Moonfish yell as he destroy Todoroki's ice again and Kirishima block it off again

"This is getting nowhere! Use your fire, Todoroki!" Kirishima yell as he block off Moonfish teeth

"I can't. I could accidentally burn out the trees" Todoroki reply as he launch an ice attack

"Mea- FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!!" Moonfish didn't finish because he was hit by multiple bullets that penetrate his body

"M-m-me... at..." Is all Moonfish could say before he fall to the ground, dead

Todoroki and Kirishima look at where the bullets came from and see Midoriya aiming at their direction

"Come on you two!" Izuku yell then he shoot Dabi, but Dabi dodge and make a fire wall

Kirishima and Todoroki then go towards Compres when suddenly Twice jump in front of them "Faces from Shigaraki's kill list! You two weren't, though!" Twice yell as he deploy a sharp wire

Todoroki then create an iceberg making Twice to back off "That's hot!" Twice yell as he back off

Izuku continue to fire his M249 until it ran out of ammo, Izuku drop the LMG then grab his pistol when he notice a needle flying towards him. Izuku grab his knife then deflect the needle at the last second

"I'm Toga, Izuku!" Toga yell as she launch himself towards Izuku. Izuku taken by surprise is able to be taken down by Toga

"I though so earlier, too, but you'd be cooler if you bled, Izuku!" Toga yell as she grab her knife and try to stab Izuku

Izuku block the attack then strike Toga's chin making her to stumble back. Izuku then kick her in the stomach "Begone! Thot!" Izuku yell as he kick Toga

Toga fly back but manage to recover, but now she is mad

"Midoriya!" Iida yell worried as he approach Izuku "You okay?" Iida ask worried

"I'm good" Izuku reply as he get up and look at Toga

"Is that how it is? On second though. You're not my type at all. I'll cut you" Toga declare seriously

"She's crazy..." Iida said as he glare Toga

"Try me, bitch" Izuku challenge Toga

Meanwhile Todoroki launch an ice attack towards Twice

"Good job! This is easy! Give me all you've got! Stop messing around!" Twice yell as he dodge the ice and destroy it

"What's with this guy?" Todoroki ask annoyed

"I got you!" Kirishima yell as he jump towards Twice

"Eits!" Twice yell as he dodge Kirishima's attack making Kirishima to land near Todoroki

"Damn, that's suppose to hit" Kirishima complain

Izuku about to attack Toga when he notice the marble 'A marble?' Izuku though confuse, he then look at his radar and see Bakugou's radar dot came from that marble 'Wait... is that... what I think it is...?' Izuku wonder

"Iida you see that marble?" Izuku whisper

"Marble?" Iida ask confuse then he see the marble Izuku mention "Yeah. Why?" Iida reply

"I think that is Bakugou. Don't ask how or why. Trust me on this one" Izuku whisper yell

"Ok. What's the plan?" Iida whisper

"I'll distract her and other. You run and grab that marble. On three" Izuku ordered

"Izuku... give me your blood!" Toga yell as she run towards Izuku

"Three!" Izuku yell then he and Iida run forward. Izuku towards Toga while Iida towards the marble

Toga try to stab again but Izuku side kick her faster and more powerful than the last one making Toga to spew some saliva

Iida run towards the marble and manage to grab it "I got it!" He yell as he run back towards Izuku

"What?! The marble!" Compress yell

"Move!" Dabi yell as he launch a massive blue fire towards Iida. Iida try to dodge but the fire is too massive and he was hit

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Iida yell in pain as he is being burned alive, he also drop the marble

"Iida!" Izuku yell as he run towards Iida "You two! That marble is Bakugou! Grab it at all cost!" Izuku yell at Todoroki and Kirishima who is surprise

"I got it!" Kirishima yell as he run towards the marble

"No you're not!" Dabi yell as he launch another fire attack but suddenly an ice wall block the fire

"Go! I'll handle them!" Todoroki yell then he launch an ice attack towards Twice who dodge

"Iida" Izuku yell as he approach him

"Go get Bakugou! I'm fine!" Iida yell as he slowly get up

"Rog!" Izuku comply then he and Kirishima run towards the marble

"Like I let you!" Compress yell as he run towards the two boys

"kirishima!" Izuku yell while pointing at the marble

"Okay!" Kirishima comply then Izuku run towards Compress instead

"Oh? You're approaching me?" Compress ask as he attack Izuku with his cane

Izuku dodge then punch Compress hard in the face "I can't beat the shit out of you if I didn't get close!" Izuku yell as he punch Compress making him to fly back and land near Dabi

"Morons!" Dabi yell angrily then he launch a super massive blue fire towards the boys

"I got him!" Kirishima yell as he grab the marble but fail to notice Dabi's attack

"Take cover!" Izuku yell but unfortunately he, Kirishima and Iida are hit by the fire "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The 3 boys yell in pain as they are being cooked alive

"Midoriya! Iida! Kirishima!" Todoroki yell in horror and unfortunately Twice manage to cut his cheek

"Are being serious?! You're good!" Twice yell then he grab Todoroki's head and slam him to the ground making Todoroki to yell in pain

As the blue fire died out all the boys are down on the ground unable to move due to pain

Twice then run and grab the marble before he run towards Dabi and Compress "I got it! I lost it!" Twice said as he give Dabi the marble

"Good" Dabi smirk when suddenly a black mist appear behind him

"Th-this guy..." Kirishima gasped

"... was at USJ..." Todoroki realize

"The warp..." Iida said in horror

"Kurogiri..." Izuku said as he slowly get up

"Let's go, Dabi" Kurogiri said as he created a warp gate to all the villains including Magne and Spinner

"You are rough, Izuku. But I like it! I'll see you later" Toga said as she enter the warp gate

Twice then just jump inside the warp gate leaving only Dabi and Compress

"Mister, confirm it first" Dabi requested

"Okay" Compress comply then he snap his finger and the marble transform back into Bakugou who look confuse

Izuku muster all the strength he have left and dash towards them

"No problem" Dabi smirk as he grab Bakugou's neck and drag him into the warp gate

Izuku is closing in on them, then he jump forward while extending his right hand

Izuku manage to grab Bakugou's shirt then pull him out from Dabi's grip and the warp gate while Izuku himself is flying towards the warp gate. Izuku is trading Bakugou with himself and ready to be tortured by them if the worse came

But to Izuku's surprise, he see a warp gate where he throw Bakugou away and the warp gate in front of him disappear

"If you think that would work, think again. Goodbye, hero" Kurogiri said as Bakugou is engulf by the warp gate and disappear from the forest

Izuku land on the ground before he get back up and look at where the warp gate last seen with a dread expression. Todoroki, Iida, and Kirishima also having the same expression when a Quinjet fly above them

"Delta 9-1, this is Hunter 2-1. Do you copy, over?" Sgt. Foley ask through the radio but Izuku didn't answer

"Delta 9-1, sir. Do you copy, over?" Sgt. Foley ask again but Izuku still didn't answer

"Sir, is everything alright down there?" Sgt. Foley ask worried but again no answer

"What we do, sir?" The pilot ask

"Land the bird. We'll check it when we're on the ground" Sgt. Foley ordered

"Roger" The pilot comply then they started to descend

Meanwhile Izuku continue to look at the warp gate last known location tiredly and painfully, he then gritted his teeth "FUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!" Izuku yell out in anger as the Quinjet land

The Rangers QRFs then began to evacuate and give early/basic medical treatment to the students and pro heroes, also to secure the villains that stay behind

15 minutes after the Rangers QRFs arrive, firefighters, police, and ambulance arrive at the scene treating those who are injured and putting out the fire

From 40 students, 20 are unconscious, 5 have minor injuries, 14 are uninjured, and one is missing. From 6 pro heroes, 2 are unconscious, one have major injury. Of the 10 villains, 3 are dead, one is captured alive while the remaining 6 escape

3 days later, Salty Banks Hospital, 30KM from the camp site. The students who were unconscious by the gas is brought to this hospital, and so far some has waken up and starting to recover

Room 113, Kyoka Jiro's room

Jiro is sitting on her bed when someone knock the door then open it, it was Kaminari "Jiro, you're awake! Did you see the news? The media's swarming the school right now" Kaminari said as she and almost all of Class A enter Jiro's room

"It's way worse than in spring" Sato inform

"Everyone... is everyone in here?" Jiro ask

"No, Hakagure, Aoyama, and Tokoyami are still unconscious from the villain's gas and Midoriya is busy with the Ranger Corp handling about Bakugou's kidnapping" Iida explain

"Kidnapped? Bakugou is kidnapped?" Jiro ask surprise

"Yeah, according to Izuku the League of Villains want something to do with Bakugou so they kidnapped him" Kaminari reply sadly

Jiro then notice Iida, Todoroki, and Kirishima have bandages all over their faces and arms "What happen to you three?" She ask pointing at the injured boys

"We... we tried to save Bakugou..." Kirishima answer sadly

"... but we failed..." Iida added downhearted

"We lost him" Todoroki added making all students there to look down in sadness

"We did have him, but the villains outsmart us" Izuku claim as he enter the room

"Midoriya..." Uraraka said as she approach him

"I failed" Izuku said downhearted

"You try your best" Uraraka assure him

"And yet the best is not enough. The four of us did our best and our reward? We lost one of ours to the enemy. We failed to save him" Izuku reply angrily

"Then, let's save him this time" Kirishima said surprising the students

"What?!" The students yell surprise

"I'm pretty sure you already tracked them down, haven't you? And you are planning a rescue,right? I want to come with you. I want to save him this time" Kirishima requested

"Don't be ridiculous! This is something we should leave to the pros! This isn't the place for us to act, you idiots!" Iida yell in anger

"I know that! But, I couldn't save him lat time! I have him in my hand but I let him go! I failed last time! I can't sleep ever since! If I don't act now, then I won't be a hero or a man anymore!" Kirishima yell in anger

"Kirishima, we're in a hospital. Calm down. It's fine to feel strongly about things, but this time..." Kaminari beg

"Iida is correct" Asui claim

"Iida, all of you, you're all correct. I know that. But! Let me joint in! Let me help you save him!" Kirishima yell at Izuku

"... no" Izuku reply surprising Kirishima

"Why...?" Kirishima ask frustrated

"Last time, I give you clearance to engage because you all are the only combatants I have back then. This time? I have people that is 10 times better than you to handle the rescue op. So no, I can't allowed you to take part in this rescue mission" Izuku explain

"Then I will go by myself!" Kirishima claim even more surprising the others

"Kirishima! You're being crazy!" Iida yell angrily

"And how you suppose to know where they are, and no, you will not get that intel from me" Izuku ask

"I'll get it someway! I will save him!" Kirishima yell

"So, if you miraculously able to get their location, you're planning to go there and save Bakugou by yourselves?" Mina ask nervously

"Yeah" Kirishima confirm

"Even though the villains said we were targets to be killed, they took Bakugou without killing him. They probably let him live, but that doesn't mean they won't kill him eventually" Todoroki added

"Oh come one. You're not saying you're with him aren't you, Todoroki?" Izuku ask annoyed

"I too failed to save him, Midoriya" Todoroki reply

"I understand your frustration at not able to to anything since I too failed to save him. But, this is not a situation that we should act with emotions" Iida claim

"Let's leave this to Midoriya and the pros. We doesn't even have permission to use our quirk, and Midoriya said that he won't give us one this time" Shoji said

"Shoji's right. There are people that are more capable to save him then us" Sato commented

"I know, but...!" Kirshima complain

"Everyone, we're all shocked from Bakugou's kidnapping. But let's think things through calmly. No matter how just your feelings, if you fight without permission then you'll break the rules, and that makes us no different than the villains" Asui point out

"My decision is final. None of you are going to save him. Leave this to us. Leave this to me" Izuku said seriously

"And what we suppose to do?! Sit down and do nothing?!" Kirishima yell frustrated

"Exactly!" Izuku yell back surprising Kirishima "That is exactly what you and all of you will do! Go back to your houses, sit down, and pray! That is the only thing you all can do right now!" Izuku yell back angrily

"Pray? We can't do that! We can't just sit down while you save him! I need to save him! If not then I am not a hero or a man!" Kirishima yell angrily

"There's a difference between being a man and being stupid, Kirishima! You're not being a man! You're not being a hero! You're being stupid right now!" Izuku yell even more angrier

"C-calm down you two..." Yaoyorozu beg nervously as others

"I want you who able to go home to go home and stay there until further notice. Don't make me dispatch Special Forces to each and everyone of you so they could prison you in your own houses. Don't betray my trust on you" Izuku said angrily to Class A then he look back to Kirishima "I know your feeling, I though I save him last time, but I didn't. But still, I can't allowed you to joint me. Leave this to me, I'll save him. You all have my word, I will bring him back, alive" Izuku said then he walk to the door

"I'm sorry if I'm being tough on you, but this is my way of protecting you all. Don't take this to heart. Till next time" Izuku said as he leave the room leaving his classmate behind

Mina then approach Kirishima "You heard him, he will bring Bakugou back, you just need to trust him" She said

"Please Todoroki, don't do any stupid things" Yaoyorozu beg

"I think we all should trust Midoriya. He have fought the hardest among all of us. He succeeded when we failed. Well maybe not last time, but still..." Uraraka said

"We should trust Midoriya" Asui said

"... okay..." Kirishima said downhearted

"I trust him. I'll leave this to him" Todoroki claim

"Then let's go home" Iida said then the students who has been discharge began to go home

Meanwhile Izuku is walking down the hall when he got a phone call "It's me" He answer the call

"The strike force has been assembled. We are ready to commence Operation Price of Freedom" The caller inform

"Roger. I'll be there as soon as possible. And tell the heroes to prepare themselves, we're heading for war" Izuku reply

'I hope you all listen to me and not being stupid, 'cause whether Japan ready or not, a war is coming' Izuku though as he walk to a Quinjet in the parking lot