Hunter Killer

After Delta 9 destroyed the jammer, all communication system are back online

"This is Cyclops Squadron. Guidance system back online. starting by a full payload of JDAMs. Requesting clearance" Cyclops 1 request as he and his squadron flying above Tokyo Bay

"Cyclops 1, you are cleared to engage" Shogun reply granting permission to engage

"Breaking the hard deck. T.O.T. 5 seconds" Cyclops 1 reply as he and his squadron closing in on the target

"Weapons away" Cyclops 1 said as he and his squadron release multiple JDAMs. The bombs hit multiple Liberation target all over Tokyo

"Verify initial strikes on the UAV feed" Shogun ordered

"Sir - appears all sites have been neutralized" Battle Captain inform

"Good work, Delta. We've regain air dominance over Tokyo and pushed the Liberation back significantly" Shogun said

"What's our next target?" Izuku ask

"The Liberation manage to get their hands on a Russian Oscar-II submarine as their command center" Shogun explain

"How the hell did they manage to get their hand on that submarine?" Izuku ask irritated

"According to our intel. The Liberation is working together with the Russian separatist, and they hide it very well. We only discover this when the submarine enter Tokyo Bay" Shogun explain

"Well shit, Does it carry nuke?" Izuku ask

"According to our intel and analysis, no, they did not. But they did carry enough cruise missiles to level our entire fleet in the bay. We need to strike fast before they could launch a counter attack" Shogun explain

"Roger, what's the mission?" Izuku ask

"Infiltrate the vessel, take over the bridge, then turn their weapons against their own forces. I need you to link up with the US Navy's SEALs and get it done. Good luck" Shogun explain the mission

"Kit up, boys" Izuku told to his team

"Where's our infil point?" Roach ask

"Tokyo Bay Aqualine Tunnel" Izuku reply

"I though it collapse?" Yuri ask confuse

"It did" Izuku answered

6th January, 2221, 18:09 p.m.

Lt Col Izuku"Delta"Midoriya

Task Force 141

Tokyo Bay Aqualine, Tokyo, Japan

"In position" Izuku said as he and Delta 9 are wearing a diving suit and ready to dive at the submerged tunner

"SDB team-4, this is Delta 9-2. Radio check in the blind, over" Kei requested

"Roger 9-2, we have you five-by-five phase line Echo secure. We have execute 40" SEAL leader reply

"We're one minute out" Kei reply

"Copy that" SEAL leader acknowledge

"Just don't start the party without us" Kei said

"Equipment are set, ready to dive, stay tight, easy to get separated down here" Izuku said as he wear his rebreather

Izuku, Kei, Roach, and Yuri then dive into the submerge tunnel with a submersible diving vehicle and began to swim away

"Damn. Think anyone got out?" Roach ask anxious seeing dead bodies floating inside the tunnel

"Nothing we can do for them now" Kei answer

"Maintain 2-9-5 degrees. 300 meter to link up" Izuku inform

"Delta 9-1, got you on tracker" SEAL leader said

"Roger, approaching rendezvous" Izuku reply as they swim through the collapse tunnel "SEAL team should be up ahead" Izuku said as they swim out the tunnel

"I see them" Yuri said seeing the SEAL some distance away

"Sub's on the move. Intercept window is closing fast" SEAL leader inform

"Roger that, lead the way" Izuku reply as he follow the SEALs

They swim through the Tokyo Bay until they reach the rendezvous point

"Power down, here we go" Izuku ordered as they power down the submersible diving vehicle and wait

"Target approaching. Oscar-II, eight o'clock" SEAL leader said as 2 torpedoes swim pass them "Steady" SEAL leader said as the submarine swim right above them

"Get into position" Izuku ordered

"Planting" SEAL leader said

"Planting" Yuri said

"Planting" Kei said

The three manage to plant the mines

"Mines armed. Clear out" Izuku ordered as they all get away from the sub's and surfacing

"Good job. we'll prepare the exfil" SEAL leader said

"Going explosive. Hit it" Izuku ordered then the mines exploded and the submarine is surfacing

"Shogun, this is Delta 9-1. Sub is surfacing. Commencing assault" Izuku inform

"Roger 9-1, Continue to Primary Objective. We need control of the sub's missiles" Shogun reply as the sub is surfacing and the team board the sub

"Hatch opening!" Izuku yell as the sub hatch open and the sub's crew exited the hatch

"Contact, coming out of the hatch!" Roach said as he and Yuri kill the submariner and proceeded to the hatch

More enemy coming out from the submarine's bow but the team manage to kill them before they came close

"Frag out!" Izuku yell as he throw a frag grenade to the hatch, a few seconds later the grenade exploded "Clear, head down" Izuku ordered as he and Kei go down

"Deck secured. We'll hold topside" Roach said guarding the the topside

"Alright Kei, sweep and clear. All unknown are hostile" Izuku ordered as they proceeded inside the sub "Rendezvous downstairs" Izuku ordered as he open a door and entering it

Upon entering the sleeping quarter they found enemy resistance but they manage to kill them. Kei check one of the enemy and surprise by what he discover

"They're Russian" Kei said surprise

"The Liberation probably cannot operate the sub on their own. There's why Russian on board" Izuku explain

"But what was the Russian separatist thinking borrowing one of their submarine to the Liberation? They could use them themselves to fight the Russian loyalist. The Russian civil war is still ongoing, right?" Kei ask

"It is. Whatever the reason is, we'll figured out later. Right now we have a mission to complete" Izuku said as they move back to their mission and proceed downstairs to the engine room

In the engine room it was flooding but Izuku and Kei push forward killing all hostile then proceed to the nuclear missile vertical launch tube room, but before they enter there's an announcement in Russian

"They're going to scuttle the sub! We gotta move, now!" Izuku ordered as the enter the vertical launch tube room

Inside the room Kei take point and sweep all the enemy killing them one-by-one

"We have to get to the bridge!" Izuku yell as the push through

"Door's over here!" Kei inform as he reach the bridge door

"Hold position at the door!" Izuku ordered as he reach the bridge door

"Ok. Put a kicker charge at the door" Izuku ordered and Kei put a large door breacher in the middle and Izuku put two smaller one in the side

Izuku nod at Kei and Kei nod back then the breacher exploded destroying the door. Once the door is destroyed, Izuku and Kei shoot all enemy commander in the bridge, after a few seconds the firefight is over and the bridge is clear

"Clear!" Kei inform

"Area secure" Izuku said as he approach a high command body and grab a key "Alright, I got the launch keys" Izuku said as he move to the control panel

"All of them are Russian separatist" Kei look at the dead Russian around him

"Shogun, this is Delta 9-1. I send checkpoint Neptune, over" Izuku inform

"Roger 9-1, copy Neptune" Shogun reply

"I have the missile key and I'm accessing the launch codes now" Izuku inform

"Grid coordinates follow: Tango-Whiskey-0-5-6-6-2-8" Shogun giving the coordinates of the enemy

"Coordinates confirmed! Firing on Liberation forces in 30 seconds!" Izuku inform

Kei move to a control panel beside Izuku and Izuku give him a key

Kei insert the key " 3, 2, 1, Turn!" Izuku ordered as they both turn the key and press the launch button

"Shogun, missiles armed and launching!" Izuku inform Shogun as he and Kei exited the sub

"Roger SEAL team in position for exfil" Shogun inform

"Roach, Yuri, let's roll!" Kei ordered as he and Kei board a small boat port side of the sub

"Amen to that" Roach reply as he and Yuri board a small boat beside Izuku's

"Kei, punch it!" Izukul ordered

"Say no more!" Kei reply as he and Delta 9 drive away from the sub and the sub cruise missiles are launching

"Keep up with that zodiac!" Izuku ordered as they drive their way between two destroyers

"Missiles coming in!" Roach yell as two missile hit a target on the shore

"Keep going, Kei" Izuku yell

"What the fuck you think I'm doing?!" Kei yell back as they drive pass a half sunken Destroyer

"There's our bird" Kei yell looking at 2 Quinjet flying above them to the rendezvous point

"Delta 9-1, this is Zodiac 5 and 6, we are feet wet!" Zodiac 5 pilot said

Kei then drive the boat onboard at high speed to the Quinjet then they fly away

"Shogun, mission complete. All Rangers accounted for" Izuku report

"Roger Delta 9-1, missile strikes confirm on multiple Liberation hard target in your AO. All primary threats neutralized. Good work, team, that's one for the books" Shogun explain the situation

"Easy day, Shogun. Delta out" Delta reply as he look at the destroyed Tokyo

15 minutes later, 19:08 p.m., Narita Airport Forward Operation Base

Zodiac 5 and 6 land on the airport. Izuku, Kei, Yuri, and Roach exited the Quinjet and see the airport are busy with something, troops are being lined up to enter transport vehicles. As Delta 9 walk towards a tent, several troops congratulate them

"You kicked ass, Lieutenant Colonel! Welcome home!" A soldier congratulate Izuku who look confuse

"Good work, Rangers! Outstanding" A base Commander congratulate them as he walk towards them "Word on how you take out both the jammer and submarine, is going out to every soldier in every city" The base Commander told Izuku

"That's why they congratulate us" Izuku realize

"Yeah. You did something incredible, sir" The base Commander claim

"So what's happening here?" Izuku ask

"We're mustering up whatever troops we can get and get back in the city. I know it's night time, but we're pushing in with a night battle. We're retaking Tokyo one way or another" The base Commander explain

"So our orders?" Izuku ask

"You and your team is to stand down. You all have enough fighting already. Word from above saying you four has been fighting for 5 days straight. So get out of that gear, and get some rest" The base Commander said then he point at a tent "There's diner on the tent. You all earn it. Ooh rah, Delta 9" He added

Delta 9 then enter the tent and take some rest. Yuri open his helmet and pour water on his head. Roach sit down and tries to calm down after the intense battle for the past 5 days. Kei sit down and drink some water, Izuku sit down and stare emptily at the deploying forces outside

Izuku look at a table and see some empty magazines and bullets on it. He look at Kei and Kei immediately know what on Izuku's mind. Izuku stand up, grab the empty magazine, grab some bullets and insert the bullets to the magazine

Roach and Yuri look at each other before looking at Izuku who still inserting the bullets. Kei stare at Izuku for a while before he move towards the table and do what Izuku do. Yuri and Roach stand up and walk to the table and grab some other supplies

"Get some smoke, Kei" Izuku said as he give him a smoke grenade

"Got it" Kei receive the grenade

"Got some grenades here. Anybody need?" Roach ask as he open a grenade crate

"Get me 3" Yuri said, he then receive 3 grenades from Roach

"I need a couple magazines" Roach said

"Get some" Izuku said as he give Roach 2 loaded magazines

"Everyone good to go?" Izuku ask

"I'm ready" Yuri reply

"Lock and loaded" Roach reply

"Ready for mission" Kei reply

"What do you think you're doing, sir?" The base Commander ask as he enter the tent and see Delta 9 arming up

"We already have diner. And we don't need rest" Izuku said before he and his team walk towards an Quinjet

"Foxtrot 2, this is Delta 9-1. Hold your take off, me and my team are coming with you" Izuku inform Foxtrot 2's pilot

"Foxtrot 2, copy. We still have room onboard" Foxtrot 2 Pilot reply

19:15 p.m., above Funabashi, large number of allied transport aircrafts are flying towards downtown Tokyo

"This is Bullpen 2-3. Who's with me?" Bullpen 2-3 ask

"Night, Bullpen. Dog Pound 2-1. On your right" Dog Pound 2-1 reply

"Good to hear friendly voices. This is Aka 5-6" Aka 5-6 said

"Liberty 1-1, Snake Eyes 8-4, joining the fight" Snake Eyes 8-4 inform

"Yankee Foxtrot 2-1. We're on your six" Yankee Foxtrot 2-1 inform

"This is Raiden 3-3. We're flying on your left" Raiden 3-3 inform

"All units this is Delta 9-1. Let's take back Tokyo" Izuku declare as multiple fighter squadron fly pass the transports towards Tokyo