Burning City

16th January, 2221. The Second Allied Strike Force successfully retaken Hiroshima and Okayama. The First Allied Strike Force successfully retaken Nagoya. Both Strike Force are now pushing towards the last place on Japan still under Meta Liberation Army's hand, Kyoto and Osaka

20th January, 2221, JCHO Osaka Hospital, 4 days after the battle of Osaka begun

Izuku is laying on the floor, trying to take a rest. Suddenly the room he's in shake violently. Izuku groan and wipe the dirt that fell on his face by the shaking "Can't get even a rest, eh?" Izuku mumble annoyed

Izuku get up, grab his riffle, and cock it. He then exited the room and walk through the hospital's hallway. Izuku go down the stairs and see Yuri and Roach sitting on a bench

"You two look like shits" Izuku told the two

"Because we are" Roach smile jokingly

"Blyat, been through worse" Yuri claim

"Good" Izuku said when he receive a call from Shogun

"Delta 9-1, this Shogun actual. Evac Site Charlie at Nakanoshima are under heavy enemy fire. We are evacuating the last civilian survivor. Protect them at all cost" Shogun ordered

"Solid copy. Delta 9 is moving in" Izuku comply "Listen up. Evac site at are getting hit hard and we need to buy 'em some time. Ooh rah?" Izuku ask

"Ooh rah!" Yuri and Roach comply as the three exited the hospital

20th January, 2221, 20:05 p.m.

Lt Col Izuku"Delta"Midoriya

Task Force 141

JCHO Osaka Hospital, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, Japan

"All callsigns, Evac Site Charlie is under heavy fire. Uncover enemy positions and engage potential targets" Shogun inform

"This is Evac Site Charlie, we're under attacked from the Asahi Television Broadcasting Corporation tower across the river! They have mil-spec weapons! Requesting reinforcement!" LZ Charlie requested

"ABC tower is 500 meters northeast of here, let's move!" Izuku ordered as the team run to the ABC Tower

As Delta 9 run towards the ABC tower, they encounter heavy Liberation resistance

"Shogun, this is Delta 9-1. Requesting airstrike, over!" Izuku requested

"Uh, negative, 9-1. All available air units are currently tasked with multiple casevac along the Yodo River. Proceed northeast to the target building and provide support, out" Shogun reply

"Everyone move out, get out of the killzone! We gotta buy time for the casevac birds!" Izuku ordered as Delta 9 move towards the ABC Tower while killing any Liberation terrorists they see

"Large enemy force up ahead!" Yuri inform

"They bunkered up the tower!" Roach yell

"Shogun, Delta 9-1 actual. We're screening northeast with no adjacent support, and friendly victors from BCT One are hauling ass past over us, over!" Izuku reported

"Roger, Brigade Combat Team One has already peeled off a Puma to provide suppression, over" Shogun inform

"Roger, what else?!" Izuku ask as he take cover from enemy fire

"Japan Ground Army soldiers are maneuvering into position on the north of the target building. Link up with them on the ABC Hall and eliminate enemy fire team, over" Shogun ordered

"Solid copy, Shogun" Izuku comply

Delta 9 then move towards the crossroad in front of the ABC tower when they meet BCT One firing at enemies inside the ABC tower

"All right! BCT One's Puma has them suppressed! Get ready to move on my mark!" Izuku yell

"Yes, sir!" Yuri comply

"Right behind you!" Roach comply

"Ready...!" Izuku yell as BCT One's Puma IFV fire it 30mm MK30-2 autocannon at the ABC tower "Go, go, go! Move up! Move up!" Izuku ordered

Delta 9 and several Japan Ground Army soldiers run towards the ABC Tower. Inside the ABC tower, Delta 9 and JGA soldiers shoot down any Liberation terrorists on the lobby

"Drop 'em!" Izuku ordered

"On the balcony!" Yuri inform

"Use your grenade launchers!" JGA commander yell at his soldier

"Firing grenade launcher!" A JGA grenadier yell as he fire his grenade launcher at the balcony, killing several terrorists

"Shogun, this Delta 9-1. Be advised, we're inside and proceeding to the upper floors" Izuku reported

"Roger, Shogun copies all" Shogun reply

"Contact! Room in front of us!" Izuku yell

"Engaging!" Roach yell as he shoot down the terrorists

"Up the stairs, up the stairs" Izuku ordered as the team walk up to the second floor

"Shogun this is Delta 9-1. Proceeding to the second floor. Tell the Pumas from BCT One to hold fire, over" Izuku reported

"Copy that, 9-1. Good hunting" Shogun reply

"This is Foxtrot 2 November at the Nakanoshima Museum parking lot. We're taking heavy fire, requesting airstrike on our position. Send whatever you got! Broken arrow, broken arrow!" Foxtrot 2 November requested

"Delta 9-1, be advised, hostiles on the east corner of the fifth floor are hammering the evac site with heavy stolen weapons, over" Shogun inform

"Solid copy, Shogun. We're Oscar Mike to the fifth floor, out" Izuku comply as Delta 9 and JGA soldiers climb the stairs to the fifth floor

As they reached the fifth floor, they see some terrorists attacking the evac site from an office room

"Engage!" Izuku ordered, then the team engage the terrorists on the office room

A few minutes later, the firefight is over, Delta 9 and JGA soldiers win the engagement

"Enemy fire team eliminated in Section Four-Charlie" Izuku reported

"Copy that, 9-1" Shogun reply

"We're proceeding to the east corner now" Izuku reported as the team walk deeper inside the fifth floor

"I got movement" Roach notice someone moving in front of them

"Split up, flank 'em" Izuku ordered

"Roger" JGA Commanded comply as the JGA soldiers walk away to flank the terrorists

"Drop 'em! Drop 'em!" Izuku ordered, then Delta 9 shoot down any terrorists in front them and push their way to the east corner

"Clear!" Roach inform

"Wait. I spotted enemy's crow's nest at the east corner. Move forward and clear it out" Izuku ordered

"Roger" Yuri and Roach comply

"Mystic 2-1, CDCS just gave the order to abandon all evac sites to the east of Yodo River. Get your ass outta there!" Mystic 2-1 inform

Delta 9 shoot down the terrorists on the east corner while JGA soldiers flank some move terrorists on the fifth floor

"Shogun, this is Delta 9-1. We have secured the enemy crow's nest on the east corner" Izuku reported

"Shogun copies all. The evac site at the Nakanoshima's parking lot are several transports away, but they are still vulnerable. Can you provide support from your position, over" Shogun inform

"Roger that. We'll use enemy heavy weapons and provide support" Izuku inform

"I got the Carl Gustav" Roach said as he grab an M4 Carl Gustav and aim at the terrorists at the Tamino Bridge

"All callsigns on this net, this is Nakanoshima evac site! We're holding our own but have glassed enemies to the east and are taking fire from that direction!" Nakanoshima evac site yell on the radio

"Yuri, we got terrorists at the Chikuzen Bride. Sniped them" Izuku ordered

"Roger" Yuri comply as he grab an AWM and lay down on the floor

"We're taking fire at the Nakanoshima evac site! We're down to 60% combat effectiveness! Requesting support over!" Nakanoshima evac site desperately requested

Izuku is reloading Roach's Carl Gustav when he spotted several dots approaching them "Hostiles in the perimeter! Open fire! Open fire!" Izuku yell as he grab his riffle

Yuri and Roach hurriedly grab their riffle and shoot down any incoming terrorists

"Delta 9-1, recommend you cleared outta there. I see a mass of foot mobiles converging on your position" Shogun ordered

"Negative! Casevac transports still trying to evacuate. We're providing as many support as we can" Izuku denied

"Get back to firing position! Support the evac site!" Izuku ordered

"Yes, sir!" Yuri and Roach comply as they get back to the sniper and Carl Gustav respectively

After a few intense minutes, most of the casevac transports aircraft have take off and move away from any Liberation terrorists attacks

"Delta 9-1, you've brought the evac site valuable time! Well done! Now get the hell out of there! Move to the roof ASAP, you're being danger of being overrun!" Shogun ordered

"Roger that! We're headed to the rooftop!" Izuku reply "Everyone, move out!" Izuku yell

"Atlas 2-6 is now away. All remaining evacuation units, execute level three evacuation protocols. Urgent surgicals only" Shogun inform

"We just lost Atlas 2-3 to enemy fire from the Utsubo Park! Large concentration of enemy at Utsubo Park!" Atlast 2-6 inform

"We're out of time! Go!" Izuku yell as the team run to the rooftop

"This is Bear 2-2, we've got major hydraulic leak! We're barely gonna make it over the MSR! We' gotta touch do-" Bear 2-2 radio is cut when they crash landed

Delta 9 and JGA soldier reached the rooftop just in time when transports helicopter arrived

"Delta 9, this is Dagger 2-1. We're in position at the LZ" Dagger 2-1 inform

"Copy, We see you. Boarding in now" Izuku reply as Delta 9 enter the UH-60. Then the helicopter take off and fly to the south

"The 4th wave of civilian transports are away. Proceed with the 5th and last stage evacuation. Litter urgent personnel only" Shogun inform

"Enemy fire! Enemy fire!" Dagger 2-2 pilot yell as he evade an ice attack

"Atlas 2-2, 2-4, 2-5 are all away. Ground units at LZ Four, fall back now" Shogun ordered

"This is Atlas 2-7 at LZ One! Engines are 50% operational! I can't carry any more people! We're gonna have to leave some of them behind!" Atlas 2-7 inform

"Shogun to all units on Osaka, evacuation order Black Alpha, I repeat, evacuation order Black Alpha. Everyone evacuate Osaka now. I repeat, we are evacuating from Osaka" Shogun ordered

"Get your men on the transport now, we are leaving!" A soldier at an evac site yell as he run towards the last transport aircraft

Izuku look out from the helicopter's door and see the burning city of Osaka below him

Every part of the city are burning and there's no sigh of stopping. The city of Osaka are reduce to rubble, fire, smoke, and death

"... Jesus Christ..." Izuku said in disbelieve as Dagger 2-2 joint the many transports aircraft, leaving Osaka

20th January, 2221, 21:01 p.m., the Allied Strike Force of Japanese, American, and Ranger Corp soldiers evacuate from Osaka