A New Beginning

26th June, 2221, U.A., 1-A Alliance

Soft hues of light shine through the curtains of Izuku's room. Izuku slowly and tiredly open his eyes, he shake his head a bit before looking at the clock. 10.32 a.m.. Izuku look at his bed and notice Uraraka and Eri is gone. Make sense, it's 10.30, they must've wake up earlier. But this is the first time Izuku overslept in his life

Izuku groan and get off from his bed and exercise a bit. He drop himself to the ground before doing push ups. As he's doing push ups, he remember the deaths of his teammates again. Izuku shake his head and began to push ups in a faster pace

After a few minutes, Izuku finished push up and get up to his feet. He grab his bathing equipment and walk out from his room to downstairs. When he exited the elevator he sees... no one. No one is on the common room

Confused, Izuku check his radar and see no one is inside the dorm except for him. Izuku is confuse but shrug it off before walking to the bath

20 minutes later

Izuku has finished taking bath and when he get out from the bath, he still see the dorm is empty "Where the fuck is everyone?" Izuku said confuse

3 hours ago, 08.15 a.m.

Class 1-A are hanging out on the common area doing their regular morning activities

"So Midoriya's already come back?" Todoroki ask Sato as he grab his soba on the kitchen

"Yeah, he's already here. Thought we have some problems with each other and he's been in his room ever since" Sato reply

"I hope I could helped him" Todoroki said

"We all tried to help him. But he won't come out" Sato reply worried as the two walk to the diner table

The elevator's door open and Uraraka and Eri exited the elevator

"Where's Midoriya?" Kaminari ask as he notice Uraraka and Eri come down without Izuku

"Dad's still sleeping" Eri reply

"Aren't he usually the first to wake up?" Sero ask confuse

"I can't really blame him. He spend 6 months in hell and his bed is the most comfortable thing for him in a while" Uraraka said

"She's right. War is anything but comfort, and for him being able to rest comfortably is a blessing it self" Todoroki said as before he slurps his soba

"I really hope I could apologize for yesterday. I'm being a bitch to him" Mina said depressed

Kirishima pat Mina's head "Don't blame yourself to hard. It's my fault to begin with. I just nonchalantly grab his shoulder. It's my fault" Kirishima reassure

"We are a fool to think that the wars doesn't affected Midoriya the same way it affected the people around us and we as well" Tokoyami claim

"We all seen him being injured before and fought stronger enemies and he always shrug it off like he wasn't affected by it" Mineta said

"He is in constant pain all this time and never really show it to us" Uraraka claim sadly

"Now that you mention it. I never see Izuku show us his weakness" Toru realize

"Not weakness. He almost never show us his vulnerable side. Only his tough, never give up side" Ojiro corrected

"Because we all looked up to him" Todoroki said as everyone look at him "We all looked up to him and he knows that. We all relied on him in almost everything. So he cannot show his vulnerable side to us" Todoroki explain

"If he waver, we will waver as well" Tokoyami claim

"We put a lot of trust on him. And I'd say too many trust that it became a burden for him" Jiro said worried

Bakugou, who's sitting on the sofa, then remember summer camp and Kamino. He clench his fists angrily

"We all have high expectation from him, and he always deliver a much higher result than our expectation. But he doesn't do it because he's showing off or trying to proof something, he do it because it is his job" Iida stated

"And now, we expected him to be okay when he is not. Being okay is not part of his job. And we're so stupid to overlook that" Shoji claim

"You think he'll forgive us?" Toru ask worried

"I think he will. Just give him time and treat him the way we should treat him" Uraraka said before she look up to where Izuku's room is "He is in pain, and he doesn't know how to deal with it. His mind is still on the war, and he's trapped there. He's not asking for help since he doesn't know if there is someone who could save him" Uraraka explain sadly

"We rely on him for too much that it became a burden to him. He needed help but we pretend to not noticing it and assume everything is okay. He's in pain and we just watched him hurt" Kirishima said frustrated while clenching his harden fists "What kind of heroes are we that we ignore someone in need of help right in front of us?" Kirishima said frustrated

"Not the hero we wanted to be" Sato claim frustrated

"I kind of know how he feel. I was abused when I was young. So I know how PTSD feels like" Todoroki said

"How did you fight the PTSD, Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu ask

"For the longest time? I declare myself to not let my father wins, by not using my fire. That anger and pain also determination makes me kind of move on from my PTSD" Todoroki explain

"But that took years" Mina said

"Unfortunately" Todoroki reply

"We need to cheer him up" Koda said nervously

"How we supposed to do that?" Mineta ask

"Well that's easy. He's a hero now and he's on a comeback" Kaminari said grinning

Jiro immediately connect the dots of what Kaminari just said "Denki, you're a genius!" She claim

Kaminari look at Jiro surprise "Y-Y-You called my first name. And you called me a genius..." Kaminari tear up before he hug Jiro tightly "Thank you, Kyouka!" He yell happily

"H-H-Hey! Get off me!" Jiro blush bright red as she tries to remove Kaminari from her

"What are you talking about?" Sero ask confuse as others

Eri then realize what Kaminari means "Hero's Comeback!" She yell

The class then understood what it means and began to smile excitedly

"That is perfect! We could cheer him up with his song" Mina cheer excitedly

"And the song does represent him" Aoyama claim

"I know, right?" Sero nodding

"Hell nah! I will not play drum only for guns!" Bakugou denied before he could be asked to play

"Come on, man. Don't be an ass" Kaminari said

"Yeah! You do it before at the school festival" Sero said

"I do that because those extras are looking down on us! And to prove them wrong by doing the stupid concert! I have nothing to prove to guns" Bakugou yell angrily before walking away

"You could prove to him that if you willing to do this, you could definitely become the number 1 hero in the future" Sero tease

Bakugou froze in his track and glance back "You fucker always know who to manipulate me" He said angrily

"You're welcome" Sero whistle innocently

"But isn't Midoriya's the singer? He supposed to enjoyed the song not be the one who sing it in front of others. This is his welcome home party, he shouldn't be the part to entertain himself" Asui pointed out

"She's right. But I doubt any of us could replace him as the singer" Shoji said

"I might know the song, but I can't sing it" Ojiro said bashfully

"We might be in a disaster if we choose the wrong singer" Jiro said worried

"What should we do? We already failed before we even began!" Minate scream worriedly

"Let's talk to the teachers first. Maybe Present Mic could help" Yaoyorozu suggested

"That's a good idea. Come on, 1-A. The mission to cheer Midoriya up is a go!" Kirishima yell excitedly

"Yeah!" The class cheer together before they all walk out from the dorm

Present time

Izuku reheat the pizza he ordered yesterday. He then eat the pizza in complete silent on the diner table. Mid-eating, Izuku receive a phone call. He grab his phone as see his father's number. Izuku sigh before accepting the call "It's me"

"Lieutenant Colonel. I need you go go to U.A.'s conference room, right now" Hisashi ordered

"What's this about?" Izuku ask

"You'll know when you get there" Hisashi reply before he hung up

Izuku sigh out annoyed "Sigh, I guess no pizza" He mumble annoyed before he grab a slice of pizza and walk out the dorm

As Izuku walk to the U.A. main building, he was greeted along the way by the students, staff, soldiers, and refugee who still live on the U.A. Refugee Center. Some even give him food or drinks as a sign of gratitude

Izuku enter the U.A. main building that surprisingly full of people. All Might notice him

"Young Midoriya!" All Might yell gaining the attention of everyone on the lobby

"All Might, sir" Izuku reply as All Might and several teachers approach him

"It's good to see you again, kiddo" Ectoplasm said

"When did you get back?" 13 ask

"Last night" Izuku reply

"Why didn't you tell us that you're back? We could've greeted you" All Might ask

"I don't want greetings, after everything I've experienced, I just want rest" Izuku explain gesturing that he is tired

"Make sense. You does fight for 6 months through out WW3" Ectoplasm said

"Do you need anything, Young Midoriya?" All Might ask

"I was needed on the conference room. Don't know why" Izuku reply

"Conference room? Maybe it's about them?" 13 ask

"Probably" Ectoplasm reply

"Maybe that's why the press comes here" All Might mumble

"Press?" Izuku said confuse then he look around and does see many press already filming him and ready to question him "The fact that the press didn't interview All Might. Are they here for something else?" Izuku ask

"Yes. You" All Might simply said

Izuku look at All Might confused "Me?"

"Yes, Young Midoriya. Unless you didn't know, you became the most famous person in all of Japan right now" All Might explain

"How? What did I do to get all this attention?" Izuku ask genuinely confused

"You saved Japan, Midoriya" Ectoplasm said

"You are known as the soldier that saved Japan" 13 added

"I'm not the only one who saved Japan. Japanese Military, Ranger Corp, US Military, they all fight to retake Japan from Liberation Army. Not just me" Izuku stated

"We know that, but you're the most famous one among all" All Might said

"Sigh, I'm not gonna talk about this. I'm going to the conference room" Izuku told the teachers before looking at the reporters "Do not! Tries to interview me. Not now at least. I hope you all understand" Izuku sternly told the reporters who hold their urges to interview him

"That is not a nice thing to say to the reporters, Young Midoriya. Some of them are live feed" All Might told Izuku who already walking away

"I'm a soldier, not a celebrity! I don't need fame!" Izuku stated while continue to walk away, leaving a dumbfounded All Might and reporters who just watch him walk up the stairs

At one of the room on the lobby, Class 1-A, Aizawa, and Present Mic peek out from the door and see Izuku walk up the stairs

"Wow, I never thought Midoriya would yell at the reporters" Kirishima said surprised

"Yeah, Thought he look like he's pissed or something" Kaminari said

"Maybe he's mad that we are not at the dorm when he wake up?" Toru said worried

"He's even angrier at us" Mina said dreaded

"We're doom!" Mineta yell terrified

"Relax, you extras! He would be an idiot to be mad by something like that" Bakugou scoff

"He's right, Midoriya would never be mad by something like that. Looks like he's mad by something else" Iida reassure

"What do you think it is, mom?" Eri wonder

"I don't know. Maybe it have something to do with the reporters?" Uraraka reply unsure

"This is a waste of time. If you want to make a surprise party then make it now" Aizawa said tiredly

"He's right, young listeners! He's maybe mad now, but your concert will absolutely make him cheer up!" Present Mic yell excitedly

"That's right. Let's make that party now. And since Midoriya won't be at the dorm, we could go there without alerting him" Todoroki said

"Then let's go!" Kirishima raise his hand

"YEAH!!!" Class 1-A and Present Mic cheer while raising their hands as well

Conference Room

Izuku reach the conference room that is located on the 5th floor. As Izuku approach the room, he is stopped by several government agents

"Stop, this is a restricted area. You cannot get in here" An agent stop Izuku

"I was needed on the conference room" Izuku said

"I'm sorry, the conference room is a restricted area. I cannot let you in without permission" The agent reply

"Sigh. Can you relay a message to the conference room?" Izuku ask sighing

"I'm sorry, I cannot do that. I have to ask you to leave" The agent denied

"Motherfucker..." Izuku mumble annoyed "Listen, I don't really like to use authority when I don't have to. But can you at least relay a message to the conference room that Lieutenant Colonel Izuku Midoriya is outside" Izuku said

The agent and everyone there are surprise when they hear Izuku's name. They began to whisper one to another, and an agent radioed in about the situation. Seconds later, the conference room door open and Midoriya's father, Hisashi Midoriya exited the room

"Delta, I'm sorry. There's a bit of miscommunication" Hisashi apologize as he approach Izuku

"If coming here is not an order. I would go back to the dorm and finished my half eaten pizza, General" Izuku said flatly

"I'm sorry. I hope these people doesn't troubled you. And please don't beat them up if they did" Hisashi beg

"Relax, General. I won't fight friendlies" Izuku reassure before looking at the agent again "I know you, you're part of the Imperial Guard. I've seen you before when the Emperor make a visit to Kyoto 2 years ago" Izuku said to the surprise of the agents

"You're right, sir. We are the Imperial Guard" An agent inform

"If the Imperial Guard are here, then it could only mean 1 thing" Izuku said as he look at his father

"Yes, and 1 more person also inside, waiting for you" Hisashi said

"I am needed now, so am I cleared to go?" Izuku ask the agents

"Of course, sir. Sorry to bother you" The Imperial Guards move away from Izuku

Izuku nod then walk towards the conference room with Hisashi

"Thank you for saving the country, sir" An agent told Izuku

Izuku stop and glance at the agent "I was just doing my job, like you all right now" Izuku stated before walking again

Izuku and Hisashi reach the conference room door. Izuku look at Hisashi and he gesture him to open the door

Izuku stare at the door for some time before he open it and entering the room with his father. Inside, Izuku see the U.A.'s principal, Nezu. Japan's Prime Minister, Hoshiyama. And the Emperor of Japan, Emperor Yamato

Izuku immediately salute at Prime Minister before bowing down to the Emperor

"Please, raise you head. If any, I'm the one who supposed to bow to you for saving me and my family" Yamato stand up and handshake Izuku

"I'm just doing my job, your Highness. You don't need to bow down to me" Izuku reassure before he handshake Hoshiyama "Mr. Prime Minister" Izuku greet

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant Colonel" Hoshiyama greeted back

"So what exactly that 2 of Japan's most important people doing in here?" Izuku ask

"Let's have a seat first before we continue" Nezu said as everyone get to their seats

"Now, let's just cut to the case. Lieutenant Colonel Izuku Midoriya, we want you to become a war hero of Japan" Hoshiyama requested

Izuku look at the Prime Minister with a flat expression "I am not a hero, Prime Minister. I'm a soldier, a warrior" He claim

"What he is saying that you are not a "hero" as a job or profession like our society has known for so long. No. What we meant, is that you are the truest and purest form of hero, a real hero. True, you are a warrior, I don't doubt that. But you also a hero" Yamato explain

"With due all respect, your highness. I'm not" Izuku insist

Yamato smile "A hero, a true hero, is an individual with extraordinary achievement. An individual who's willing to go above and beyond what is necessary to fight, to protect, to save others regardless if that action cost him his limbs or live" Yamato explain and look at Izuku smiling "You are everything I just describe, and even beyond that" He added

Izuku just sit there silently, trying to process what the Emperor just said

"You are the new hero of Japan, Delta. Even if you don't accept it, the people will call you one" Hisashi claim

Izuku sigh out "Sigh, okay, I am a hero. I do enroll to U.A. so it's not that strange" Izuku agrees

Hisashi, Nezu, Hoshiyama, and Yamato are happy that Izuku finally accept that he is a hero

"Now that you agree that you are a hero. I must also inform you that you also the new symbol of Japan" Hisashi said

Izuku groan "All Might's still alive"

"All Might is the Symbol of Peace, and a symbol of the old society" Nezu claim

"So I'm the hero and symbol of the new society?" Izuku ask, Nezu nod

"Pretty much" Hisashi said

"If All Might still the Symbol of Peace, what do I symbolized?" Izuku ask

"Hope" Yamato said, Izuku and everyone look at the emperor "You symbolized hope, Lieutenant Colonel"

Izuku look puzzled "How do I symbolized hope?" He ask confused. If any, he would symbolized death instead

"Because when you fight, you won. When people saw you fight, they won. When the whole nation saw you fight, we won. You fight so hard and never give up, you give hope to those who saw you fight that we will win the fight, no matter how hard it is" Yamato explain "Like when you rescued me, my wife, and my daughter" Yamato added

"Our country is in it's darkest moment when came to us, protect us from the dark, and guide us to the light" Hoshiyama added

"All Might created peace, you created hope, Delta" Hisashi said

"With due all respect, it's not just me. It's team effort. It's all the sacrifice of all the soldiers who fight in the war, that Japan survived. Not just me" Izuku corrected

"Why are you so stubborn about not acknowledge your achievement, son?" Hisashi ask

"Because it's not just me who deserve the achievement. Every soldiers who contribute to the war effort deserve it too. Every infantry, every pilots, every sailors, every supply handler, every intelligence deserve the achievement, sir" Izuku explain "I'm not selfish enough to steal someone else's achievement" He added

Yamato smile fondly "Your humbleness really show us why you are a true hero" He said

"Don't worry about others. They will receive their achievement that they deserve as well. Now you have to accept yours" Hisashi said, Izuku still reluctant to accept it

"You can have the recognition that you deserve" Nezu said

"I don't need recognition, what I need is the next mission" Izuku declare

"There won't be the next mission for you" Hisashi said making Izuku to look at him

"I beg your pardon?" Izuku ask

"You are on a 6 months medical leave from Ranger Corp" Hisashi said

"Sir?" Izuku said surprise

"I know the war affected you despite you now showing it, so take the leave to heal yourself. To be honest, 6 months are not enough. Originally I wanted to make it a 2 years leave, making you only able to go back to Ranger Corp after you graduated U.A.. But I know you'll complain" Hisashi explain

"Bet your ass I will" Izuku said annoyed "Is that an order?" Izuku ask

"It's an order" Hisashi quickly reply

"God damnit" Izuku groan

"Sorry, son" Hisashi apologize

"This country owes you a lot. What do you need, son?" Yamato ask

"I told you before, your Highness. I need the next mission" Izuku reply

"Given the fact that we killed most if not all the bad guys the past 6 months, there won't be any fights for you fight in" Hisashi said

"And beside, the war is over. We won" Hoshiyama added

"Trouble, Mr. Prime Minister. No matter who win or losses, trouble always come around" Izuku claim

"True that. But that doesn't mean you have to handle all the burden of fighting all of them, Mr. Midoriya. You fought for peace and now peace has been achieved. You deserved to enjoy this peace, you earn it" Nezu explain smiling

"The principal is right. Even though I said that you doesn't create peace earlier, you still deserve it" Hisashi claim

"I don't live in peace, I live in struggles" Izuku claim

"Mr. Midoriya, people needs a symbol to help them back to their feet in this difficult time. And since heroes not as significant as they are a year ago. We needed a new symbol. You" Hoshiyama explain

"I already accept that I am a hero, but I can't accept that I'm a symbol of hope. I'm not" Izuku claim clenching his fists

Hisashi notice Izuku's being restless "Don't listen to those Chinese soldiers, Delta. You are not what they describe you are"

"But I am. I'm not a symbol of hope, I'm the harbinger of death. I'm a Zhànchǎng èmó" Izuku claim

"Zhànchǎng èmó/Battlefield Demon..." Hisashi clench his fists while everyone else looks confused

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. What exactly are you two talking about?" Yamato ask confuse

"And "Battlefield Demon"? What does that mean?" Hoshiyama added

Before Hisashi could explain, Izuku speak first

"I did something that broke the International Geneva Convention back in WW3" Izuku said before he became silent for a bit "I... kill, no, kill is an easy word. I genocide a Chinese base of 2000 soldiers, even after they surrender" Izuku explain

Nezu, Yamato, and Hoshiyama are surprise be the sudden reveal

"Those soldiers are around my age to 24 years old. All still young. When they realized that they cannot stop me from destroying their base, they surrender, they beg for mercy, they plead for their lives. But I still kill them..." Izuku said trembling

Yamato and Hoshiyama look at each other with worries and pity

"I can't be the symbol of hope. The reason why I genocide that Chinese soldiers, despite already surrendering, is because the war broke me. And you can't have a broken person as a symbol of hope" Izuku claim frustrated and the room became a silent as everyone still trying to process the information

"I know you cannot change the past. I know you cannot undo your mistakes. But you can redeem it, Mr. Midoriya" Nezu is the first to talk after the silent

"By being a symbol of hope, you could redeem you sins by help the people who needed the said hope. You help them and yourself, Delta" Hisashi explain

Yamato and Hoshiyama stand up and face Izuku "We know you have sacrificed more than enough for this country and we are in no rights to ask for more" Yamato said

"But we will ask you" Hoshiyama said before they both bow down to Izuku "Please help us rebuilt this country" They beg

Hisashi then stand up and bow to Izuku. Nezu then also bow to Izuku as well

"Please raise your heads. I'm not someone you should bow to" Izuku said but they still bowing down

"Can you please accept this old man selfish wish?" Yamato ask

"Trying to rebuilt the nation is not a selfish wish, your Highness" Izuku reassure. He then sigh out with a heavy heart "Okay. I'll accept my role as a war hero, and symbol of hope" Izuku said

Everyone then raise their heads and smiling in relief. Hisashi look at his son with proud, despite not being there for him when he is younger. Izuku manage to grow up to become a good man, and a perfect soldier

"Great, now we can enjoy the welcome home party" Nezu said smiling

"The what?" Izuku ask confuse

"Your classmates, and teachers are making a homecoming party for you. They are trying to make it like the school festival with a concert" Nezu explain

Izuku immediately connect the dots "Hero's Comeback" He realize

"Exactly. You are a hero, and now on a comeback" Nezu reply smiling

"I'm homecoming, not comeback" Izuku said

"They're the same, you come back to us" Nezu reply

"Can't deny that logic" Izuku commented

"This is a perfect opportunity" Hoshiyama said

"What opportunity?" Izuku ask

"After the concert, we could announce that you became officially the new symbol of hope and war hero" Hoshiyama explain

"Wait, the concert's is on live tv?" Izuku said surprise

"They're not... for now. But I have a change of plans, we do have a lot of press downstairs" Nezu smile sweetly

Izuku just look lost and unable to reply anything

"Cheer up, son. Your party will be seen not just by the whole nation, but also the Prime Minister and Emperor" Hisashi pat Izuku's shoulder

"With due all respect, that's doesn't cheer me at all" Izuku reply annoyed before he look at Nezu "But wait, I'm one of the singer of that song. If that's my homecoming party, who's gonna sing it?" Izuku ask

"For now? Probably Hizashi" Nezu reply "Present Mic's Hizashi" Nezu added

Izuku stare at Nezu with a flat face "I don't trust anyone to sing my song, even if it's Present Mic" Izuku

"Then go down there and sing it yourself" Nezu smile

"Shouldn't I the one who enjoy the party, not perform on it?" Izuku ask

"By singing you could enjoy the party, right?" Nezu said

"Again, I can't deny that logic" Izuku commented

"Now, shall we" Nezu said as he open the door and everyone get out from the room

U.A.'s Gym, 12.42 p.m.

Class 1-A, 1-B, and pretty much all of the class from all years are busy preparing the stage for the homecoming party. Some of the parents also helped the best they could

Uraraka' father, who is a construction worker installed some supporting beam

Yaoyorozu create some entertainment equipment while her parents manage the instalment

Sero is dangling on the ceiling while installing some light that Dark Shadow bring up

Bakugou and Mitsuki are arguing like usual and everyone sweatdrop by their antic

Mina and her mother choreograph the dance team of Mina, Iida, Aoyama, Toru, Ojiro, Sato, Asui, Shoji, Mineta, and Uraraka

Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire are hanging with Eri since Uraraka is busy

Todoroki create some giant ice block while Kirishima and Tetsutetsu sculpture the ice block to make a the letter 'Delta'

"You sure, you know how to sing this, dad?" Jiro ask her father

"I am a singer, dear. You can trust on me" Jiro's father, Kyotoku Jiro claim proudly

"Don't be too energetic, dear. This is an important concert after all" Jiro's mother, Mika Jiro told her husband

"I know how important this concert is, Mika. The hero who fought for all of us is finally back. I know I cant mess things up" Kyotoku claim making Mika and Jiro to smile

Monoma only look at the people who are busy preparing the concert "Sigh, they all are doing something useless. Why would they make a concert or party for one person?" Monoma ask himself

"You better not talk like that, Monoma" Kendo scold as she, Tetsutetsu and Awase walk to him

"Midoriya just return from WW3. A homecoming party is not strange. And don't say anything weird in front of him" Awase said

"Yeah, don't talk shit about Class A or him again, Monoma. Or he'll kill you for real" Tetsutetsu threaten

"Even he didn't kill you. Many in his place will try. So behave" Kendo threaten

"Sigh, yea, yea, I'll behave" Monoma shrug before Awase knock him out with a stick

The next thing Monoma know, he is on the ground writing the name 'Awase' on the ground before passing out

"I think it's better for him to stay silent" Awase claim

"Yeah, and it's also better if we silent him" Tetsutetsu said

"Because if Midoriya's the one who silent him..." Kendo said

"He'll silent Monoma for good" The three said together before dragging Monoma away

As the gym being prepared, some press are entering the gym and position their cameras on the gym. Some are confuse by the press but decide to ignore since they are on a tight schedule

As the time when on, more people and press are entering the gym. And by 14.40 p.m. the gym is packed with audience and press wanting to see the concert


"Okay, I expected the large number of audience. But the press? Not so much" Kaminari said nervously as he and some of the class A and their parents peek outside from the backstage

"What's with all the press all the sudden?" Toru said confuse

"Did someone call them here?" Sero ask

"I don't know" Sato reply unsure

"You think the principal responsible?" Toru's mother ask

"That's a possibility. Knowing him from the last 6 months, it is highly possible" Yaoyorozu's father claim

"But why? Why all the sudden?" Uraraka said confuse

"Maybe because they wanted to interview Midoriya?" Kirishima conclude

"But we know from earlier that Midoriya doesn't really care about fame and all" Asui pointed out

"Maybe because of someone else?" Mina's mother said

"Yeah, a certain someone does make a stir" Someone said behind all of them

"Who is that idiot? Bringing all the press in here?" Mina puff he cheeks in annoyance

"Yeah, who is that idiot?" The person said as well before all of them froze and slowly look behind and see the one and only, Izuku Midoriya. He's standing behind them and reading the lyrics

Izuku look at them who's looking at him surprised and terrified "Sup" Izuku simply said before he continue reading the lyrics

"Ehh... hehe.... H-Hi, Midoriya..." Kaminari stutter

"M-Midoriya... I'm-" Mina about to say something

"If you gonna apologize, don't. Just don't" Izuku interrupted making everyone to sweat nervously

"I... Izuku...?" Uraraka said timidly

"Yes, Ochako?" Izuku reply still reading the lyrics

"Are you mad?" Uraraka ask everyone's question

"I am" Izuku reply with a low tone making everyone to pale white as a ghost "Just not at you all" Izuku added making everyone to relax a bit

"If you're not mad at us, then who?" Uraraka ask confuse as others

"Mostly myself" Izuku said as he put down the lyrics sheet and look at them, who look confuse "I hurt those I supposed to protect" He claim

"I'm fine, Midobro. Yesterday is my mistake-" Kirishima reassure

"I'm not just talking about yesterday" Izuku interrupted Kirishima "I left you all. I left you all and fight someone else's war. I left you all when I should be here and protect you all" Izuku explain a little frustrated

"You don't have to protect us, Midoriya. Even if you are a soldier, even if you are our class president, or even if you are our friend. You don't have to protect us all the time" Iida claim with the class agreeing

"We rely on you for far too much and far too long that it became a burden for you" Kirishima claim frustrated

"We always expected you to lead us, to save us, to fight for us, to do everything for us. While we put a blind eye at your condition, your feeling, your struggles to keep up with our expectation" Tokoyami claim with the class looking down in guilt

"You mad at yourself, but we also mad and our self for letting you do all the hard work while we do almost nothing at all" Shoji said

Uraraka approach Izuku and grab his hand "Don't be so hard on yourself. And please, Izuku. Share us your struggles, your pain. Let us help you the same way you always help us" She plead

"You saved us all the time, now it's our time to save you from whatever hell you are in" Todoroki claim with the class and parents nodding

"I'm not sure you all can help me" Izuku said dejected

"You are not a hero, guns. You always say that" Bakugou scoff making everyone to look at him annoyed. Mitsuki about to yell when Bakugou continue "And you damn know that a hero's job it to save others who needed it. So give your damn self a favor and let these extras help you" Bakugou stated making everyone, especially Mitsuki to be surprise by Bakugou's word

Bakugou look at the surprised face of everyone and get pissed off "I have feelings other than anger as well, you extras!" He yell angrily

"Bakugou's change!" Mina yell surprise

"This is a miracle!" Kaminari yell

"That's manly, Bakugou!" Kirishima cries manly tears

"He's soften!" Sero yell surprise

"The fuck you extras said?!" Bakugou yell angrily when they all hug Bakugou "Get off me!" Bakugou yell angrily but only making them to hug tighter

Uraraka giggle when the Bakusquad bear hug Bakugou, but then she felt Izuku's hand grip her's a little bit tighter "Izuku?" She ask looking at Izuku

"I'm glad to be able to know you all" Izuku said smiling

Uraraka look at Izuku happily "We also glad, Izuku" She smile sweetly

Suddenly they all heard Present Mic announce about their concert from the stage

"The concert about to start. Everyone knows your job. And Midoriya, please get to the VIP seat" Iida told Izuku

"Yeah, about that, change of plans" Izuku said making everyone to look at him "I'll sing" He declare surprising everyone

"Wait, this is your welcome home party, Midoriya. You can't perform" Mineta said

"This my song, I'll sing" Izuku gesture the lyrics sheet


"No 'but'. I'll sing. I know you all wanted me to rest and enjoy the concert, but please, let me sing one more time" Izuku requested

"Then it's all yours" Kyotoku said surprising everyone

"Dad?" Jiro ask surprise

"He has the passion of a singer, there's no way I'm gonna stand in his way" Kyotoku claim

"I don't think any of us could stand against him anyway" Kaminair's dad joke making everyone to laugh

"All right, everyone get into position. I need to remind you that this concert will be seen all over Japan, so don't fuck it up. Understood?" Izuku ordered sternly

"Yes, sir!" Everyone salute at Izuku making him to smile fondly

"Let's roll" Izuku ordered then everyone began to do their assigned jobs

14.58 p.m.

Yamato, Hoshiyama, Hisashi, and Nezu are sitting on the VIP seats that's separated from the rest of the audience

"How do you thin the concert will perform, Prime Minister?" Yamato ask

"I think it will be great. Since we know Izuku Midoriya's is one of the singer, your Highness" Hoshiyama reply

"If destiny have another plan. Maybe Delta would be a singer instead" Hisashi said to himself

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be a great singer if that happen" Nezu smile since he already know Izuku's performance before

15.00 p.m.

The lights turn off making the audience to be excited since the show about to start

The curtains lift up, revealing silhouettes of the band and dance team. The audience cheer up excitedly and all cameras are recording them

"Let's show them what we got. Hit it!" Izuku signaled

"Let's kill them all!" Bakugou yell as he create a massive explosion before playing the drum. The audience are taken back by the massive explosion, but immediately cheer excitedly

Izuku and Jiro string their bass together before lights began to light up and reveal the band and the dance team start dancing

~Tooku de kikoeru koe wo hinto ni~

~Hitori mata hitori tachiagaru doushi~

~Kurikaesu dake no fudan doori kutsugaesu~

~Junbi iize are you ready?~

~Karadajuu furuwasu shindou ni hageshiku uchinarase yo stomping~

~Taezu tsuki ugokasu call me kawarazu yuru ga nutsukamu story COME ON!!~

Izuku and Jiro sing the song and the dance team dance energetically. The audience follow suit with the dancing. Everyone is enjoying the concert, Prime Minister is taking a video on his phone while, Emperor is smile happily, and Hisashi raise his hands and enjoy the beat

~EVERYBODY STAND UP! Agero! Kyou ichiban no jikan da~

~Me ni mo tomoranu SPEED no HUNTER~

~Daremo ga mina toriko kanban YEAH~(COME ON!)


~Zujou kazoe yubi oriru COUNTDOWN~

~Iku ze 3-2-1 MAKE SOME NOISE!~

Izuku, Jiro, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu and the dance team jump up energetically while Bakugou create a massive explosion

"YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The audience cheer up excitedly




















Shori Park, Musutafu

A 16 years old boy with freckles, messy brown hair, and wearing a military style T-shirt and cargo pants is walking through the park in the center of Musutafu City. He continue to walk to the center of the park where he see a monument the shape of a knife, and words engraved to the base of the monument






The boy stand in front of the monument before he salute the monument, paying respect to the warriors that give their live to protect the country and world from destruction... 20 years ago

20 years has passed since the wars and the world still trying to rebuilt from the violent past

"Kei! I told you to wait for me" A teenage girl with raven hair and a little bit of red and white streak and ponytail run to the boy AKA Kei

"C'mon, Rei. You're just to slow" Kei joked

"I hate you" The girl AKA Rei pout as she gasp for air

"And I love you too" Kei said smugly making Rei to blush

Rei fan her face, trying to cool herself from embarrassment "Anyway, did you already give your enrollment paper to the academy?" She ask

"Already did. By the starts of the new semester, I will be officially a cadet of Ranger Corp Ground Academy" Kei reply "How about you? Did you give your paper to U.A. yet?" He ask

"I just did it before coming here" Rei reply

*Ranger Corp Academy. Ever since the war, heroes became a less significant image in the society, the people who dreamed of being a hero began to decrease, they wanted to be a soldier instead (Heroes still exist just not as abundance as they used to be). In response to this, Ranger Corp created 4 Ranger Corp Academy across Japan. Their role is to trained those who wanted to answer their call of duty and become the next generation of warriors

*Only 4 Ranger Corp Academy are build and each one is representing a different branch;

-Ranger Corp Air academy. Located at Matsushima Air Base, Higashimatsushima. Their role is to trained pilots

-Ranger Corp Ground Academy. Located just Beside U.A. High School, Musutafu. Their role is to trained ground infantry

-Ranger Corp Naval Academy. Located at Tategamimachi Naval Base, Tategamimachi. Their role is to trained sailors and marines

-Ranger Corp Special Academy. Located at the shore of Lake Hibara, Kitashiobara. Their role is to recruit the best soldiers from the other Ranger Corp Academy and trained them to become Ranger Corp Special Operation Command, Special Combat Assault Regiment, SCAR. Also known as "Tip of The Spear"

-Task Force 141 Camp. Location, classified beyond top secret and need to know only. Their role is to recruit, trained, and shaped the best soldiers to become even better. They are the best handpicked group of warriors not just in Japan, but also the world. Many Special Forces operator from many countries are recruited by Task Force 141 and given the bigger role of not just protecting their countries, but to protect the world as a whole. They are the first Global Defense Force in history, and humanity's best line of defense

"Speaking of here" Rei look at the knife monument in front of them "You always came here everyday, Kei" Rei said

"I always pay my respect to the fallen warriors" Kei reply before he walk forward and touch the monument "Especially the soldier whom my father named me after, Kei Nakamura" Kei explain

"So what's your father doing now?" Rei ask

"He's being deployed to South America" Kei reply

"South America? Why there?" Rei ask confuse

"I don't know. The only thing I heard is they're hunting someone called Mendez or Menendez, I don't know. It's black ops" Kei reply shrugging

Rei only smile before grabbing Kei's hand "Let's go to eat, Kei Midoriya" Rei said

Kei smile "Yes, ma'am, Rei Todoroki" Kei reply before the two walk away from the monument

*Kei Midoriya. Son of "War Hero, Symbol of Hope" Colonel Izuku"Delta"Midoriya and number 5 Pro Hero, Ochaco"Uravity"Midoriya, and little brother of Combat Medic, 2nd Lieutenant Eri"Rewind"Izumi (Eri and Kota are around 26-27 years old right now. They are married and have a 5 years old daughter. Eri is part of SCAR, while Kota is part of Task Force 141, Kota's rank is 1st Lieutenant)

*Rei Todoroki. Daughter of number 3 Pro Hero, Shoto"Frostburn"Todoroki and number 4 Pro Hero. Momo"Creati"Todoroki

10th April, 2241, Ranger Corp Ground Academy

Kei Midoriya is standing in front of the entrance gate with a serious expression. He look to the left and see Rei Todoroki waving at him before she enter the U.A.'s gate. Kei look at the Ranger Corp Ground Academy again 'This is it, dad, mom, sis, uncle. The beginning of my story' Kei thought before he take the first step of becoming a soldier

The Hero Who Answer The Call Of Duty. Mission Accomplished