Special Chapter Part 3 : I-Island




"Ting" The bell of the elevator reaching the intended floor is sounded. the elevator doors then open and inside are Izuku, holding his circular throwing shield in a defensive stance while behind him the other Special Forces Operators aiming their rifle on the hallway, scanning for hostiles, while All Might is on a battle stance as well, ready to strike

Izuku scan the hallway, no hostiles. Thought the hallway are in ruins with some dead bodies of the terrorists scatter around. There was a battle here not so long ago "Move" Izuku simply ordered, then everyone exited the elevator cautiously while also scanning their surrounding

"This place is a mess" All Might commented

"Raider 1 and Raider 2 probably have a firefight in here" Izuku reply

"No sign of the Raiders from any of the bodies. They survived this firefight" Alex said

"Then why we lost contact?" Delta 9-3 ask

"That's the million dollar question, Sarge" Delta 9-4 reply

"Heads up, 6 hostiles up ahead. They're hiding" Izuku warned

Just as Izuku warned Delta 9 and All Might, the terrorists throw some smoke grenade at the hallway. The hallway then immediately covered by smoke

"They deployed smoke" Alex said as the team stop advancing

"All Might, wind pressure" Izuku told All Might

All Might immediately understood Izuku's intention "Understood. Stay back" All Might said as he move in front of the team

"There's no civvies around. You're clear for full force" Izuku told All Might

All Might then cock back his right arm while staring at the hallway with a wide smirk "TEXAS...!!! SMASH!!!" All Might roar as he punch the air making a massive and fast wind pressure that wreck the hallway

The terrorists that was hiding are blown away by the wind pressure. They all landed on the far end of the hallway, groaning as they tried to get up. Unfortunately, they will never get up since Delta 9 shot them down

"Hallway clear" Alex inform

"Move" Izuku ordered

"Moving" Delta 9-3 reply as the team began moving towards the control room

200th floor, Vault Room

David, who still trying to hack the system in order to get the container to open and get the device inside it. He then began to remember why he was doing this in the first place

"I could get my research back? How?!" David said shocked after his assistant, Sam told him an idea of his

"We could hire villains to steal it" Sam explain

"Don't be ridiculous" David said stressed

"Of course the villains aren't real. We just need to hire a few people to act like villains and force us to break in and take it. We'll order them to not hurt anyone, and after it's done, we could continue our research elsewhere" Sam explain in detail

"That is crazy" David said

"I know, but I want to complete that data back and keep working. Don't you feel the same way, professor?" Sam ask

David look away in frustration. And after a few more persuasion from Sam, David agrees

"I've completed the preparations. We'll carry this out on the day of I-Expo pre opening when the tower's closed and the plan will begin along side the reception since that's the only time when all the people involved will be together in the same room. We'll pull the strings from the background, while the actors make it seems that I-Island has been taken over by villains" Sam explain to David a few day before the I-Expo

'That was the plan. But we have a last minute change. All Might's condition is better than ever thanks to the Regeneration Cradle. It manage to restored All Might's body, and even some of his quirk. His quirk is restoring as well as his body' David thought

'So the device was not needed anymore. I aborted the fake attack. So why it still happened?!' David mentally yell before looking at Sam 'I told him that the attack was aborted, but he protested. Please don't tell me you told them to attack despite my orders, Sam' David thought worried

David then remember All Might and everyone else that tied up downstairs 'I'm sorry, everyone. But just wait a little longer' David thought as he continue to hack the system

200th floor, hallway

"Left side! Left side!" Alex yell as he shoot at terrorists hiding on the left side

"Smash!" All Might yell as he air punch the hallway, making massive air pressure that sweep the hallway and knocked out some terrorists

"We got one more!" Izuku yell as he hide behind a pillar and a terrorist is shooting at him from a pillar across him

Izuku look at his radar and marked the terrorist's position, then he throw his shield to the floor, where it bounce to the wall then bounce again to the terrorist's head, dizzying the terrorist before Izuku front kick the terrorist making him to flung away

"Clear!" Delta 9-4 inform

"Clear!" Delta 9-3 inform

Suddenly a shutter shut down right where they are going

"They're closing the path!" Alex yell

"All Might!" Izuku look at All Might

All Might cock his right arm "Smash!" He cried as he blasted the shutters off

"Move!" Izuku ordered

"Moving!" Alex reply as the team began to move again

As they move, they began to hear gunshots, but at a distance away

"Gunshots" Alex said

"But not at us" Delta 9-3 said

"Raiders still alive" Izuku said as he look at his radar and spotted the firefight location "This way. Double time!" Izuku ordered then they began to run to Raiders' aid

Near the control room, Raider 1 and Raider 2 are pinned down by the terrorists that surprise attack them and have the environment advantage to the Raiders

"Anyone on comms, this is Raider 1-13, we're pinned down. How copy?!" Raider 1-3 ask through the radio to no luck

"Fuck! They have some sort of signal jammer. I can't contact anyone" Raider 1-3 said annoyed

"Hold our ground, Marines! Keep shooting!" Raider 2-1 ordered as the Raiders continue to shoot the terrorists

"We have them by the edge!" A terrorist yell excited as he and several other terrorists are shooting towards Raiders' position

"They get too excited. That's what you get for trying to take us!" A terrorist yell excited as he watches the other terrorists shooting

"You, go now! Don't just stand there" A terrorist order another terrorist

"It's Swordkill, idiot!" The terrorist AKA Swordkill yell before he jump high towards the Raiders "I'll kill you all!" He yell when suddenly, something struck him by the stomach, making him to fall down

The other terrorists look at Swordkill surprised, they then look to the side and unfortunately are greeted by hot lead

"What the?!" A terrorist yell surprise before taking cover

"What the fu-ack!" A terrorist yell surprise before getting shot

"Shoot them-Ah!" A terrorist ordered before getting shot

"Where did they came from?!" A terrorist yell as he take cover

"Raiders! Delta 9 here to assist!" Izuku yell as he grab his shield back and the other Delta 9 shoot the terrorists

"Good to see you, Delta! Kill them all!" Raider 1-1 yell excited before ordering his men to shoot the terrorists

Taken by complete surprise, the terrorists are getting killed one by one by Delta 9 and Raiders

Swordkill, who still alive, saw his comrades being killed. Pissed off, he then get up and tries to dash toward Delta 9. Izuku sees Swordkill get up, then dash towards him first before he could do the same. Swordkill sees Izuku then he use his sword arm and tries to slice Izuku, but Izuku duck down before he shield bash Swordkill towards a glass window

Swordkill is thrown into the window, where the glass shatters and began to fall down. But in the last second, Swordkill bend the tip of his sword arms and hook Izuku's shield

"You're coming with me!" Swordkill yell as he drag Izuku down with him

"Son of a...!" Izuku curse as he fall down

"Young Midoriya!" All Might yell surprise

"Delta!" Alex yell surprise

Swordkill tries to attack Izuku mid fall, but Izuku maneuver away while using the last remaining thruster fuel to land safely on the ground. Izuku and Swordkill landed 2 floors below

"Delta! You good?!" Alex yell from above

Izuku looks up and yell "Don't worry about me! I'll catch up with you!" He yell before evading Swordkill's sword arms

"You're not going to catch up! You're going to die!" Swordkill yell as he kick Izuku who block it with the shield

Izuku roll back by the kick before getting up and block another kick that pushes him back. Swordkill then hard kick Izuku again, but Izuku manage to hold his footing and hard block the kick. Swordkill then tries to slice Izuku's shield multiple times, but the shield hold firm

Annoyed, Swordkill bend the tip of his sword arms and hook Izuku's shield before forcefully lift it up. Unfortunately, Izuku counter this by spinning up before back kick Swordkill hard in the chest, making Swordkill to flung back quite a distance from Izuku. Izuku land with his two feet while Swordkill land on his back and slide a few meters before stopping

Swordkill looks at Izuku seriously before he grin widely "It's been a while since I was excited in a fight" He said as he get up "Let's see who's stronger. My sword, or your shield" Swordkill said as enlarge his sword arm

"Man, shut the fuck up" Izuku said uninterested

"HAAAAA!!!" Swordkill cried as he tries to horizontal slice Izuku's face who lean back. Swordkill then tries to horizontal slice Izuku's chest who block it with the shield then strike Swordkill's arm and chest making him to groan in pain. Izuku then back spin kick Swordkill making him to flung back and spin in the air before landed on his face

Swordkill quickly get up and dash towards Izuku. Izuku throw his shield towards Swordkill who easily move his head and evaded the shield. Thinking that he won, Swordkill continue to dash towards Izuku with a creepy grin. Unbeknownst to him, the shield bounce on the wall and strike Swordkill's head from behind making him to lose balance and fall forward, only to be forearm strike by Izuku. Swordkill spin twice in the air before he drop to the ground, just as Izuku grab his shield back

"Is that all?" Izuku ask unimpressed

Furious, Swordkill battle cry and angrily get up from the ground and dash towards Izuku again. Izuku throw his shield again towards Swordkill, but this time he also jump up. Swordkill sees the shield coming in then slice down on the shield making it to drop the the ground. And when Swordkill look up, he sees Izuku spinning in the air and the next thing he knew, Izuku air spin kick his face. Swordkill's face struck the ground hard while Izuku landed on his feet

Izuku look at the battered and bruised Swordkill "I'm giving you a chance to surrender" Izuku told Swordkill

Swordkill slowly and weakly get up "How about... no..." He stubbornly said while grunting

Izuku roll his eyes in annoyance then look at his shield that on the ground "Okay" He said

Izuku then kick the shield making it to jump into the air then kick it again making it to hit Swordkill's face before it bounce back to Izuku's forearm while Swordkill drop to the ground, knocked out

"How about now?" Izuku flatly and sarcastically ask

Izuku then look at his map and notice a terrorists group is heading towards him "I swear, they never make it easy" He mumble annoyed as he run and parkour himself to a higher altitude than the attacking terrorists

A terrorists group of 4 people then exited the exit door and see Swordkill on the ground, knocked out

"That's Swordkill" A terrorist said surprise

"He must be down here" A terrorist said as he he scan the surrounding

"Where?" A terrorist ask as he cautiously look around

A terrorist then notice something above them, look up and sees Izuku above them "There!" He yell as he began shooting

Izuku jump down while moving his shield in front of him to block the bullets. Izuku body slam the terrorist that spotted him before shield bash the terrorist making him to flung back

Taken by surprise, the other terrorists tries to attack Izuku as well, but Izuku hard front kick one terrorist making him to flung away. Izuku then throw his shield at one terrorist, knocking him out before returning to Izuku. Izuku then uses his shield as the last terrorist is shooting him. Undeterred, Izuku jump to the last terrorist then shield bash the terrorist's face before grabbing his leg then swing the poor motherfucker into a wall hard, hard enough to crack it

Izuku stop and look around before he hear the sound of hundreds of security bots approaching him "Ah great, bots. What's next? Shapeshifting mutant?" Izuku sarcastically said as he grab his EMP grenade and throw it towards the bots. The EMP grenade then activated and disable most of the bots

"I got no time for this shit" Izuku said annoyed when the bots suddenly stop and close themselves off "Good, we have back the island control" Izuku said pleased before he move and tries to get back to top floor

200th floor, Control Room

"And done. All the island security is back in our control" Raider 2-3 said as he manage to regain I-Island system back from terrorist's hand "Comms also back to normal" He added

"SkyEye, this is Raider 1-1. How copy?" Raider 1-1 ask

"This is SkyEye. Good to hear your voice, Raider 1-1. We thought the worse there for a second" SkyEye reply

"Heh, like hell. And be advised, we passed checkpoint Charlie, over" Raider 1-1 inform

"SkyEye, acknowledge. Passing Charlie" SkyEye reply

"Find where the rest of the terrorists and the hostages are" Alex ordered

"Yes, sir" Raider 2-3 comply as he began to search with the computer

"Shouldn't we wait for Young Midoriya?" All Might ask concern

"Lieutenant Colonel Midoriya's a tough soldier, All Might. And I'm pretty sure he'll want us to continue the mission" Alex assure

"Found them" Raider 2-3 said as he located David, Sam, and Wolfram "They're inside the Vault Room. I only counted 3 individuals" Raider 2-3 inform

"That's Dave and Sam. The other one is the leader" All Might recognize them

"I think it's obvious who's the terrorist is" Alex said sarcastically as Wolfram's the only one who wear military suit and a metal mask

"I got confirmation of the leader's ID : Kinozoku Sokolov AKA Wolfram. A Japanese-Russian descendant known for his brutal act of terrorism throughout eastern Asia. Been on the hunt by Interpol for the last 10 years. His quirk is Metal Manipulation, it allows him to freely reshape and manipulate metallic material upon making physical contact with its surface" Raider 2-3 inform Wolfram background

"I never heard of him before" All Might said

"That's because he never operate near the American continent" Raider 2-1 reply

"And also never in Japan as well because of Ranger Corp" Alex added

"Then why now? I-Island is near the Hawaiian island right now. And there's a lot of Japanese people in this island as well" All Might said confuse

"We'll ask him once we get him" Raider 2-1 reply seriously

"All right, Vault Room. Double time" Raider 1-1 ordered then the operators and All Might move their way to the Vault Room

20th floor, Vault Room

After many hours of hacking, David finally able to hack through the system and unlock the vault containing the device that has been locked away

"I was able to unlock it. Go to block 1147" David told Sam

"O-Okay!" Sam comply as he run to the mention block

"I'm opening it" David said then the block door is open and Sam grab a briefcase and check what it contain

"You did it, Professor! Everything is here" Sam said delightfully as he show the inside of the briefcase to David

"Yes, I finally gotten it back. This device and research data are the only things I would never give to anyone. I never give it up" David said frustrated

"Everything's going according to plan, isn't it?" Sam ask as he walk towards David with the briefcase "It looks like the villains are doing well, too" Sam said

"About that... I'm certain that I cancelled the attack, Sam. All Might doesn't need the device anymore" David said

"But do you want all of our time and effort to be sealed away? Even if All Might doesn't need it anymore, it could still help him, right?" Sam ask

"I know, it just..." David said uncomfortably

"Dave?" Someone called David making David and Sam to look at the entrance and surprise they are to see All Might an 7 Special Forces Operator standing on the entrance of the Vault Room

"A-All Might?" David said surprise

"What are you doing here? And who are them?" Sam ask surprise

"Dave... what have you done?" All Might ask shocked

" 'cancelled the attack'. Are you the one who orchestrated this attack, Professor?" Alex ask dangerously mad

"Please tell me that is not true, Dave" All Might said still shocked

David look away in guilt before looking back at All Might "It's true" He said frustrated

"Why? Why Dave?" All Might ask shocked

"The professor is only trying to get back what was stolen from him. This groundbreaking invention that mechanically amplifies quirks..." Sam explain

"Make sense why it was locked away. That device is dangerous, professor" Alex claim

"But it was necessary" Sam tries to explain

"For what?!" Raider 1-1 yell angrily

"For me" All Might realize "You create that device for me"

"Your quirk" Alex realize as well

"Yes..." David said frustrated

"Dave, I don't need that device" All Might said

"But your quirk is disappearing! I can't let you lost your quirk, All Might. I can't let the world lost it's number 1 hero" David said frustrated

"Wait, what? I'm lost" Raider 1-3 said as he and the Raiders are lost in the conversation

"We'll tell you later, Raiders. But for now" Alex said as he face David "You're under arrest for terrorism" He said coldly

"Terrorism? But the attack are fake" David said

"Fake? Do you know who we are?" Alex said angrily as he point the other operators "We're Ranger Corp Task Force 141 and US Navy SEALs! We're here with the mission to take back I-Island from terrorists hands!" Alex yell angrily

"There is an active military operation to take back the island right now. We destroyed almost all of the island's defenses just to get in here, professor. And you saying you don't know the attacks are real?" Delta 9-4 said angrily

"What is the meaning of this? The villains... the terrorists were fake..." David said confuse "It should've been an act..." David said as he look at Sam

"Of course it was an act" Someone said making everyone to look at the entrance "An act pretending to be a fake villain" Wolfram said

"Wolfram!" Raider 2-1 yell making all the operators to aim their rifle at Wolfram

Wolfram only smirk before touching the metal door and manipulate the metal fence to wrapped the operators and All Might, restraining them

"All Might!" David yell shocked

"You think this could restrain me?" All Might said before he forcefully break the restraining fence

"I thought so" Wolfram calmly said before he manipulated the metal floor to wrap All Might tightly

All Might grunts as eh tries to break free, but the metal restrain move only a little "Shit!" He curse frustrated

"Stay there quietly for a bit. Sam, where's the device?" Wolfram ask Sam

"H-Here" Sam comply as he carry the briefcase towards Wolfram

"Sam...? Don't tell me, from the beginning... you were planning on giving the device to the villains all along? Y-You're the one who tricked me" David said shocked

"What a turn of event" Alex said as he and the other operators tries to break free

"I served you for so long, but you let your research be frozen so easily, and the honor and renown we were supposed to get all went away.... If I didn't get at least the money, then it was a waste of my time!" Sam said with a teary eyes

"Money? All of this for money?! You risk the entire I-Island for some pocket money?!" Alex yell angrily

Sam clutch the briefcase tightly "I'm sorry..." He apologize

"Here's the reward I promised you" Wolfram said as he aim his pistol at him then shoot Sam on the shoulder, making him to fall to the ground

David, All Might, and the operators are shocked by another turn of event

"Wh-Why...?" Sam ask painfully "This isn't what you promised!" Sam complain

"Promised? I don't remember. This is your reward" Wolfram said as he aim his pistol again at Sam

"BANG!!!" The loud gun sound erupted and blood splatter everywhere. But, in another turn of event, David jump in front of Sam and protected him from being killed

All Might's eyes widen in shock "DAVE!!!" He scream loudly

"Professor, why...?" Sam ask in shock

"R-Run away!" David said while he is laying down on the floor. The bullet hit him right on his right chest and blood is flowing out in a rapid pace

"GRRRRRAHHHHHH!!!" All Might scream loudly as he break apart the metal restrain on him

"Tch" Wolfram clicked his tongue before he touch the floor and wrapped All Might in an even thicker layer of metal restrain

All Might continue to try to break free again until he is engulf by a large metal cocoon, stopping him from doing anything

"All... Might..." David said weakly as he watches All Might engulf by metal cocoon

"That's better" Wolfram said before he stomp David's back "Feeling like playing hero after all this time? It's no use. No matter what reason you had, you've dirtied your hands with evil deeds. Whether we're fake or real, the crime you committed will not disappear. You're the same as us. You can no longer remain a scientist or continue your research. You can only fall into the darkness of villains" Wolfram lecture David who only lay down on the floor unable to move

"Just because he do one miss deed, doesn't make him a villain" Alex claim making Wolfram to look at him

"Really?" Wolfram ask mockingly

"Unlike you, he was driven by desperation and all he wanted was to make All Might into the number 1 hero for longer. He said earlier that this attack supposed to be fake, that means he doesn't want anyone to get hurt. But you, you hurt people because it was fun, you want to hurt people intentionally. You are everything you just describe. But he is not" Alex explain angrily

Wolfram smirk then aim his pistol at Alex "You talk too much" He said. And as he about to pull the trigger, he receive a radio call

"Wolfram, the military has taken over all 3 airports. It will be a matter of time before they reach the tower" A terrorist inform

"How about the helicopter?" Wolfram ask

"It's refueled and ready to take off" The terrorist explain

"Good" Wolfram said before looking at Alex again "I guess luck is in your side" He said before he grab and lift David up

"Now I wanted you to mass produce the device for me, I'm sure they worth a fortune" Wolfram said before he knock David out with his pistol

"Hey, take him away" Wolfram ordered the terrorist beside him

Suddenly, a screeching noise of twisted metal can be heard. It was All Might, he tries to break free from the metal cocoon

"Persistent" Wolfram said annoyed before he and the other terrorist carry the knocked out David out from the room

The sound of twisted metal is getting louder and louder until the cocoon exploded into a million pieces by a small tornado inside the cocoon

"Oklahoma Smash!" All Might exclaim while spinning as the little tornado ripped off the metal cocoon around him

"About damn time. What took you so long? did you take a nap in there?" Alex said annoyed

"I'm sorry, sir. Let me free you all" All Might apologize and move to the operators

"No, leave us. We can free ourselves. Go get those Wolfram and save the professor" Alex denied

"But..." All Might tries to argue

"Go!" Alex yell when Izuku radioed him

"Alex, this is Delta. What's the sitrep?" Izuku ask

"Delta, enemy HVT is Wolfram. He have hostage with him and most likely heading to the helipad right now, trying to escape via helicopter" Alex inform

"Young Midoriya" All Might said relief that Izuku is fine

"I copy. I know there's something fishy about that chopper when we first arrived. What's your 20" Izuku ask again

"Me and the others are inside the Vault Room. We're tied down, but we're fine" Alex explain

"How's All Might?" Izuku ask

"I'm here, Young Midoriya" All Might said

"Are you tied down?" Izuku ask

"No I'm not" All Might reply

"Then get your ass to the helipad. I need reinforcement up there" Izuku ordered

"But your teammates" All Might argue

"All Might, they are Tier 1 Special Forces, not some elementary kids. They know how to take care of themselves in any condition imaginable. They'll be fine, so move your ass! Get to the chopper!" Izuku ordered before he cut the radio call

"You heard the man. Go!" Alex yell

"Understood" All Might comply then he run out from the room "Wait... which way to the helipad?" All Might wonder as he look around "Uh... this way!" All Might said as he run across the hallway

Top of the tower, Helipad

"Boss, the helicopter is ready" A terrorist told Wolfram

"Good, now let's get out from this island" Wolfram said

"But what about the fighter jets around the island?" The terrorist ask

"We'll use civilian transponder. If they shoot it down, then they'll just broke some laws" Wolfram explain

"SkyEye, this is Warwolf 1. I see a chopper on the main tower's helipad. It's trying to take off" Warwolf 1 inform

"SkyEye, copy. The chopper is marked as civilian" SkyEye said when Izuku radio call them

"SkyEye, Delta 9-1. The chopper is hostiles. Enemy HVT is trying to escape with it" Izuku inform

"Delta 9-1, copy. Chopper is marked as hostile. Do you want us to shot it down?" SkyEye ask

"Negative! HTV carry hostages with him! Do not shot it down!" Izuku yell

"Acknowledge. To all fighter squadron, there will be a hostile chopper taking off from the main tower. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage. Hostile chopper have hostage inside" SkyEye inform

"Warwolf Squad, copy that" Warwolf 1 comply as he fly away while still keeping an eye on the helicopter

The helicopter then takes off from the helipad just as Izuku reach the roof. Izuku sees the chopper then he grab his shield and dash towards the chopper at full speed. As the chopper get higher Izuku jump up at high speed and grab the chopper's landing gear violently making the chopper to swirl hard to the left

Izuku then climb up to the side door and spotted David, just laying on the chopper's floor "Professor!" Izuku yell as he tries to grab David

"Just stop it. Go away" David said as he refuses to be rescued

"What a true hero you are" Wolfram said then he shoot Izuku. But luckily Izuku block it with the shield then he get inside the chopper. Wolfram continue to shoot, but the shield blocks every bullet

Once Wolfram ran out of bullet, Izuku shield bash Wolfram hard making him to flung back and hit the cockpit seats, knocking out the terrorist who's piloting the chopper. That makes the helicopter to swirl violently forward as it falling back to the roof

"Let's get out of here!" Izuku yell as he grab and carry David before jumping out from the doomed helicopter

Izuku and David landed on the roof safely while the helicopter crashes into the edge of the roof before exploding in flames

Izuku look at the destroyed chopper when he hear David mumble something

"You should just let me die" David said depressed

"You're not evil nor a villain, Mr. Shield. You're just under pressure and depressed. Thought next time. Better keep us noted on the device like that" Izuku told David as he check the gun shot wound

"I'm sorry" David apologize with guilt

"It's not just..." Izuku reply when he suddenly pushes David away just in time before Izuku is struck by a metal pillar and crashes into the rooftop stairway

"What...?" David said shock by what just happen

Suddenly the roof break open and wires on the roof wrapped David and take him away before more metal pieces wrapped David entirely

Izuku pushes a section of wall away before slowly getting up "Cough! Cough! What the fuck?" Izuku said dizzily then he look up and see something being build out of metal

"That Sam. He said that All Might's quirk was declining and he didn't have the power he once had" Wolfram said as he is using David's device to amplified his quirk and create a massive metal fortress around him

"You gotta be shitting me" Izuku groan seeing the massive metal tower of doom in front of him

"Young Midoriya!" All Might called him as he finally arrived at the roof

"Where the hell you have been?" Izuku ask annoyed

"Sorry, I got lost" All Might said bashfully

"For fuck sake" Izuku groan annoyed as he remove his damaged helmet from his head

"So... what that?" All Might ask as he point the giant metal tower of doom in front of them

"That's the villain. I don't think I should explain more than that" Izuku stating the obvious

"Somehow, this feels like U.S.J. all over again" All Might claim

"You and I remember U.S.J. very differently" Izuku pointed out before they dodge a metal pillar

After All Might landed, he then dashes forward at high speed "Texas... Smash!" He cried as he tried to punch Wolfram. But Wolfram create a thick metal wall, and All Might punches the metal wall instead without breaking it

"What?!" All Might yell surprise as his attack didn't break the metal wall

"What do you call that?" Wolfram mock before he send multiple metal pillars at All Might, punching All Might away

Wolfram then uses his amplified quirk to enlarge the already large metal tower "As expected of something by David Shield. I can tell that my quirk is getting revitalized. This is good. This thing is great!" Wolfram exclaim inside the giant metal tower

"Dave... What have you created...?" All Might look at the tower with horror

"Fuck..." Izuku curses

"What the hell is that?" Warwolf 1 said stunned by the sudden appearance of a metal tower on the roof

"Now, in order to raise the price of this device, why don't we have a demonstration of how it can blow All Might away?" Wolfram evilly suggested

Metal pillars the struck down on All Might as he tries his best to dodge them all. All Might jump towards Wolfram and Wolfram send a metal pillar towards All Might. All Might punch the metal pillar into pieces when another one struck him, making him to flung away to the roof floor, breaking more of the roof in the process

Wolfram look at the beaten down All Might with an evil smirk when suddenly, multiple bullets strike Wolfram's head. Some of the bullet damages the quirk amplifying device. Wolfram create a metal wall to block the bullets fired from Izuku's RM277-AR assault rifle. Izuku emptied his magazine and about to reload when Wolfram attack him with metal pillars. Izuku dodge and move away from Wolfram who attack him fiercely

Izuku jump around the metal pillars before deciding to parkour his way towards Wolfram. Seeing this, Wolfram increase the pace of the metal pillars attacks, but Izuku simply parkour his way on the metal pillars while also evading them in the same time

"Persistent!" Wolfram yell annoyed as he create a massive pillar and strike Izuku's position

Izuku jump on the giant metal pillar before he spin jump and throw the shield towards Wolfram. Wolfram create a metal wall to block the shield. The shield bounce off the wall, but it bounces again from a nearby metal pillar and it strike Wolfram right in the face

"Gah!" Wolfram cried in pain as he didn't expect the shield to bounce to his face like that

"Gotcha" Izuku smirk as he grab a pole and catapult himself up and grab the shield before throwing it again

Wolfram, still in pain by both the blunt force trauma to the head, look up only to see the same shield strike him again in the face. Wolfram cried in pain again

Izuku grab the shield before running along a metal pillar then jump and throw his shield again. Unfortunately, Wolfram caught Izuku's MO, so he use manipulate the metal around him to catch the shield instead and Wolfram uses his quirk on the shield, making it to deform before breaking in many pieces

"Oh c'mon! That thing cost 50 million dollars!" Izuku exclaim in anger and annoyance while still falling in the air

"Really? Then I should sell it instead" Wolfram said before he create a metal wall to block bullets from Izuku's FIVE-SEVEN

Izuku continue to fall while keep shooting at Wolfram before he landed and immediately parkour away as Wolfram continue the metal pillar attacks on him

"Delta 9-1. The giant structure is hostile. I'm ordering the fighters to attack it" SkyEye inform

"Negative! The hostage is inside the structure somewhere. One wrong shot and he's dead" Izuku denied as he continue to dodge the metal pillars

"Then what we can do to help?" Warwolf 1 ask frustrated

"Strafing run! Distract the HVT while me and All Might tries to save the hostage. And don't get too close!" Izuku ordered

"Delta 9-1. Requesting vectors" Warwolf 1 requested

"Strike from east to west! I repeat, east to west!" Izuku reply before he deploy his retractable tactical shield to block a metal pillar that pushes him back

"Warwolf, roger. Moving for strafing run" Warwolf 1 comply as he and his squadron move to a strafing run position

"Hurry up and die, both of you!" Wolfram yell as he moves his hands making multiple pillars to strike both All Might and Izuku

"Gah!" Both All Might and Izuku groan in pain

Wolfram is enjoying killing Izuku and All Might when suddenly "BRRRRRTTTTTTT!!!" Hundreds of 25mm rounds is sprayed all over him followed by a loud roaring noise before the sound of a jet engine fly pass

"What?" Wolfram said annoyed when he sees an F-35 firing it's gun towards him, and the exact same thing happen as the first one, making Wolfram to create a metal wall to block the bullets

2 more F-35s do strafing runs at Wolfram, distracting him long enough for All Might and Izuku to escape from the metal pillars and rally together

After the strafing runs, Wolfram inspect himself and discover that a bullet has hit him on the stomach. Pain finally reaches Wolfram's brain and he is groaning in pain "Graaaaaah!" Wolfram roar in anger and pain

"Judging by the scream, Id say the strafing runs hit him" Izuku said as he and All Might take cover behind a run down wall

"The fact that the fighter jets didn't uses bombs is either they ran out of it, or because of Dave still inside that tower, right?" All Might

"Both. With Professor Shield still inside and the fighters is almost out of munition, we might not able to both save Professor Shield and defeat Wolfram" Izuku explain

"But If we manage to rescue Dave then the fighter jets can uses their bombs, right?" All Might

"Not quite. With his ability like this, I'm sure he'll able to intercept any air to ground munition the fighters have before they finally depleted. So we might save your friend, but we might not defeat him" Izuku explain

"Saving Dave is the most important part. But I can agree that defeating him is also important. So what are our choices now?" All Might ask

"We need to make him busy. I will order a rail cannon strike. It will pierce the living shit out of him once it arrives" Izuku explain

All Might then immediately remember Kamino, where Izuku also order the exact same rail cannon with devastating effect. All Might look at Izuku with wide eyes and gaping mouth

Izuku notice All Might looking at him "Close that mouth or a bug will get in. And relax, it's not a nuclear strike like last time. I'm not that crazy" Izuku assure

"But still..." All Might said uncomfortably

Izuku look at All Might in the eye "Do you trust me?" He ask seriously

All Might stare at Izuku for a moment "I do" He reply

"Then believe in me" Izuku said seriously

All Might nod "Okay. But what's the actual plan? How we supposed to save Dave?" All Might ask

"Professor Shield is directly 50 meters above Wolfram. Once I make the call, strike with everything you got directly above of Wolfram. The attack should destroy the upper part of the tower including the metal prison trapping Professor Shield. Once that happen, I'll jump up there and grab him away" Izuku explain

"Sounds like a plan. Risky, but a plan nonetheless" All Might somewhat agrees with the plan

"It's the best bad plan we have" Izuku shrug "And it is the absolute paramount that we move away from anywhere near the giant metal tower once we rescued Professor Shield. Because when the rail cannon's shell arrive, either the shell will pierce you, or the debris will" Izuku said seriously

"Thanks for the warning" All Might wince a little

"Yeah" Izuku shrug before smacking All Might shoulder "Now go, tough guy. I need to make a call first" Izuku said

All Might nod then he jump out from behind cover and begin attacking Wolfram to cover Izuku

Izuku grab his universal radio "SkyEye, this Delta 9-1. Patch me through General Hisashi now" Izuku demanded

"With everyone on this island relying on us. I cannot let them down. Why?" All Might monologue as he punch every metal pillar attacks coming towards him

"Because I am here!" All Might exclaim as he destroy a massive metal pillar "Carolina Smash!" All Might scream as he did an cross chop attack that destroy any metal pillars in front of him

4891km west of I-Island

RCNF Alicorn, escorted with 4 Zumwalt class stealth Destroyers are sailing towards Hawaii for a joint exercise when Izuku called in for an emergence strike mission

"Engage weapon protocol Alpha 1 1 3, we're firing the bow" Captain Torres ordered then the crew began to prepare to fire the weapon

The Alicorn flight deck began to raise then split in the middle revealing a 600mm/128.cal rail canon

"Status?" Captain Torres ask

"We need time to charge up, also the cannon need to be configure to fire the empty shell, sir" The weapon officer explain

"Just make it fast" Captain Torres ordered

"Yes, sir!" The weapon officer comply


All Might is punching the metal pillars attacking him, but he is starting to get overwhelm by the second. The metal pillars are coming from every direction and All Might is badly overwhelm. All Might look at the pillars coming towards him then he make an X shape with his hand

"Carolina... Smash!" All Might cross chop attack again and destroy most of the pillars, but a giant metal pillar is approaching from behind him

'Form behind?!' All Might thought surprise, but before he could turn around. Suddenly, Izuku jump right behind All Might, he then cock his right arm

"Sayonara" Izuku simply said before he punches the giant metal pillar into a million pieces

All Might only look in shock as Izuku destroyed the giant metal pillar into pieces

"Watch your six, old man. I thought you're covering me" Izuku calmly told All Might

All Might look at Izuku with surprise "I thought your quirk is observation?" All Might ask surprise

"I'm pretty sure I already show multiple times that I have some sort of super strength" Izuku pointed out

"You have two quirks?" All Might confuse

"No. I'm naturally enhanced since birth, and my military training enhanced it even more, and this exosuit enhanced it even more. And no, it's not a quirk" Izuku explain

"How?" All Might confuse

"Don't ask me, I'm just enjoying my life right now" Izuku shrug before the two of them jump away from a metal pillar attack

"What about the attack, Young Midoriya?" All Might ask about the rail cannon strike

"They still preparing it. Once they inform me, we only have 15-20 seconds before the shell arrived" Izuku explain

"That's a very short amount of time" All Might said

"Are you complaining?" Izuku

"No. I'm just saying" All Might said seriously

"Good" Izuku reply

4891km east of I-Island, RCNF Alicorn

"Rail canon is charged up, ammunition is loaded, target acquired, system all green. We're good to go, sir" The weapon officers inform

"You bring us salvation once, Delta. Bring us salvation again. Fire" Captain Torres ordered then the Alicorn fire the rail canon

"Delta, Alicorn, arrow is delivered. ETA 20 seconds, bring us salvation again, sir" Captain Torres inform

"Copy, 20 seconds, and I will" Izuku reply "All Might! 20 seconds!" He yell at All Might

"Okay!" All Might comply as he jump towards Wolfram

"You don't know when to give up!" Wolfram yell angrily as he launch more metal pillar attacks towards All Might

All Might dodges the pillars while destroying some in the process. A giant pillar is striking All Might, but he punch it into pieces

Annoyed and in anger, Wolfram raises his hands and more metal parts are flying up and combine together, forming a giant metal cube "I'll bring you down and this entire tower with you!" Wolfram yell then he throw the giant metal cube towards All Might

All Might sees the giant metal cube then jump up and cock his right arm "Go beyond, Plus Ultra! Detroit... SMASH!!!" All Might battle cry as they punch the giant metal cube with all his might and manage to pierce through the cube before the entire cube explode into a million pieces

"GAH!!!" Wolfram cried in pain when he sees All Might flying in front of him

"Again! Detroit Smash!" All Might cock his right arm then throw a punch straight to Wolfram

Terrified, Wolfram create a massive metal wall in front of him, but All Might's punch impacted the metal tower above Wolfram instead

"Ha! You missed!" Wolfram mock, thinking All Might misses his punch

"I wasn't aiming at you" All Might said surprising Wolfram before All Might jump away from the tower

And before Wolfram realize it, the upper part of the metal tower is destroyed and the metal prison where David and imprison is destroyed as well

"What?!" Wolfram yell in shock as he didn't see it coming

Swiftly, Izuku jump up and grab David before jumping away from the collapsing metal tower

"You!" Wolfram yell angrily at Izuku

Izuku then look at Wolfram with a satisfied smirk "Mahalo Mother-"


A mach 10 shell fired from the Alicorn hit, penetrate and shredded the massive metal tower right where Wolfram is located

Izuku deployed his retractable tactical shield to protect him and David from the flying debris as they fall down

"SkyEye, Warwolf 1. Enemy tower is destroyed" Warwolf 1 inform

"Copy, Warwolf 1. Do you have eyes on Delta 9-1?" SkyEye ask

"I see them. they're falling down" Warwolf 1 reply as he spotted Izuku and David falling down along side the main tower

"Okay.... How I supposed to land?" Izuku ask to himself "I ran out of thruster fuel, and there's no way in hell both me and professor could survived a 200 floor fall" Izuku said sweating nervously

"Hahaha! Relax, Young Midoriya!" All Might laugh as he grab both Izuku and David before landing on the 190th floor. All Might put down Izuku, who then put down David before shaking his head and massaging his eyes

"You okay, Young Midoriya?" All Might ask worried

"104. 104" Izuku mumble rather annoyed

"104? 104 what?" All Might confuse

"I have conduct around 104 airborne jumps through out my career. And not once have I ever felt sick. But one short jump with you is enough to make me dizzy" Izuku said annoyed

All Might then laugh like he doesn't care "There's a first for anyone, Young Midoriya" He claim

Izuku look at All Might with annoyed face "You fucking asshole" He said annoyed when he hear David groan faintly

"Dave!" All Might yell as he also hear his faint groan

"Raiders, Delta 9. This is Delta 9-1. We're on the 190th floor south side. Requesting a medic for an injured hostage" Izuku make a radio call as he tries to wrap David's gun shot wound

"How did you get to the 190th floor?" Alex ask confuse

"Stop asking question, and get your ass over here" Izuku said annoyed

"Copy, we're on our way" Alex reply

"How's Dave's condition, Young Midoriya?" All Might ask worried

"Good news, the bullet penetrate his body, so possibly there's no internal damages either than what the bullet actually penetrate" Izuku explain

"And the bad news?" All Might worried

"He's loosing a lot of blood. I manage to stop it, but he need hospital" Izuku reply

"Okay, but he's stable, right?" All Might ask

"Affirmative" Izuku reply

"Sigh... good. That is good" All Might sigh in relief

"SkyEye, this is Delta 9-1. HVT is eliminated. I-Island is under our control. We passed checkpoint Zulu" Izuku inform

"SkyEye acknowledge. Passing Zulu. And be advised, to all units, I-Island is officially retaken from terrorists hand. Additional support force are inbound. Rally the arrested terrorists to the designated LZ. Good job all" SkyEye inform

"Solid copy. 9-1 out" Izuku cut the radio call

In the end, around 100 terrorists take part of the I-Island incident. Around 87 are killed by the military strike force, including Wolfram. The entire civilian on the island are inform of what really happen and receive compensation by the island's officials. The island is close off for the time being as many of it's defenses are destroyed by the military operation making the island vulnerable to future attacks. As for the mastermind of the incident, Sam, and David Shield are on police custody inside a hospital. They will be trial for being a traitor among many other thing they are guilty for

2 days later, U.A. High school, T.D.L. Field

Class 1-A are now back at school and back preparing for the provisional license exam a week away

Izuku is standing above a rock cliff and watches his classmates using their new moves to destroy the rock obstacle or to fight Ectoplasm's clone

"Young Midoriya" All Might call him as he approach Izuku

"All Might" Izuku greet back

"Things goes back to normal, huh?" All Might joke

"Yep. This is the world we both know and loved" Izuku reply

"Thank you for saving my friend, and for not giving him a more severe punishment" All Might said grateful

"We all makes mistakes, All Might. We all did" Izuku claim

All Might smile proudly "We are. You could be a symbol yourself, Young Midoriya" All Might said

"Nah.... I'll be a massive pain in the ass for a soldier like me. I'll pass" Izuku denied

"Whatever suits you" All Might smile

"Heh, right" Izuku smile as well