Emergency Drill: All Hands On Deck!

Class 1-A classroom

"The interned group haven't arrived, huh?" Sero ask as he notice Izuku, Uraraka, Asui, and Kirishima are not in the class

"They didn't get breakfast together with us like usual" Mina said

"They must've been stressed out. I already told all of you yesterday that their bodies and spirit is worn out. They needed as much rest as they could before they could become normal again" Iida reminded

"But isn't breakfast also important as well?" Kaminari ask

"True" Iida fix his glasses "Then they should have eat breakfast with us, breakfast is really important for your body after 8 hours of inactivity your stomach is empty and bla bla bla bla" Iida began lecturing to no one in particular

'Ah, the usual Iida' The class thought amused

Suddenly the front door is open and Izuku, Kirishima, Asui and Uraraka enter the classroom

"But if you did still lose an arm, that's mean you can't work anymore, right?" Kirishima ask

"Hey, I said I could live with one arm, not I could work with one arm. Thought not impossible to work with just one arm, I think I will be forced to have an early retirement from Ranger Corp if that happen" Izuku claim

"If you retire as a soldier, then what will you do next?" Uraraka ask curious

"To be honest, I don't know. I never really think of retirement, either it's early or late retirement" Izuku reply

"Why is that, kero?" Asui ask curious as other who listened as well

"Because in my line of work, I don't know if I will live long enough to retire" Izuku bluntly reply

The atmosphere of the class suddenly drops and everyone is looking at each other nervously

"What?" Izuku ask confuse

"It's dark, revelry in the dark" Tokoyami said

"Dark? Nah" Izuku shrug "In my line of work, we call it occupational hazard. Thought for some, including me, we call it... freedom" Izuku said with a low tone, creeping the shit out of his classmates

"Well, good to hear that you are okay, Midoriya" Todoroki nonchalantly said

"Which part?" Mineta ask sarcastically

"Welcome to my life" Izuku simply said

"Hehehe..." Kirishima laugh lightly nervous

"Midoriya..." Uraraka look at Izuku worriedly

"Anyway. It's good to see you 4 in good condition!" Iida greeted

"Thanks" Uraraka reply cheery as usual

"Kero" Asui croak

Suddenly, Aizawa entered the room "Hey, the bell rang a long time-" He said when he notice everyone is already on their seats, and sitting neatly "All right" He said satisfied before moving to his table

"You need to stop playing around and be more aware of who you are. Even thought you only have provisional licenses, don't forget that you have been given the certification and responsibility to act as heroes in an official capacity" Aizawa lecture

"There are still 2 of you in supplemental classes, though..." Aizawa look at Todoroki and Bakugou "From now on, we'll be kicking class up a notch, so be prepared. Now, for today's homeroom-" Aizawa is cut by a sudden alarm

"Emergency drill, emergency drill: Hypothetical villains have infiltrated U.A. High School grounds. Hero course Class 1-A is requested to report" An announcement is heard before the costumes locker opened up "Please change into your hero costumes and head to the scene as soon as possible" The announcement finished

Izuku stand up "Class 1-A, suit up and roll out!" Izuku ordered

The entire class then stand up "Sir, yes sir!" The class comply


"Villains have infiltrated Ground Beta.... Right now, that's the only information that has been confirmed. Even thought this is just a drill, we will carry out this mission with everything we've got!" Iida claim

"First, we should try to understand the situation" Yaoyorozu said

"Leave it to us" Jiro said with her, Izuku, Shoji, and Koda nodding

"Alright, ISR team, do some recce" Izuku ordered as the ISR team go to the roof of a 10 stories apartment

(ISR: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance)

Koda then whistle "Birds, please look for places that have suffered damage" He requested then multiple birds fly towards the city

Koji Koda

Petting Hero: Anima

Quirk: Anivoice

Jiro kneel down and jack her earphone jack to the ground and emits a sonar-like vibration "Northeast... about 900 meters.... There are intermittent sounds of destruction!" She inform

Kyoka Jiro

Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack

Quirk: Earphone Jack

Shoji enlarge his Dupli-Arms and create eyes on them to see the surrounding "I've confirmed smoke from explosions at the location Earphone Jack indicated" He reported

Mezo Shoji

Tentacle Hero: Tentacole

Quirk: Dupli-Arms

"There's a building that has collapsed on the other side of the river that's on fire. I don't have a visual on any villains in the area" Shoji inform through the radio

"Roger. First, we need to put out that fire" Iida said

"Got it" Yaoyorozu said then she open up her clothes to create something large while giving both Mineta and Kaminari some "good" view

"Bonk!" Both Kaminari and Mineta are smacked by Mina and Toru using a couple of water pan, that they magically have out of nowhere

Yaoyorozu then created a pulling cart "There's no time. Please form a firefighting squad and head to the scene, Ingenium" She requested

Momo Yaoyorozu

Everything Hero: Creati

Quirk: Creation

Iida nod "Shoto" Iida call Todoroki

"Got it" Todoroki comply then walk with Iida

"I'll go, too" Tokoyami volunteer

"Me, too!" Sato volunteer

"And me" Aoyama volunteer

"Everyone, be advised. I detected hostiles approaching our AO. They're robots and they're coming from the north and south" Izuku suddenly inform surprising everyone

Bakugou immediately smirk when he hear the word "hostiles"

"How many are they?" Iida ask

"17 and counting. Looks like they're trying to do a pincer attack" Izuku reply

"Delta!" Koda suddenly call Izuku "There's someone who got swept away in the river" He inform

"Heads up. We got civvies that got swept in the river. I repeat, civilian on the river" Izuku inform

"What did you say?!" Iida yell surprise

"It's our turn, Grape Juice" Asui said

"Yeah!" Mineta said excitedly

"Okay, the rescue squad will also head to the scene first" Iida said then he grab the pulling cart with Todoroki, Sato, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Mineta, and Asui inside

"Ingenium, go!" Iida yell then he dash at high speed, pulling the cart towards the incident site

Tenya Iida

Turbo Hero: Ingenium

Quirk: engine

"Let's go as well" Yaoyorozu told the others

"Yeah" Uraraka agrees then she, Yaoyorozu, Mina, Toru, Ojiro, and Sero run towards the incident site as well

"Bakugou, you're not going?" Kaminari ask as Bakugou walks in the opposite direction

"We're looking for villains" Bakugou said as he drag Kaminari with him

"What?" Kaminari said confuse

"Leave the rescuing to the extras!" Bakugou yell as Kirishima follow the two as well

"Huh? Huh? Huh?!" Kaminari yell terrified

"Oi, guns! Where the hell are the villains?!" Bakugou yell

"There's a lot of hostiles coming in. We got around 24 from the south, and a further 21 from the north across the river. You're closer to the south. Go south" Izuku ordered

"Don't order me around, fucking guns!" Bakugou yell angrily as the three walk towards an electric car

"Yada, yada" Izuku roll his eyes

"Are you sure they'll be alright?" Jiro ask worried

"We need to deal with the hostiles sooner or later" Izuku reply before preparing his backpack thruster "You three stay here. I'll go north and provide sniper support for the rescue team" Izuku ordered

"Okay" Shoji comply

"Got it" Jiro comply

Koda simply nod

Izuku then run forwards before activating his thruster and jump high in the sky then landed on another building before parkouring his way towards the rescue team

Meanwhile, the rescue team finally arrive at the incident site

"Shoto, please!" Iida told Todoroki

"Leave it to me" Todoroki said then he create a massive iceberg that engulf the burning building, practically freezing the entire burning building

Shoto Todoroki

Hero Name: Shoto

Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot

"All right, you did it" Iida praise

"Our time to shine..." Sato groan

"It's gone, isn't it?" Aoyama said flamboyantly

"What about the person who needs to be rescued, Froppy?" Tokoyami ask through the radio

"I found him" Asui reply

"Where, Froppy?" Mineta ask as he, Sato, Iida, and Tokoyami go to the river banks

"Over there!" Asui pointed out

"Hahaha. I don't know why, but I got swept away, right?" Mirio calmly ask as he is the one who's being swept by the river current

"It's Togata senpai!" Mineta yell surprise

"What's he doing here?" Sato said confuse

"Isn't he still on recovery?" Iida said confuse

"I wonder why.... This is bad..." Mirio said as he is now being swept towards a collapse bridge

"The bridge...!" Iida yell as he realize the bridge has been destroyed and the debris could bring hazard towards Mirio

"Throw me, Tsukuyomi!" Mineta yell

"Very well" Tokoyami comply

"Me too, Sugarman" Asui said

"Right!" Sato comply

"Dark Shadow" Tokoyami call his quirk then Dark Shadow came out from his stomach

"Got it!" Dark Shadow yell

Fumikage Tokoyami

Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi

Quirk: Dark Shadow

Sato pull out some pills from his belt pocket and eat it. It then immediately increases his muscle mass

Rikido Sato

Sweet Hero: Sugarman

Quirk: Sugar Rush

"Go...!" Sato yell as he and Dark Shadow throw Asui and Mineta respectively

In mid-air, Mineta throw his purple balls towards the bridge "Grape Rush!" He yell

Minoru Mineta

Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice

Quirk: Pop Off

The balls that Mineta throw stick the almost fallen bridge section, making them to hang on and prevented it from falling to the river

"Kero" Asui croak as she launch her tongue towards Mirio

Tsuyu Asui

Rainy Season Hero: Froppy

Quirk: Frog

Asui's tongue wrapped Mirio's body then she lifts him from the water towards the bridge

"Thanks, you saved me, right?" Mirio ask

"All right!" Sato cheer excitedly

"ISR team, any update on the villains?" Iida ask through the radio

"Bakugou, Red Riot, and Chargebolt already dealing with the group coming from the south. Delta is dealing with the group from the north" Shoji inform

"Roger. Please keep worki-" Iida is abruptly cut by an explosion and a large flame rising from the building that they thought the extinguished

"I wasn't able to stop it completely with the ice?!" Todoroki said surprise

"Another blaze!" Yaoyorozu yell as she and the rest of the rescue team finally reach the incident site

"It looks stronger than before" Ojiro notice

"At this rate, the fire will spread" Yaoyorozu said worried

"We just have to stop the flames, right?" Mina ask

"Yes!" Yaoyorozu confirm

"Let's do that thing we were talking about, Uravity, Cellophane!" Mina yell at the two

"That?" Sero smirk

"Okay!" Uraraka comply then she touch Mina and uses her quirk to make Mina float

Ochako Uraraka

Hero Name: Uravity

Quirk: Zero Gravity

"Go, Pinky!" Sero yell as he launch his tape to the sky and Mina catch it

Hanta Sero

Taping Hero: Cellophane

Quirk: Tape

Team Rainy Day, let's go!" Mina yell excitedly as she spray her acid towards the fire

Mina Ashido

Hero Name: Pinky

Quirk: Acid

Mina's acid hit the ground surrounding the burning building, making it hard for the fire to spread out

"Me, too!" Aoyama yell then he fire multiple lasers towards the burning building, making it to collapse and snuffing out the flames

Yuga Aoyama

Shining Hero: Can't Stop Twinkling

Quirk: Naval Laser

"All right, we can keep it from spreading like this" Iida said

"This time I'll make sure to cover it completely!" Todoroki claim then he create a super massive iceberg that completely engulf the burning building

"It looks like the fire's under control" Shoji said

"That's good" Koda said relief

"Shhh! Be quiet!" Jiro shush the two before listening to something "I don't like this sound..." She said

"What sound?" Shoji ask

"I don't know. Wait up" Jiro reply as she tries to ID the sound

"Villains!" Ojiro yell as he spotted multiple villain bots approaching from the north

"Wait, how many are they? Aren't that too many of them?" Sero ask surprise by the number of bots

"Delta said that there were 17 and counting" Mina said

"That's more than 17 for me" Sero nervously said as there was in fact, 21 villain bots approaching

"Everyone, prepare to fight!" Yaoyorozu ordered making everyone to prepare themselves

As everyone is preparing to fight the bots, suddenly

"FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!!" 3 bullets struck 3 villain bots' head, making them to drop down to the ground followed by a faint sound of 3 gun shots

"What?" Sero said surprise

"What just happened?" Toru said confused as well

3 more villains bots dash passed their fallen kind towards the rescue team, until

"FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!!" 3 more bullets struck their heads, effectively destroying them as well

"That faint sound, that's..." Ojiro realizing the faint gun shots

Uraraka look towards where the bullets are came from "Delta!" She said happily

On top of a 15 stories building on the other side of the river, Izuku is kneeling down in a shooting position and aiming at the villain bots approaching from the north

"BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!" Izuku fired 3 shots

"FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!!" 3 bullets struck 3 villain bots' head, destroying them

"He's destroying them!" Sero yell excited

"Go, Delta!" Uraraka cheer

"Well, this just make out job easier" Ojiro claim

"Yeah" Yaoyorozu agrees

"BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!"


"BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!"


"BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!"


"BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!"


Izuku stop shooting as he destroyed all 21 villain bots with extreme precision despite being almost 500 meters away. Izuku look away from his rifle scope then stand up "Clear" He said

Izuku Midoriya

The Hero Who Answer The Call Of Duty: Delta

Quirk: First Person Shooter Heads Up Display

"Way to go, Delta!" Mina yell excited before she realize something "Wait... we don't get to shine our self!" She realize

"Well, I guess you're right" Uraraka sweatdrop

"Not fair! I want to fight as well!" Toru claim annoyed

"Now, now" Ojiro tries to calm her

"The villains from the north has been taken care off" Koda said happily

"Looks like that was the sound you've been hearing, Earphone Jack" Shoji said

"No, they're different. Wait.... Be careful! Something else coming closer!" Jiro warned

Unfortunately, for the rest of the rescue team, some massive wind blow them off. Mina squeal as she was thrown all over the sky until something grab the tape that Mina's been hanging

"D-Don't tell me..." Uraraka said surprise as she recover from being blown away

"Do you remember me? Have you forgotten? There are still villains around. Did you know that?" Nejire ask as she float in the sky with Mina being held as hostage

"Hado senpai's playing a villain..." Uraraka said surprise

"There's another... villain here!" Someone yell from behind them. It was Tamaki

"Amajiki senpai, too?!" Uraraka yell surprise

"Man... why do I have to be a villain... I feel like everyone's staring at me..." Tamaki mumble before walking away "I'm going home..." He said

"He left!" Sero yell surprise

"Amakiki senpai's really going home..." Uraraka sweatdrop

"Is this okay...?" Ojiro said confuse

"Stop, Amajiki! You can't do that. You have to play your part properly" Nejire told Tamaki

"Don't move, okay? It's dangerous. Because I'm a villain right now!" Nejire warn the rescue team

"I didn't think they'd get the Big Three to play villains..." Iida said surprise

"Pinky's been taken hostage..." Tokoyami said

"From here, we can cut through the back" Todoroki said

"Let's go!" Tokoyami said then the three of them run away

Unfortunately, Nejire notice them "Hmph! I thought I said not to move. Couldn't you hear me?" She pout "Kids like that need to be punished. Full charge, output lever 30..." Nejire then launch a wave attack toward the three boys

Todoroki create a massive iceberg that block away the wave attack before the iceberg collapses, creating some vibration that felt all the way to the bridge

"Waaaah!" Mirio yell before he "accidentally" fall to the river again

"Ahhhhh!" Kero!" Mineta and Asui yell surprise

"I was washed away again, right?" Mirio calmly said as he being swept away

"Let's go rescue him!" Asui said before jumping away

"That guy's doing it on purpose, isn't he?!" Mineta complain before jumping towards the river

In the river banks, Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Iida watches what happen

"Ingenium" Tokoyami call him

"Right! Prioritize the civilian. Leave Hado senpai to the others. We'll help with the rescue!" Iida claim

"Got it" Tokoyami and Todoroki nod before the three run towards where Mirio is swept away

"The sounds are all mixed up, so I can't tell what's going on" Jiro claim "What happened?" She ask Shoji

"Pinky's been taken hostage" Shoji reply

"No way! Let's go help save her!" Jiro suggested

"No, we need to stay up here and keep scouting. Remember what Delta said about information is key for any warfare? Knowing what the enemies are doing and relaying that information to allies is key for winning any battle. It is our job as ISR team to collect and relay information" Shoji reminded

"Okay..." Jiro reluctantly comply as she listen to the sounds again

"What do you want, villain?" Uraraka ask Tamaki

Tamaki look at the rescue team seriously "I want to go home!" He yell

The rescue team sweatdrop by the "unusual" reply

"Go ahead..." Sero sweatdrop

"Then you should just go home..." Toru sweatdrop

"It would be better if you did..." Mina sweatdrop

"Senpai..." Yaoyorozu sweatdrop

"If I leave, then Hado will get mad at me. Mirio, too" Tamaki claim

Meanwhile, Mirio that was swept away is being chased by Iida, Todoroki, and Tokoyami

"He ask me to do what I could to help you guys become a proper heroes as soon as possible" Tamaki said before deploying his quirk all over his body "That's why I can't go home!" He claim

"I'm grateful, but it's a big hurdle to overcome" Sero said a he and others make a battle stance

'There are less people now.... Where's that invisible girl?' Tamaki notice Toru is missing

"Uraraka!" Yaoyorozu yell

"Release!" Uraraka touch her fingers together and release her quirk, making Mina to fall down and dragging Nejire with her as she still holding the tape

"Huh?" Nejire yelp surprise as she fall down when something catches Mina mid-fall

"I know, you're Hagakure, aren't you?" Nejire ask before using her quirk to stop falling

"Warp Refraction: Say Cheese!" Toru declare before she create a bright flash of light from her body

Toru Hagakure

Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl

Quirk: Invisible

"What is this?" Nejire said surprise by the bright light. Tamaki shielded his eyes from the bright lights

Once Toru's bright light dissipate, another much smaller bright light lights up in the distance, seconds later

"FIIIEEEWWW!!!" A bullet hit and rip the tape Nejire's holding, making Toru able to escape with the tied up Mina away

"What is this?!" Nejire yell surprise by what just happen before Sero wrapped her with his tape and flung her down then Yaoyorozu fired a net gun that trapped Nejire "Ahhh!" She yell surprise by how much has happened in the span of a few second

"Hado...!" Tamaki yell surprise before he notice Ojiro is attacking him

Ojiro jump up before spinning in the air, trying to tail strike Tamaki, but Tamaki block it with some tentacle. Ojiro lands before he tries to spin kick but Tamaki block it with tentacles again. Ojiro roll back before dashing in and tries to fight Tamaki martial arts style

Mashirao Ojiro

Martial Arts Hero: Tailman

Quirk: Tail

Tamaki swing his tentacle then grab Ojiro's leg before wrapping his entire body up

"Now, Delta!" Ojiro yell surprising Tamaki

"FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!! FIIIEEEWWW!!!" 3 bullets fly through a narrow alley between 2 buildings hit and pierce Tamaki's tentacle

"Hrgh!" Tamaki groan in pain before forcefully releasing Ojiro due to pain

"Ouch" Toru wince upon seeing blood splattered from the wounded tentacle

On top a 15 stories building, Izuku is on a prone position aiming at where the fight is, 500 meters away "While the RM277-AR is good for long distances. I should've bring the RM277-SR variant for this one. Also a 24X scope and bipod is recommended for marksman mission as well" Izuku said as he fixes his position and aim again before he notice something

"Well, I guess my services no longer needed" Izuku said with a smirk

"Urgh...!" Tamaki groan in pain before retracting his tentacle and enraging his clamp shell fists "I'll beat you!" He then jump towards Ojiro, when suddenly Kirishima body slam Tamaki out of nowhere

"Red Riot?!" Tamaki yell surprise

Eijiro Kirishima

Sturdy Hero: Red Riot

Quirk: Hardening

"Thanks" Ojiro said grateful

"He's coming. The star of the show" Kirishima smirk

"You're charging's too slow, dunce face!" Bakugou complain as he stand on the hood of an electric car

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Kaminari claim as he's driving the car

(So much to learn how to drive from playing Grand Theft Auto eh, Kaminari?)

Denki Kaminari

Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt

Quirk: Electrification

Bakugou then blasted towards Tamaki. Tamaki tries to smack Bakugou, but he evaded and prepare to attack

Katsuki Bakugou

Hero Name: Undecided

Quirk: Explosion

"Game over!" Bakugou scream with a very scary looking face that spoke the shit out of Tamaki. With Tamaki too terrified to move, Bakugou take the chance to grab Tamaki and drag him to the ground

"That was amazing, Bakugou!" Kirishima cheer

"We've cleared the drill!" Yaoyorozu said happily

"Yeah!" Uraraka nodded

"Yay!" Toru cheer

"Looks like it's over" Shoji said

"I'm glad" Koda said relief

"I wish I could've done a little more..." Jiro said

"Hahahaha. You saved me, right?" Mirio laugh as he's been rescued by Asui, Mineta, Iida, Tokoyami, and Todoroki

"The drill is over. The drill is over" An announcement is heard indicating the emergency drill is over

"Which means they're done over there, too, huh?" Todoroki conclude

"Yeah, looks like it" Tokoyami reply

"Rescue team, take Amajiki and Hado senpai and get out of there!" Izuku suddenly radio call them

"What?" Sero said confuse

"What do you mean, Delta?" Yaoyorozu ask confuse as others

"Take Amajiki and Hado senpai and get out of there! He's gonna blow!" Izuku warned making everyone to look at Bakugou and to be terrified as Bakugou is about to blow off

"Bastard, you went easy on me earlier, didn't you?!" Bakugou yell angrily

"No, that was because your face was-" Tamaki tries to explain

"Don't underestimate me!" Bakugou cut Tamaki angrily "Even if you're an upperclassman, even if you're acting. Villains are villains! My...! Enemy...!" Bakugou yell with an almost ridiculously scary face

'I should've gone home' Tamaki regretted his decision to stay and play villains

"Get out of there!" Izuku yell through the radio

"Forget it, Midoriya.... There's no running form this one..." Sero already given up while others are running away for their lives

"Midoriya, please tell my mother..." Kaminari tear up "I lo-"

"DIE!!!" Bakugou scream

Right after his scream, Bakugou unleashed a super massive explosion that ripped apart the fake city. The shockwave is even felt by Izuku who's 500 meters away

Izuku shielded himself from the shockwave before standing up and look forward, only to see a mushroom cloud from where the rescue team once was "I'm gonna kill that asshole. Even if he's dead, I'm gonna kill him" Izuku gritted his teeth

Meanwhile in the further most distance of the observer tower, All Might and Aizawa watches as the mushroom cloud rises to the skies, they even felt the ground vibrating, that's how severe the explosion was

All Might facepalm in disappointment

"Bring Bakugou to the faculty lounge. And do it quickly before Midoriya hunt him down" Aizawa flatly ordered

"Yes, sir" A medical robot comply as it moves into the fake city