Chapter 4: The Past (2)

Alien technology, an artifact of ancient ancestors, an extraterrestrial microcircuit ... This item has been given many names, but it is not known which was truly correct. The only thing that was known about this item is that it was definitely not earthly. Even the substance from which it was created was unknowable.

Small disc, palm-sized, perfectly shaped. He was all white, except for the special glowing symbols. These symbols were definitely special, emitting a strange, bright red glow. But the glow was not really interesting, but the symbols themselves, from which this glow emanated. These symbols were arranged in a certain order and formed a kind of scheme. All the symbols were connected and represented a common pattern that differed on different sides of the disc. What Sean immediately noticed was that the characters for the beat were quite similar to the Fuinjutsu from his favorite manga. Of course, there were obvious differences, but these symbols were much more similar to them than to some kind of earthly code.

After finding this artifact, Sean began to study it carefully, not caring about any means. He was looking for the best scientists in the world and tried with their help to learn more and understand the secret of this subject. But, unfortunately, everything was hopeless. Scientists simply could not give any answer, they could not even determine the age of the artifact, which was simply incredible. This object did not succumb to any radiation, any external influence. No fire, no laser, nothing could even scratch him. All the symbols on it continued to glow, not paying attention to anything at all, as probably before, for many thousands of years ...

But although the artifact might seem useless, Sean did not give up and began to learn himself. Of course, science was definitely not his calling. Having lived most of his life among bandits and thieves, science was a difficult thing for him. In the past, his life was filled with money, women, alcohol, he could not even think that one day he would begin to learn different languages. But, of course, these were not ordinary languages. There was little use in them. What was written on the disk was a kind of formula, Sean knew for sure. The only thing that somehow looked like this was programming and electronics. Of course, no symbols were used in electronics at all, only special details. But in fact, it made sense. Many symbols in fuinjutsu served their purpose, just like parts in electronics.

But wanting to learn something is one thing, but doing it is quite another. Although Sean had studied a lot, the exact sciences for him were many times more difficult than drawing up a plan of theft or murder. Even after spending two years, he didn't come up with anything special. Although knowledge was acquired, it was impossible to apply it to the artifact. Of course, he was not surprised by this result. If even the great scientists could not find anything, how can he?

All this time, which he spent on studying, in the group he built, a real mess was going on. Loyal followers, of course, tried to keep everything in order, but there were also many dissatisfied. If the leader is weak, then a new leader is needed, and in this case, the past leader can suffer greatly, as well as his entourage.

And so it happened, one day some members of the organization revolted. With the support of several other gangs, they were able to take the lead. At the same time, Sean was not worried about anything, as always studied the artifact.

When he received the news, he was furious. He may have retired, but he was still the leader of the group, and some behind-the-scenes dogs staged a coup. His enemies did not know, but a few years ago, several Western gangs had already recognized themselves as vassals of Sean, so they took part in the upcoming war of groups.

Any battle of factions leads to numerous deaths, this was no exception. Unfortunately, it turned out to be much worse than just a coup. It turned out that many gangs have united for several purposes. But one of the main ones was a strange artifact in the hands of Sean. There were many people in the world who could pay well for such an item ...

Actually, this is how it all came to be that he hired more than a hundred mercenaries and made them guard one of his mansions. He already knew about the traitors in advance, knew about his own death in advance. Therefore, he calmly gave orders to all the remaining loyal people, to eliminate all threats from the group, after the mass death of its enemies. Of course, the grouping itself did not bother him much, he simply did not want his enemies to triumph and destroy the organization that he had been building for years.

After all, bombs were planted, not only along the perimeter of the mansion, but also in many enemy enterprises and bases. Just one explosion and hundreds of people will die, just one explosion and most of Sean's enemies will go to the next world. Well, the survivors will be killed by the remaining people ...

And so, the plan came to fruition and took hundreds of lives with it. Leaving this world, Sean left a terrifying organization that took root on the bones of hundreds of corpses.

But, all this is no longer important, he decided his death himself, but he did not leave this world alone ...