Chapter 19: Future Problems

The next few days were as boring as possible. The doctor came for an examination, and as always, he did not notice anything usual. Still, Shikamaru had no external changes. Maybe, of course, his muscles got a little stronger, but this was not so striking. No pill can replace real training, Shikamaru was convinced of this. Maybe he wanted to get pedigrees and saw his path very bright thanks to them, he also did not forget about the problems inherent in this path.

Probably, if he quickly increased his abilities, then reaching the level of chūnin even before the academy is quite possible. There were many geniuses capable of this. Even in the original, Shikamaru could well have achieved this strength if he trained harder and was not lazy. But that wasn't what worried him at all.

The main problem that the guy will have to face is a lot of questions in the future. For example, the first and main question is where did you get the Byakugan? Or, where did you get Shikotsumyaku? Uzumaki's pedigree will be difficult to determine, unless of course the hair turns red, but the previous two are quite. This was what worried Shikamaru. Kaguya's pedigree is still quite bearable, he could blame everything on some kind of mutation, and the clan could completely protect him from a heap of analyzes, probably ...

Shikotsumyaku would certainly have attracted attention, but that might well be accepted, but what about the Byakugan? Do not forget that in the village of Lista there is a whole clan of these big-eyed, which for certain will not be satisfied with such an alignment. It will be easy to prove that Shikamaru is not of their clan, but how to explain the presence of the Byakugan? Eye transplant? Killing a member of the Hyūga clan?

I think questions will arise and how, who knows what one of the noble clans of Konoha may require. What if they want to deprive the guy of his eyes or just try to kill? The Nara would certainly not allow this, but one action by Shikamaru could cause an unpleasant conflict.

Unfortunately, no matter how he thought about it, he could not find a normal solution. Although he had hopes for a similar incident with Himawari, he could not be sure about it. The girl had a Byakugan hidden, and it was unrealistic to understand that she possessed it. But Shikamaru's situation was different, as soon as he bought the pedigree, it is not known how it would work.

On top of that, he couldn't do without the Byakugan. His plan was to become a true Taijutsu master using these eyes in conjunction with Shikotsumyaku. Of course, he was not going to forget about ninjutsu, just the Byakugan attracted him quite strongly. Yes, and the glasses in the future could definitely be enough for him, and he was less problematic than the Sharingan with his awakening.

Basically, all the powers of interest to him, one way or another, were noticeable, and this annoyed ...

"Ohh, a continuous headache ..." - sitting in the courtyard of his new house, the guy tried to comprehend everything.

The Nara clan's courtyard was quite large. The entire clan was located on the outskirts of the village, next to many forests. So, sitting in the backyard, Shikamaru had the most wonderful view and the purest smell of nature. The forest was not even fenced off, so a place for training was quickly found for them.

A little further off, there was a small training ground for throwing kunai and shuriken. Several wooden swords and makiwara. Not far from them, there was a large paddock surrounded by forest. In this corral, there were a dozen calmly munching grass animals. Of course, these were deer, one of the main occupations of the Nara clan and a historically formed profession. Even their techniques were developed specifically to capture these beautiful animals.

Of course, they were not locked, they could easily have gone back to the forest, where their main house was. The Nara clan's duty was precisely to protect and breed them. But most of the deer were tame, so they liked to come here to eat specially prepared food for them.

Standing up, Shikamaru slowly walked over to the sika deer and with a smile stroked its small, barely appeared horns. Then, he took some herbs and fed him. This activity was quite relaxing, so Shikamaru stayed there for a long time ...

The house itself where he lived was built in the usual Japanese style and had many rooms. Still, the head of the clan's housing is not small. Near his home were the homes of other clan members. But Shikamaru did not yet understand how the entire structure of the Nara works and how the clan generally operated and what responsibilities he had.

Having ruled a group in the past, he certainly knew that it was worth paying attention to his clan. After all, one way or another, Hashirama may have united different ethnic groups into a single group, but the clans, first of all, will protect their own. Although, thanks to the Will of Fire and the teachings of the ninja, this may not happen ... Especially now, when so many generations have changed.

When Shikamaru was discharged, his mother immediately took him away. His father was still on assignment and he still hasn't seen him. But, the guy was not worried, he was actually even a little happy. Still, Shikaku was an intelligent ninja, so you shouldn't cross with him once again. But, he's his father, so one day it will happen. Yes, and Shikamaru will still have a difficult conversation with his father one day. Whether he wants it or not, he just needs the protection of others for the first time.

At the hospital, he had already thought through some story about his abilities and changes. The main thing is that everything works ...

Shikamaru didn't care about the Hyuuga or other power hungry people. There was only one person he worried about who could really cause a lot of trouble. The only one in the village who could well find a way to let the new genius experiment. This man could well cover up his affairs, with his standard - all for the sake of Konoha. But Shikamaru had formed some opinion about this old man long ago. He may not be like that in this world, but in the manga he was selfish and often liked to justify his actions by protecting Konoha.

Danz was dangerous not so much because of his root and his experience, but as a Sharingan of Shisui Uchiha. Kotoamatsukami could cause a lot of problems ... And the guy remembered that this head of the Root could well have used it more than ten years old.

Stroking the deer thoughtfully, Shikamaru muttered:

"He's dangerous, but something's wrong here ... If he had such strong eyes, why didn't he become Hokage in the manga?" Yes, even if not the Hokage, couldn't he just subdue the same Orochimaru or other Kage?