Chapter 21: Shadow Binding

- Okay, you quickly memorized the seals, that's good. In the future, this will definitely come in handy. Now I will explain the simple rules of our clan ninjutsu. I will not teach you transformation and control, you will go through all this in the academy. Then we will begin to study the serious techniques of the clan. And now you don't need it, it will be much easier for you to use our family techniques.

* Shuh *

- Rat!

With just one seal, the shadow beneath the man trembled and quickly began to lengthen, reaching Shikamaru in a matter of seconds. But the young man did not move, he wanted to see the effect of the technique.

When he finished, Shikaku chuckled.

- Well, the main thing is that you must understand that the whole point is in the chakra. Since you are my son, it will not really be difficult for you. You can say you were already born with this knowledge. Your chakra is already adapted to influence the shadows. This is why our clan's Hijutsu are quite difficult for other shinobi to master. It's all about how we knead chakra and use yin in the right proportion with physical energy. Therefore, our chakra is slightly different from the ordinary chakra. For others, it is difficult to repeat this, but certainly not impossible.

Opening his hand, the shadow gradually began to return back to Shikaku, and Shikamaru twisted his hands in surprise. Breaking free from shadow control was memorable ...

Now the guy was in very happy feelings. It was the first ninjutsu, the first jutsu he saw when he got into this world, and it worked. It really tied him up. Although this is not a super technique, but, after all, this is real ninjutsu ...

Smiling broadly, Shikamaru asked his father:

- How can I do it?

"Just use chakra, you'll do it instinctively. This is a legacy from our ancestors, it is in your blood.

- And what stamps?

- The ones that I showed you at the beginning. You don't have enough experience yet, so you should give more detailed signs for the technique.

Nodding, Shikamaru began folding seals and trying to concentrate on his chakra. He had never done it before, so he was in awe ...

One try, two, three ... on the fifth try, Shikamaru grinned wryly and asked:

- Father, how to direct the chakra?

Shikaku asked in surprise:

- What, you can't channel chakra?

- Yeah ...

Slapping his forehead, the man said:

- Now I understand, you forgot everything ... Okay, come here, I'll teach you simple concentration. This is the base that everyone learns. It will help you learn to feel the chakra and guide it correctly, especially for ninjutsu, from your tanketsu. This is the easiest way to feel the chakra and learn how to guide it.

Shikamaru quickly approached his father and began to watch him with interest.

Shikaku sat down on the ground, took a small piece of paper and closed his eyes. At the same instant, the sheet moved from its place ...

- Here, try, - handing the sheet to his son, the man looked at him expectantly. Shikamaru quickly sat down next to him and did the same. Only the leaf on his hand did not move at all ...

Glancing at him in annoyance, Shikamaru continued to patiently try.

- Ha-ha, don't strain yourself like that, just concentrate on your body, try to draw out the inner strength from it. When done, you can feel a slight movement inside the body, this will be the chakra.

Nodding briefly at his father's words, Shikamaru continued to concentrate. This time, he followed his advice and tried to channel the power into the leaf. At first nothing worked, but then, an unusual movement began in the guy's body. Although Shikamaru was pleased, he continued the process. Now he no longer wanted to move the leaf, but wanted to feel all the chakra channels, try to drive all the chakra through them and feel each channel ... In the past, he only felt the chakra, but never felt it so clearly.

"Haa, wow ..." - the feeling of the chakra was amazing. Shikamaru felt as if he had discovered something unknown, something that was always with him, but he could not control it. The feeling was amazing.

Then, the guy finally returned to the sheet and with just one movement, easily activated it. It was actually not difficult, several of the points of the Tanketsu were right in the palm of your hand, so it was not difficult at all to act on the leaf.

"I can't believe I couldn't have done this before, it's so easy."

Noticing his son's smile, Shikaku nodded.

- You see, this is just nonsense. This is what all shinobi go through, the basis of the basics so to speak. Well, now, go and use the Shadow Binding.

Nodding to his father, Shikamaru got up and walked a little further, and then began to fold seals, concentrating chakra in the tanketsu and slowly directing it into the shadow. The chakra gave in easily and having folded the last seal, Shikamaru was surprised to notice that he could control his shadow by directing the chakra.

- Wow ...

Noticing his son's smile, Shikaku smiled himself.

- Well done! On the first try, very well, I knew you had ... Mm ?! - when Shikamaru's shadow twitched, Shikaku did not even understand what had happened, as he was instantly immobilized. Shikamaru's shadow was so fast it was almost impossible to keep track of it.

Shikamaru himself didn't quite understand how it happened, but he felt like controlling the shadow was completely easy. Plus, she was so quick at following his commands that it was amazing. Her speed was not at all slow like in the manga ...

Shikaku looked at his son in amazement and said:

- Call back the shadow.

Shikamaru nodded and removed the shadow. But this time, Shikaku looked at her clearly, and noticing her movement faster, he exclaimed in amazement:

- Incredible! How ... How did you do it?

Even for him, an experienced jounin, it would be difficult to dodge such a fast shadow and not be caught.

Shikamaru opened his arms and shrugged.

"I don't know, I just sent it and that's it.

- Ha ... Just directed? Yes, well said. You should know Shikamaru, although our shadows are controlled by chakra, but not ideally. If they were perfectly controlled by us, and we could get up to something like this. Think about what you can do if your shadow has such a terrifying capture rate?

Shikamaru, of course, clearly understood that his shadow was unusual. But for him, this was not surprising, nevertheless he strengthened his pedigree, so this should be in the order of things. Of course, he could not reveal such a thing.

Shikamaru nodded briefly.

- I understand, but why then it happened?

"I don't know," Shikaku said, shaking his head thoughtfully, "Maybe it's what happened ..."

"Don't worry, father, isn't that for the best? Shikamaru asked with a smile.

Shikaku chuckled wryly and nodded.

- Looks like that. If all your shadows are like that, then you are undoubtedly the genius of the clan. I have not even heard that there were similar ones. With this ability, you will go far, I'm sure.

At that moment, the back door of the house was parted, a disgruntled woman came out on the threshold and shouted:

- Hey, you! How many more should I call you ?! Eat lively!

- Yes! Shikaku quickly nodded and walked home.

Yoshino turned her angry eyes to her son. But he did not attach any importance to this and followed his father.

Powerful women were a little annoying for Shikamaru, he usually always took control, so it was not easy to get used to this. But since she is his mother, there is nothing to be done ... All he could do was look at his father with regret.

"Eh, dad, you got a heavy share ..."