Chapter 43: Almost a Graduate

After the Hokage's words, the Headmaster nodded, and then Shikamaru suddenly spoke up.

- Old man, I wanted to ask you something else.

Shikaku immediately sighed in displeasure.

`` Shikamaru, no matter how much you say, don't call Lord Hokage that ...

Hiruzen smiled and waved his hand:

"Nothing ... What did you want to ask Shikamaru?"

- This concerns the rank of Genin, I would like to become one now, even if not quite officially and get a protector, but at the same time study at the academy.

The old man scratched his chin thoughtfully, and the director and father looked at the young man strangely.

- Why do you need this Shikamaru? Shikaku asked in surprise.

The guy chuckled:

- I just wanted to become the youngest Genin and graduate from the academy immediately after joining, not a bad achievement, right?

`` Haa ... '' Shikaku smiled slightly and shook his head, while Hiruzen nodded.

- If you so want it, then I can well confer upon you the title of Genin, as for the academy, you have already, in principle, passed all the exams and can be released. If you want to remain an unofficial student, then why not. But I have one condition ...

- What is the condition? The young man asked with interest.

The Hokage replied with a strange grin:

- It's simple, in return you will help me in the residence, I could use an assistant like you. I've been thinking about this for a long time, so decide ...

When Shikamaru heard this condition, he gave the Hokage an odd look.

"Assistant yes? Why is he suddenly? The old man was definitely up to something ... "- although Shikamaru had different thoughts on this, there was nothing wrong with that. Where, if not the Hokage, is the safest place in the village?

Deciding on this, the guy nodded:

- I agree.

"Well, okay," Hiruzen got up with a slight smile and said: "When you finish at the academy, come to me.

The director also stood up and bowed to the departing Hokage. Shikaku followed and patted Shikamaru on the shoulder.

- Good luck son ... Oh, and I really hope that you will not exploit anyone here, do you understand what I mean?

Remembering a funny conversation with his father about how Shikamaru made the children earn money, Shikamaru grinned wryly and nodded.

- I understand father ...

"Well, okay," the man smiled and left the office with the Hokage.

When only Director Tenzou and Shikamaru were left in the room, the guy bowed slightly.

- I'll go ...

- Good luck guy, if anything, my doors are always open ... - clearing his throat, the old man began to collect papers, and Shikamaru quickly left.

As soon as the guy left the office, he immediately folded the hand seal and, after a quiet pop, disappeared into thin air.

At the same time in the courtyard of the Academy.

Not far from the Ninja Academy, in the shade of a small tree, sat a dark-haired guy with a cigarette slightly smoking in his teeth. He read a book with an uncomplicated title - "Disappeared Clans" and turned the pages from time to time, blowing thick smoke from his mouth.

Of course, this guy was Shikamaru. More precisely, his real body, not a shadow clone. Lately he has started to enjoy using them. They help in many matters, and you can relax yourself. All he was capable of so far was just one such clone. These guys turned out to be quite difficult to maintain. The problem was the amount of chakra, if you create a clone with an insufficient amount of it, it can result in quick fatigue. It's like losing a heap of chakra in one moment, very problematic and unpleasant. Even to some extent comparable to rapid blood loss. So Shikamaru no longer used this technique after one unpleasant incident where he almost fainted. But now that he had enough chakra, he enjoyed using clones ...

Over the past two years, the calm atmosphere of the hidden village has already completely penetrated his body and mind. He loved silence in the past, but here everything was much more pleasant. The pure scent of nature markedly improved the mood. So sitting in the shade has become a common thing for the guy outside of training. Although, when the opportunity arose, he again returned to the old habit and liked to light a cigarette ... But he was not particularly eager to show himself to his parents. It will be difficult to explain, and he was too lazy. Smoking was no longer a physical habit, but rather passed along with him in his soul into this world ...

Slowly turning the pages, Shikamaru's gaze sometimes paused thoughtfully. Reading about the disappeared clans was not particularly interesting, but rather important for the overall development. Many clans have disappeared in Konoha, and there is almost no information about those that he has already learned. The Konoha library didn't seem as big as it used to.

At some point in his reading, Shikamaru suddenly looked up from the book and smiled.

- Not bad, so we managed to agree with the Hokage ... Although, the work of an assistant raises questions.

* Huu *

Breathing out the smoke, Shikamaru suddenly heard a familiar voice in his head.

Completed task:

- "Graduate"

Graduate from the Ninja Academy and become a Genin

Reward 5,000 points, a C-class vehicle scroll.

Hidden reward: 2,000 points, three techniques from a random clan, a random pill.

"Hmm, not bad, albeit unofficially, but I finished it as a Genin. This was exactly what was counted on ... "- noticing the awards, Shikamaru smiled with satisfaction. A hidden reward was given for quick completion, but probably slightly reduced due to the fact that Shikamaru did not actually graduate from the Academy, but was still in it. He could not do this now, he had a lot in plans, and becoming a ninja was not particularly interesting now. So I had to find such a loophole ... He kind of finished, but at the same time, not quite.

Having quickly looked through the awards, the guy immediately checked the new tasks. But, unfortunately, they were not. Probably, there was no task to become Chūnin ... But it was also reasonable, after all, there was a task to become Chūnin, so why another task to become Chūnin? The system did not really focus on the ranks, perhaps because Shikamaru could well not become Chūnin or Jnin, but the focus was definitely on strength. It was just that the assignment to the Academy was an important component, and becoming Genin was just a side goal and logical, because Genin becomes after the Academy.

Instantly counting the new points, Shikamaru is content to smile.

- Not bad, the fun will start soon ...

Seven thousand extra points will help a lot, especially now that Shikamaru has amassed nearly twenty thousand. Only two years have passed, and he has already managed to complete several tasks:

- "Unique"

Awaken Dojutsu

Reward: 10,000 points, a random awakened dojutsu technique.

This task was completed immediately after receiving the Sharingan. To get it, I had to buy a special pill. Because it was impossible otherwise ... As Shikamaru thought, he failed to create a situation for the awakening of these eyes on purpose. He tried to jump off a cliff and communicate with a poisonous snake, but the fear was probably ineffective. He didn't really understand the principle of awakening this Dojutsu, in the Konoha library there was little said about it ...