Chapter 58

Glancing over the completely closed list of desired powers, Shikamaru could only grin wryly.

`` Damn it, something like that was to be expected ... If only there was a warning, now I really hit it in full, '' with a sigh, Shikamaru returned to the system: `` Hmm, there seemed to be messages ...

Opening the list of recent notifications, Shikamaru quickly scanned them.

Completed tasks:

"Blood Limit"

Get the maximum possible pedigrees. At the moment - 5.

Reward: 1,000 points, bloodline stabilization pill.

Noticing this task, Shikamaru did not hesitate to take the reward. As soon as this happened, he immediately received some important information from the system. It turned out that in fact, there were limitations from the very beginning, he just did not notice them. Everything was extremely simple - by nature he could own only five bloodlines for up to ten years. After ten, the list could be replenished with two more, after five more, two again. Ultimately, the limit will be twenty-five years, where after twenty there will be only one pedigree available - the twelfth. Now Shikamaru began to understand why the assignment was for twelve bloodlines:

"The Power of the Bloodline"

Increase twelve pedigrees, up to 440%.

Reward: Hidden

The picture was now coming together. The system was not so simple and did not warn about many things at all, such as such. Fortunately, twelve genealogies were not redistributed. It turned out that what seemed like a useless gene expansion pill was now quite useful. But its price bites noticeably. To shell out as many as five thousand points is a pretty costly advantage per pill. For such a price, one could quite take the Akimichi lineage that Shikamaru had counted on and increase the Yang Release conversion to 50%. He had this calculation. Now, everything has changed ...

Although he received a thousand points for the task, it did not brighten up the situation at all. Now Shikamaru only had six thousand two hundred points. Taking a gene expansion pill is pointless, because there will not be enough points for a pedigree, and you cannot take a pedigree without it. Simply put, this is a dead end ... The good news is that the expansion pill would not affect the usual obtaining of available pedigree slots. Simply put, by taking the pill, Shikamaru will receive a bloodline slot, but this will not affect the receipt of this slot after reaching ten and so on.

Further in the notifications surfaced:

New tasks:

"Breaking the shackles"

Remove restrictions on the ownership of pedigrees.


Spend 500,000 Destiny Points.

"Own blood"

Combine two or more pedigrees.

"More power"

Get fifteen different pedigrees.

The list was replenished with good tasks, but their implementation was one more difficult than the other.

In any case, Shikamaru ignored it and started thinking about another plan.

"So, in my hands I have two pills of enhancement and six thousand two hundred points ... It is worth thinking ..." - gloomily closing his eyes, Shikamaru began to sort out options.

"Master the Techniques ... Get three Dojutsu ... Hmm, Dojutsu ..."

After a couple of minutes, he finally opened his eyes:

- Wait ... I felt a strange effect on my eyes, increasing the blood of the Uchiha, it may not be strong, but it did affect my Sharingan. What if...

Glancing at a couple of pills, Shikamaru did not hesitate to put two in his mouth at once ... He knew it would hurt, but certainly not as much as before. He had an idea, so he acted on impulse ...

After about an hour of difficult enduring pain, the guy finally opened his tired eyes and exhaled longly ...

- I feel ... It worked!

Focusing his gaze, Shikamaru's eyes instantly gleamed with bloody light and changed. The Sharingan was activated and this time it was noticeably different from the previous one, instead of the previous two tomoe, another one appeared. The Sharingan was now fully completed ...

Looking at his reflection in the water, Shikamaru smiled slightly.

- Even without looking, I already feel the changes ... It's a pity that this is my limit, - sighing, the guy immediately returned his eyes to normal. He wanted to see if he could help the eyes to awaken their full form by leveraging the pedigree, and it worked. Unfortunately, this is the maximum he could achieve. The blood of the Uchiha will not help much in the Sharingan's strength, but rather the increase in her strength somehow pushed her to develop her eyes, which was helpful. But even so, with six thousand fate points, thinking about Mangeky is pointless. An improved emotional outburst pill costs ten thousand. This was not what Shikamaru could count on now. Plus, those eyes won't be that much needed anytime soon, even with glasses, Shikamaru would not have spent it ...

"Well, two elements have exceeded fifty percent, I am half way from completing the task on the elements. Unfortunately, this is not enough ... "Frowning, Shikamaru returned to the notifications again, as more recently appeared while he was digesting the pills.


Achieve a 200-point talent.

Reward: 3,000 points, bloodline stabilization pill.

As soon as Shikamaru saw this, he immediately changed in his face ...

- Well, your left ... Here ... - spitting displeasedly, the guy quickly lit another cigarette, and then calmed down slightly, exhaled the smoke with relief.

"I just have no words ... For some nonsense I get five thousand, but here there are only three ?! This is on purpose, not otherwise ... Only eight hundred points are not enough to ten thousand ... And again, this stabilization pill, well, a joke. And where did this task come from? He was not on the list at all ... Today is definitely not my day. The system has shown itself in all its glory. It was definitely a deliberate blow ... "- Displeased smoking a cigarette, Shikamaru continued to examine the notices.

New task:

"The control"

Reach at least one hundred and fifty control points.


Reach two hundred and fifty power points.


Reach three hundred stamina points.


Reach two hundred and fifty speed points.

"Terrifying Talent"

Reach 400 talent points.

"Huge stock"

Reach a chakra volume of at least five thousand.

"Evolution of the eyes"

Achieve one Dojutsu evolution.

Looking through this rather voluminous list, Shikamaru finally began to understand something ... The system has probably somehow been updated, after spending hundreds of thousands of fate points. She seemed to have moved to a new level and issued new tasks.

"Hmm, I wonder ..." - since Shikamaru did not receive information about this, he decided to check the status and make sure of something:

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Age: 5 years old

Faction: Nara Clan, Hidden Leaf Village

Ninja Rank: Genin

- [Strength: 108] - [Stamina: 123] - [Speed: 103] -

- [Talent: 225] - [Chakra Size: 1235] - [Chakra Control: 82] -


[Nara - strength 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 85%

- Improved Genome: absent

[Kaguya - 50% strength] → Unique body + 5 to indicators - Strength, Endurance and Speed.

- Improved Genome: Shikotsumyaku

- Evolution: absent

[Uchiha - power 400%] → Improved mastery of the element "Fire" - 80%

- Improved Genome: Sharingan → [Completed]

- Evolution: absent

[Inuzuka - 50% strength] → Upgrades of all senses +5 speed

- Improved Genome: absent

[Uzumaki - 50% strength] → Improvements in control and chakra volume. + 5 to control, + 200 to chakra volume. Improving vitality and disposition to fuinjutsu. + 5 to stamina.


- Wind Release → 3%

- Earth Release → 36%

- Fire Release → 107%

- Yin Release → 116%

- Yang Release → 18%


- Ninjutsu:

Shadow Binding Technique [Hijutsu, Yin Release]

Shadow Binding Technique Shadow Imitation [Hijutsu, Yin Release]

Shadow Neck Binding Technique [Hijutsu, Yin Release]

Shadow Shuriken Technique [D-Grade]

Body Replacement Technique [E-rank, General Skill]

Transmutation Technique [E-rank, General Skill]

Shadow Clone Technique [B-rank, Clone Techniques]

Clone Technique [E-rank, General Skill]

Body Blink Technique [D-Grade, General Skill]

Guided Shuriken Technique [D-rank, Shurikenjutsu]

Three Blades Controlled Windmill [C-rank, Shurikenjutsu]

Temporary Paralysis Technique [D-Grade]


Earth Release: Reverse Coastal Earth [C-rank, Earth Release]

Earth Release: Earth Wall [B-rank, Earth Release]

+… Several techniques of Earth Release.


Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique [C-rank, Fire Release]


+… Several General Skills of E-rank (Release from ropes, illusions, etc. Standard skills based on a small amount of chakra)

- Taijutsu:

Hurricane Leaves [D-Rank]

Shadow of the Dancing Leaf [S-Rank]

Leaf Style (Basics) [E-rank]

Leaf Style (Full) [D-rank]

- Genjutsu:

Illusion of White Mist [D-Rank]

Black Enveloping Mist of Shadows [C-Rank]