Chapter 60: An Unexpected Meeting

Thinking about different things, Shikamaru finally got close to the barrier. It was almost impossible to notice, but Shikamaru had already checked where it ended more than once, so it was already easier. Coming up close, the guy, without even hesitation, decided to quickly make sure of everything ...

To his luck, the hand passed without any resistance. The barrier was almost not felt, except that it gave a slight resistance, almost imperceptible. But, there was no time to be distracted by these sensations ...

Shikamaru was a little exhausted, so he decided to quickly end here and come back later. He was most interested in the main residence that he wanted to access.

Therefore, with a quick step he headed towards the goal ...

As soon as Shikamaru got close to the main residence, a hoarse voice called out to him.

- I would not advise ... - This voice was as if right above his ear.

Shikamaru was struck by lightning, he stopped abruptly and grabbed a kunai and turned in a jump. But the expected attack did not come ... All Shikamaru saw was the grinning old man. And a very familiar old man ...

- Old man, you ... - Shikamaru did not have time to finish, as he was interrupted by the interlocutor:

- Curious ... How did you get through the barrier? Although ... - Hiruzen squinted at the guy and nodded: - You have become stronger again, commendable. But, did you break through by force?

Shikamaru finally exhaled and removed the kunai.

- I don't know how it happened, I just went through it.

Hiruzen raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

- Dodging again? Eh, you don't have to say, this is your business, I understand ... Well, you should know that the ANBU informed me long ago about your visit to this place.

Noticing Shikamaru's frown, Hiruzen waved his hand and came closer.

- Don't worry so much, I asked them not to interfere with your training and not even come up a hundred meters. Even they shouldn't see your ... Ahem, features, '' stopping next to Shikamaru, Hiruzen calmly looked at the two-story building in front of him and sighed:

`` Unfortunately, because of this, I cannot send the Anbu to watch over you ...

Shikamaru also turned around and looked at the building seriously. The guy's height was almost half that of the old man, but his look was no less serious:

"You don't trust your Anbu so much?"

- Well ... That's not the point, there are just things that you shouldn't say even to those you trust, for their own good. Your abilities are exactly what superfluous minds should not know.

At the old man's words, Shikamaru smiled slightly.

- I understand what you mean ...

- It's good. And for sure there are things that even I do not know yet ... - with a slight grin at Shikamaru, Hiruzen said: - I hope this is really for the good. Well, as for the barrier ... - walking around the area, the old man grinned: - This barrier was installed by the Fourth Hokage, and the one in front of you ... - nodding towards the residence, Hiruzen said: - This one was installed by Kushina Uzumaki.

- And why are you telling me about this? Shikamaru asked in surprise.

- It's simple ... - the old man chuckled and turned to the guy: - You are very smart for your age, very strong, but ... All this can make you, how to say it ...

- Become an arrogant bastard? Shikamaru asked with a grin.

- Not that I wanted to say that, but, you think correctly ... You see, my last student ... In general, I would really not want you to go the same way.

- Are you talking about Orochimaru?

Hiruzen dropped his eyes and sighed longly:

- About him ... - After a little pause, Hiruzen smiled again: - Well, as you should have understood, I'm going to look after you and teach you if possible. Your abilities are worth developing and sitting in the forest, you miss a lot. I didn't plan it, but your case is unique, so ...

Shikamaru tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrows.

- Wait ... Are you suggesting that I become your student?

The old man sighed again and smiled:

- Yes ... I suppose so. Do you agree?

Shikamaru thought a little ...

"Hmm, this is a good opportunity ... Probably I should agree, because I won't lose anything," Nodding to his thoughts, Shikamaru looked at the old man.

- I agree. That is ... "Bowing slightly, Shikamaru expressed his respect." Sensei agree.

Hiruzen smiled and patted the guy on the shoulder:

- Good, very good. Well, now I have to leave. I came to warn you not to try to get through this barrier. I have no key, and it will be very difficult to break through by force. The protection is probably tied to the pedigree. Only a relative of Kushina can go here. Even if you were able to bypass the outer Barrier, this one definitely cannot. Outer skips anyone above the rank of Chūnin or those with Uzumaki bloodlines. Actually, he is something like a weaker version of what is in front of you. Although, as you went through it, it prompts different thoughts ...

Shikamaru scowled at the fuin seals around the house and asked:

"But you're Hokage, why don't you have access?" Don't you want to see what's inside?

Hiruzen smiled wryly and nodded:

- I would like to ... But, I promised to keep this place for someone. Only he can get in here ... the intruder will face a painful recoil.

"I see ..." With a sigh, Shikamaru nodded and bowed slightly, clenching his fist. "Then I'll go teacher."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow ..." With a short nod, Hiruzen immediately disappeared, leaving Shikamaru alone.

Looking at the spot where the Hokage had just stood, Shikamaru chuckled inwardly.

"Teacher means ... Who would have thought" - shifting his gaze back to the Uzumaki residence, Shikamaru decided to take a chance and check. Maybe the barrier will not let him through, but at least it will make sure for sure ...

As soon as Shikamaru touched the subtle matter, a shock went through his body.

"Kha ..." just a moment and Shikamaru flew off to the side, rolling through the mud.

Observing from the side, Hiruzen just chuckled and finally really left this place.

As soon as Shikamaru got up, he just shook his head and began to shake off pieces of dirt:

- What an interesting barrier ... - the guy was pretty much electric shock and at the same time was thrown by the shock wave. The sensations were very unpleasant, but quite bearable. The barrier was not trying to kill, but rather a warning against trying to cross it. Probably even an ordinary person would not suffer much from the recoil. Several fractures and loss of consciousness at most. Shikamaru recovered easily and quickly got rid of the mud and headed home. He wanted to take a quick break and then start his training with a new teacher. And it was very interesting to visit the archive in the Hokage residence ...

"Hmm, by the way, now I can create some shadow clones. This pleases ... Now everything will become even more interesting. It is also worth going to Guy's, he often visits my restaurant, so it will not be difficult to find him. Eight gates, I would rather get them ... "- grinning, Shikamaru left the barrier and walked slowly home along the rocky road against the background of sunset.