Chapter 63

Training with Guy dragged on ...

Shikamaru returned home after sunset, barely moving his legs and completely not thinking about anything. Even this was not enough strength, he just crawled home like a zombie, not making out the road. His face was his usual indifferent expression, without any emotion.

All naive notions about Might Guy's "hard" training have been dispelled today. How wrong he was ... In reality, everything turned out to be much worse than in the manga or anime, or even from the gossip of other shinobi that he managed to hear.

The truth turned out to be such that Guy really does not train, but simply mocks his own body. This is a completely new form of masochism ... Even masochists would shudder at this mockery. Even Shikamaru, who was accustomed to painful and exhausting workouts, was able to withstand it. For several months, planning a meeting with Guy, Shikamaru did not even doubt his strength, endurance and endurance. But, as it turned out, this was not enough ... Even Hiruzen did not carry out something like that. The old man used to teach the guy how to control and use the chakra correctly, and the seals and how to use them correctly. Perhaps the old man Third taught Shikamaru what he was very good at. Still, if anyone says that Hiruzen is bad in control, then these people should look at his students. All three are real monsters of the shinobi world. Okay, Tsunade with her super genes Senju and Uzumaki. And Orochimaru did a lot of experiments on himself ... But what about Jiraiya? Isn't he the most ordinary person from an unknown clan? Yes, he is definitely a case where a clanless person achieves a lot, just like his student Minato, who became the Fourth Hokage. Therefore, there was no reason to doubt the competence of the Third, and to say that he was not a strict teacher Shikamaru simply could not ... But after meeting with Guy, all those memorizing different sequences of seals without the Sharingan was even tireless, but quite interesting for himself. After all, compared to hours of similar endurance exercises from Guy, this is nothing at all.

"Damn, I'm dying ..." - just Shikamaru was about to take a step, when he suddenly stumbled on a stone ...

- Well, e ... Ay! - stumbling on a stone, Shikamaru flew a couple of meters, collecting all the dirt along the way. Lying face down and breathing dust, the guy unconsciously remembered these same type of exercises on his hands from Guy ... Grimacing, Shikamaru began to slowly rise from the ground. Along the way, thinking, is it worth getting up at all? After all, you can rest here too ... Sighing and shaking his head, Shikamaru got up heavily. Still, he did not dare to sleep somewhere in the alley. So I had to keep going. Guy probably decided to exhaust him so much that Shikamaru had only the strength to go home, let alone think about the Eight Gates ... Now he was definitely not up to it.

Unfortunately, this is just the beginning ... Might Guy had already mapped out a whole list of tests where one was worse than the other. Shikamaru had no idea what lay ahead. The path to the Eight Heavenly Gate was more difficult than it seemed ...

Ignoring the dirty clothes and face, Shikamaru continued to crawl home ...

But, this time the road to the clan was not as easy as usual. Passing through the Yamanaka quarter, Shikamaru went directly to the Nara Clan, but today on the usual deserted road that evening, there was a motionless figure ...


Two days ago, the Yamanaka clan.

On this day, Avy finally returned from a long assignment from the Land of Waves. Having noticeably gained in strength over the past year, the girl tried to complete tasks of a higher rank. The clan had already told her more than once that the girl might well try to pass the jonin exam. But this was not what Avie wanted, she wanted to directly get into the Anbu, the most elite and strongest shinobi detachment in the village. This was her dream since the days of the Academy, but only recently everything has changed ... If not for this, then very soon, the girl would have started a new life in Anbu.

Once, at a regular training session with Shikamaru, with a guy she really didn't like, a strange incident happened. Shikamaru decided to end everything before the agreed contract, which was quite surprising ... Avie trained with him for about a week and her irritation gradually began to disappear. Still, she lost and had to admit it, and Shikamaru since then, although he behaved insolently, but not so much. Avie had even started to get serious about this workout. Previously, it was difficult for her to find someone with whom to fight and hone her skills. The girl was not very sociable and only a few people in the clan spoke to her, but she herself never insisted and did not ask anyone. Only this guy left her no choice when he won. Moreover, every time he acted without asking her opinion at all, he wanted sparring, then throwing shuriken, then ninjutsu training. This insolence annoyed Avie, but she quickly got used to it ... Only now, the deal came to an end, and Shikamaru did not even show up to say about it, just sending Chоji instead. Avie herself did not understand why, but it annoyed her even more than this guy's stupid taunts.

Sitting in the backyard of her house, the girl looked at the slowly floating clouds and for some reason was sad.

"It really wasn't that bad ... Maybe I offended him in some way? No, I think it's impossible to offend him at all "- with a sigh, Avie shook her head and leaned back, her golden hair softly scattered over the green grass, and she immediately closed her eyes quietly. It would seem that in the past she did not even think about how important it is to have friends. She loved to spend time with Ino, since she had neither a sister nor a family ... But the girl has now entered the Academy and is rarely shown. Therefore, Avie now felt completely alone. Even the desire to train has disappeared, and joining the Anbu squad was no longer such a desired dream ...

"I wonder how Ino is there, she probably spends a lot of time with ..." - as soon as the girl had a smile on her face, she suddenly furrowed her brows: "And why such thoughts at all ..."

Sitting down again, the girl thought tensely:

"Hmm, but then why don't I feel that dislike anymore? He is very strange ... He looks like a child, but literally any of his actions are like an adult. Is it really that everyone in the Nara clan is like that ... It's so strange ... Oh, okay, I don't want to think about it anymore "- quickly shook her head, Evie stood up abruptly and tightened her kimono belt. Discarding all unnecessary thoughts, the girl began to train. She wanted to stop thinking about it, to become her past ...

But, just at that moment, the door leading to the backyard opened, so that Avie was distracted.

- Ha, elder sister! How do you? - a sweet girl appeared on the threshold and immediately waved her hand. Ino smiled happily and quickly ran to Avie. Embracing her, Ino closed her eyes and purred:

- Finally you came back ... It was so boring without you ... - pulling back a little, the girl grinned and proudly said:

- By the way, I finally learned how to hit the target with kunai! I told you I can!

Avie smiled a little and ruffled Ino's short hair a little.

- You are great, you are my best student. I didn't doubt you.

- Well, actually, I was taught this Shikamaru ... He showed me a couple of tricks! Ah, he's so cool ...