Chapter 81

At the same time, Shikamaru continued to stare out the window. He was not just enjoying the sight of beautiful snowflakes and snow-white trees, he was rather thinking and planning. Although not much time has passed, for Shikamaru, a lot has changed even in two months.

"Yeah, the snow here is definitely different ..." - Shikamaru grinned and looked thoughtfully at several passing people in warm clothes.

"I like Konoha more and more ... But fucking Gato and Daimyo are starting to annoy me specifically, especially the first one. The fat bastard is overcharging transportation taxes again. I think I should adjust the timing and just remove it. To occupy his niche will also be a good thing, it's a pity that this does not coincide with my plans for Zabuza. It looks like you will have to lose interest for a few more years, otherwise everything will go wrong. Hiring in my case a couple of renegades will not work, and judging by the information received, the fat bastard has at least several shinobi. Naturally, this is not the Demon of the Bloody Mist, the times are not yet the same, but who knows, he may well possess Jonin. The old bastard will definitely not let me out of the village for a couple of years, so it's worth figuring out from here, but it's impossible. "Shikamaru scratched his chin thoughtfully.

"Can I ask Avie? She will definitely have enough strength "- after thinking about it a little, Shikamaru smiled wryly and shook his head:" No, she's not my henchman, unfortunately, if you just ask her to scare the bastard ... Hmm, no, I can't risk her, eh ... I've become too sentimental. "Shikamaru sighed and leaned back in his chair.

He was surprised at his changes, in the past he was a little different, he certainly did not make friends before. Although, of course, he guessed that in some way this was one of the reasons for his fall, of course it was also a matter of some irascibility and detachment from business. But, nevertheless, Shikamaru believed that not having good allies led him to death, nevertheless in the world of people, to unite is the way to survival. Of course, he was not particularly upset about this, he liked this world much more, but death is death, in this life he did not want to allow it, so he had to reconsider some views.

"Although, I could well have survived there, if I had escaped in time." The guy shook his head with a grin: "Pride ..." - he definitely got it from his father, his past father. In the past, he really could have escaped, having created favorable conditions and even faked death, but a cowardly escape was not his style. True, he could not even imagine that after his death, everything in the group had completely changed and he could well wait it out. But, then this would not have happened, fate is an unpredictable thing.

Belief in purpose and iron perseverance are the main beneficial qualities acquired from his past father. When he was caught by the police, he always confessed everything with a serious face and accepted his fate. Although Shikamaru paid for it too, but of course he didn't really blame his father. He understood this part of his character well, he himself died in the same circumstances. Maybe for this world you need to be like that, fear and lies kill people, if you are able to overcome fear and defeat an infectious lie, then maybe you will die with dignity. With a mental laugh, Shikamaru was distracted a little as he heard Ino's pleasant voice.

"What?" - the guy turned his head and met his gaze with a cute blonde in a purple blouse, to her right was Chжиji in a gray sweatshirt and thrown over a hood. The fat man sometimes hid his hands in his pockets, and then pulled out crackers, tossing them into his mouth. Akimichi also looked towards Shikamaru and seemed to be waiting for an answer.

Ino rolled her eyes and said in displeasure:

- You're ignoring us again, right?

"Uh, I was just staring at the snow," Shikamaru lied with a rather grin.

"Well, yes, for the third time this day and for the hundredth this week.

"Hey, Ino, what's so-and-so?" Shikamaru smiled. "Maybe I'm thinking about you, you haven't thought about it?"

- BUT? - the girl blushed sharply and looked away: - Really? w-I'm sorry, I didn't know ... You know Shikamaru, I too oh ...

Before Ino could finish speaking, Chоji's satisfied voice was heard.

- Ha, brother, this is skill!

Shikamaru grinned and still asked:

- So what did you want? If this is again about the technique of shadow cloning, then I will answer the same as yesterday - wait for the evening.

- Well, yes, you said so, only then fell asleep during the conversation, - Akimichi answered displeasedly, with a full mouth.

Ino finally came to her senses and nodded.

- Yes, Shikamaru, is it possible? We talked for another ten minutes, until we heard your snoring!

Shikamaru coughed and made a serious face.

- You don't understand anything, I was just checking you ... Naturally, I heard your whole conversation. I wanted to understand if you are worthy of such a great technique, my impatient students, - Shikamaru lied without even wincing, he perfectly remembered that pleasant dream with the wonderful Kunoichi. Ch Домаji's home is just the perfect atmosphere to sleep in.

Just at that moment, the fat man asked doubtfully:

- Yes? Then why did you sleep with me until the morning?

- Well, I got carried away a little ... And in general, why are you asking me these questions? Here the lesson ends and let's go to train.

- Haa? Truth? - Ino's eyes sparkled, and she smiled with anticipation, like, in fact, Chоji. The two quickly fell in love with training with Shikamaru, although individually they love to be lazy, especially Chоji, who constantly hangs out either in the ramen or in the barbecue. His desire to eat did not disappear at all, although, on the other hand, it was natural for Akimichi. But when they get together, everything changes.

"Okay, I'll go over the details of your test for now. We haven't sparred for a long time, so we'll check everything. Today is the day of the exam at the academy ...

- Wow, well, I'm all for it! Ino nodded contentedly. Glancing at this cute smile, Shikamaru could not restrain himself and gently ruffled the girl's short hair, which made her blush and turned away, but did not remove his hand. The guy grunted contently and stopped, turned to the window. Of course, he had no intention of planning their training. Rather, he thought about his own.

Chоji and Ino have become almost as strong as the weak Genin, at their age it is quite a significant achievement. Although, of course, all thanks not only to training, otherwise it would be almost impossible. They may have become tenacious thanks to Shikamaru, but the pedigree stabilization pill played an important role here, which helped to clean up their pedigree and, therefore, helped in raising some useful qualities - talent, for example. He already had several of these pills, so it was not a problem to give the next one, they were still useless. Chоji accepted her, so of course Ino was next in line as the third member of the team.