Chapter 89: Training (2)

Throwing his cigarette into the snow, Shikamaru chuckled inwardly.

"I feel like some kind of master instructing young students, that's life, ha ... Although, this is also useful, maybe someday I will acquire a personal party of Genin, and now I will gain experience ... Which, of course, is very unlikely whether "

Moving his gaze to the guys who are no longer particularly surprised by Shikamaru's habits, the guy said:

"Okay, we'll start with a simple one - the Technique of Liberation from Illusion," folding the characteristic seal, Shikamaru said, "This is not really a technique, but rather a skill. It is useful both for the user himself and for those with whom he contacts. The effect of this skill is very simple, it disrupts the flow of chakra in the body and takes you out of genjutsu. It should be understood that even against very strong genjutsu, the method is effective, but sometimes you yourself will be unable to get out of the illusion using this skill. In addition, it is sometimes too difficult to realize that you have fallen into an illusion. Therefore, it remains to rely on comrades. Of course, some will find it easier. "Shikamaru glanced at Naruto out of the corner of his eye and smiled wryly. In this situation, the biju was very helpful, although he clearly would not be particularly eager to help the blonde.

Returning his gaze to the others, Shikamaru quickly moved to Ino and placed a hand on her shoulder. The girl shuddered and blushed slightly, while Shikamaru said gloomily.

- Don't be distracted, feel the chakra flow. You are a sensor, it will be easier for you to understand.

Thus, Shikamaru showed all three how to influence the chakra flow. Ino naturally did it right away, Chоji did it several times, just like Naruto did. After checking for weak genjutsu on them, Shikamaru nodded contentedly.

- Great, you did it. Some people should still practice, but everything is fine.

Standing to the side, Naruto smiled and scratched his head. Chоji chuckled too, but continued to listen. He just spent a lot of time on the Hiding the Mole technique, even if he was taught by his father, he realized that listening to it is very important. As well as to eat ... Taking out a packet of chips, the fat man began to chew contentedly, attracting attention with his loud crunch.

Shikamaru shook his head and clapped his hands.

- So, now the second technique is Constructing the String of Light. This is more serious, but since the two of you have already mastered even elemental Jutsu, it will be a little easier.

At this moment, Naruto broke down and asked:

- Uh, what should I do?

- Also remember, maybe it will come in handy for you. The technique is simple and rather weak, especially if you use it. But, in the hands of several users at once, it can be turned into an excellent grip skill. Naturally, distance is just as important, this is perhaps just one of its drawbacks ... Besides, it can be called a leading technique to Building a Barrier Method, which is already quite dangerous and could well be used for killing, - Shikamaru suddenly smiled and added: - To be frank, this technique has a lot in common with my shadows. Only the method is clearly different, our clan Jutsu has eliminated some of the disadvantages of this. It doesn't matter now, though. Let's get started ...

Shikamaru walked close to Naruto and calmly completed the technique, folding the seal of confrontation. Fuyin symbols immediately surrounded the ground around the young jinchūriki, forming three small rings of seals. These rings were crossed by three separate lines, after which the barrier began to resemble something remotely like a spider web, in the center of which Naruto was locked, unable to escape. Shikamaru was only a couple of steps away from him.

It was one of the few jutsu that the guy had mastered quite recently, thanks to looking for something of value in archival scrolls and looking for Fuinjutsu. For him, the technique was useless, but for the Genin or even Chūnin, in a certain situation, it could also be of use. All he now wanted was to teach the guys some kind of "cool", in their opinion, technique and get rid of them. Naruto doesn't count, he'll show him something else ...

- Well, how? Shikamaru asked with a grin, looking at the surprised faces of the guys.

"Um," Naruto tried to move, but when he failed, he exclaimed in amazement, "Wow!" I am stuck!

Shikamaru smiled and lifted the barrier easily, then looked at Ino and Chоji.

- I will explain the principle of the technique, in your case you need a little more seals for the first time.

Approaching Ino, Shikamaru had already folded several seals and the technique was activated again, only this time the girl was caught. Shikamaru nodded.

- The problem with this Barrier Ninjutsu is the impossibility of contacting the trapped victim and the inability to harm her, as well as a very close distance for activation. If you used it on the enemy, you will also be limited, and only a couple of steps away from him. So it's best if you have a partner who can disarm the target. In addition, if the target has large chakra volumes, then you shouldn't even bother catching it using this Jutsu, it's useless. Large bursts of chakra can easily dispel the technique, '' noticing the puzzled faces of the guys, Shikamaru smiled: `` I'll tell you in more detail and I'll show you everything again ...

Ten minutes later, while Ino and Chоji were practicing on each other, Shikamaru walked over to Naruto. The jinchūriki at this time did not take his eyes off the guys and he himself tried to repeat the signs with his hands. It's funny, but even watching he managed to confuse the seals ... Shikamaru chuckled and slapped the keen guy on the shoulder.

- Let's go Naruto.

- Eh ... Yeah, - the guy dropped his hands and followed his friend. The two stopped ten meters away from the practicing Ino and Chоji. Shikamaru turned to Naruto and calmly asked:

- Did you manage to meet the standard? What about seals?

Naruto scratched his head and chuckled.

- Well ... At first I didn't manage to do three hundred push-ups is not so easy, ha-ha ... But now I feel that I have become much stronger. So thanks. Although, it was difficult to learn hand seals ... - the guy smiled wryly: - I still confuse the seal of the Goat and the Tiger.

- Nothing, you are a smart guy, you will get used to it ... Did you spin the chakra in a spiral, as I showed you?

Naruto nodded, after which Shikamaru scratched his chin thoughtfully.

"Not bad, I got used to everything ... He really needed only a couple of lessons and motivation. In vain did the Third sit his ass, the boy has a lot of chakra, and his control is lame, but if this issue is resolved now, it will pay off in the future. If he didn't teach anything, he could at least give the foundation, which he fully deserved "- sighing, the guy shook his head. He could not understand some of the old man's thoughts, even if he was his student. All Shikamaru knew was that Hiruzen clearly shouldn't have been Hokage, at least not the second time.

Returning his gaze to the puzzled Naruto again, Shikamaru said:

"You should know Naruto, the technique I'm teaching you is quite dangerous. In the wrong hands, she is very scary, and in the hands of the wise Shinobi, she is able to defeat the most terrible enemies. If you wish to become Hokage, this technique is one of the most important on your path. You simply must master it.

Naruto listened mesmerized with a twinkle in his eyes, he just burned with impatience in anticipation, wanting to find out what this legendary technique was!