Chapter 96: The Door to Knowledge

When Hiruzen came closer to the barrier, he stopped abruptly, turned to the side and exhaled longly:

"You're all right, after all.

Sitting in the bushes, one of Shikamaru's clones folded the seal and quickly moved to Hiruzen. The old man turned to him and, still smiling calmly, asked:

- And why did he leave you here? Waiting for guests?

The clone smiled innocently and said:

- Teacher, I was afraid that we might be followed and decided to play it safe. But, since you are here, then ...

Hiruzen squinted at the clone and replied with displeasure:

"Shikamaru, you know why I'm here, so you don't need to make a fool of me. - the old man shook his head with a sigh: - If you thought to hide the interference in my technique in such a stupid way, then I am disappointed. - Then, Hiruzen's gaze suddenly became sharp and he coldly asked: - Shikamaru, I always tried not to put pressure on you and not ask too much, but now ... You should tell me everything and don't even think to evade! This question concerns an important secret of the village, now you have no right to remain silent, do you understand?

The clone sighed silently and bowed with a folded fist.

- This student understands. But, I ask you to wait a little longer. My main body and Naruto are still there, so ...

Hiruzen chuckled and shook his head.

- Then hurry up, you don't have more than an hour, do you understand?

- Yes, teacher, - with a nod, the clone dispersed in a cloud of smoke.

As soon as he disappeared, Hiruzen shook his head and sighed:

- This little rascal. Did he leave a clone on purpose? Surely ... Who would have followed him besides me. Hmmm, if so, let's see what you will give me something to drink when you show up. "With a wave of his sleeve, Hiruzen sat down on the grass and slowly began to light his pipe.

At that moment, Shikamaru slowly made his way through the tunnel, which, like the stairs, was illuminated by fuin seals of light. The guy saw something like this for the first time, but, apparently, these seals had a certain amount of chakra, which was consumed over time, as long as the seal worked. In the vision of the Sharingan, this could be determined.

This lighting technique was very handy. But, Shikamaru suspected that this was not her main use. Otherwise, why were these seals activated at the moment of pressing the stones and why are there so many of them? Perhaps they were responsible for the formation of the structure and in this structure it was very inconvenient to form light sources, and the seals were very useful ... Of course, this was just an assumption.

Just as Shikamaru spotted a dark red wooden door ahead, he suddenly stopped and his pupils dilated sharply and then returned to normal. A mass of information quickly filled his mind, which made the guy's eyebrows come together even more.

Sighing, Shikamaru took out a cigarette and lit it, after the second puff, he continued on his way again.

"So he came. Hmm, dad was right, having a dozen methods of interaction for ten scenarios is pretty good. It was not for nothing that I left the clone ... As expected, the old man was distracted by him and stopped. This gave me extra time. Still, he couldn't just burst in here. "Breathing out smoke, Shikamaru stopped at the door and thought:

"Since everything is so, then there is no point in shirking, we will have to chat heart to heart. Well, it's high time ... Although, I suppose, my position for which he prepared me may be shaken. Then, in this case, the plan to change the Village may be quite viable. I was planning to leave the village in a few years anyway, right after Sasuke. Let's see if this affects the original goals. "Breathing out smoke, Shikamaru narrowed his eyes, turned around and listened.

Due to the special structure of the tunnel, the sound was reflected so far that even here he heard muffled footsteps in the distance. It was easy to understand that Naruto and his clone were heading here. And pretty quickly.

"It's good, now we have an hour. I hope the Sharingan will really be able to remember anything ... "- Shikamaru logically assumed that some knowledge was stored here. The Sharingan was the ideal vehicle for learning. But, using it with Naruto was a dubious idea ...

Naturally, the guy had doubts about the things hidden here. But was it foolish to think that there was a sack of gold or a bill of lading here? Hiruzen probably had a similar one from Naruto's parents, but here there must be something valuable for the Shinobi. Well, if these shinobi are Uzumaki, then a connection with a fuin is quite possible. What could be important to a ninja? The answer is obvious - techniques. Therefore, Shikamaru was confident in receiving at least some benefits. He would only need one glance of his eyes to fully memorize information. If Naruto was to enter this place, and Kushina put protection here, then it was definitely not easy. Although, it could also be that something else is stored here. But the question is, what is it ...

Stopping in front of a dark red door, Shikamaru slowly examined it with his Sharingan. In principle, he did not notice anything particularly dangerous in her. Just a dark red door made of rare wood, with chipped abrasions and veins naturally characteristic of wood. The door was not even varnished, and there were no fuin seals on it at all - the most ordinary old door. Although, there was a yellowish paper seal right above it ...

But, Shikamaru still did not notice the dangers. At least for now ... It was understandable, even if the seals were hidden there, it would be impossible to see them with the Sharingan. Most seals do not emit chakra, because that was the point of the sealing. For dojutsu owners, encountering them was very dangerous, especially for those who are used to relying on their eyes. It was only possible that a Rinnegan user could see through some fuin and barrier techniques. But, Rinnegan ... For whom are these eyes not a myth?

They were good at this, and at the same time caused a lot of problems. True masters of Fuinjutsu were rare, because not everyone was given to master this art. Especially now, after the disappearance of the whole clan and all their knowledge. They say that after that day, the legendary Fuinjutsu simply disappeared and this type of Jutsu as a whole almost completely faded away.

"Okay, never mind ..." Without worrying anymore, Shikamaru folded his hand seal and summoned a shadow clone. Still, he didn't really want to risk his life, it would be safer that way.

He immediately understood Shikamaru's desire and reached out and grabbed the cracked wooden handle of the door. All the wood looked a little old, but not yet enough to crumble into dust. Therefore, as soon as the clone pulled. With an unpleasant creaking sound, the door began to move, slowly revealing a view of the unknown ...

Half an hour later.

Shikamaru's high expectations have finally paid off. The search was worth it and even the question with the Hokage seemed already insignificant. He was sixty percent confident that he could find new knowledge of Ninjutsu or sealing techniques. This was exactly what he needed so badly in the near future. Desiring to devote himself to the study of Iryoninjutsu and Fuyin, he was terribly hungry for such knowledge. Even the strong ninjutsu didn't touch him as much as something special, something like that ...