Chapter 114: Leveling Up

Folding one-handed hand seals, Shikamaru unsealed two black wooden boxes from the ring, on top of which were red kanji - "", which meant - Nara. Shikamaru was not against his surname, although every year he felt less and less a member of the clan. He had not yet come up with his own symbol, so the last name was enough.

Opening both boxes, Shikamaru nodded in satisfaction.

- Okay, let's replenish supplies. With this in mind, Shikamaru put all the received elixirs and pills from the recent awards into these boxes to the rest of the pills and elixirs. Now he already has a decent amount of them:

Elixir of Strengthening Muscles х2

Elixir of Bone Strengthening х2

Elixir of Strengthening of the Body х2

Elixir of Lightning Attribute Enhancement х2

Elixir of Enhancement of Element Water х2

Special Elixir of Elemental Enhancement

Chakra storage expansion pill

Pill of body cleansing from toxins х2

Bloodline Boost Pill

Bloodline Stabilization Pill x2

Chakra recovery pill

Chakra storage expansion pill

Looking at this wealth, the guy involuntarily smiled. If you accept them now, it will help to complete both the task for the power of Jonin and the task for mastering the elements. There were, of course, useless things, like a detoxification pill, but it could help a little under good circumstances.

- I'll take a pill of purification after pumping, we'll see with the elixirs, they won't be superfluous. There is no need to take lightning and water either. Strengthening elements will only be effective with a few. It makes no sense to increase the element more than one hundred percent, and when I take a pedigree with a predisposition to lightning, it will be possible to drink the elixir of strengthening this element. It would be nice to leave it for the future, maybe I will ... But I will need to take the pill to strengthen the pedigree, now I expect to slightly raise the Uzumaki, invest in Kaguya and those that I will take now. The only question is what should I take. Should he act according to the old plan or can he bet on the new Hyuga Dojutsu?

Imagining all the pleasant consequences of owning the Byakugan, Shikamaru involuntarily broke into a bawdy grin. Say what you don't say, but probably anyone would dream of getting those eyes for such tricks. On the other hand, the Byakugan was not cheap. But at the same time, with his current number of points, one could even swing at Ketsuryugan and get two Dojutsu at once, having completed the next task. Looking at it this way, it was very profitable.

Folding his fingers and closing his eyes, Shikamaru began to consider all the options, wanting to find the most profitable and acceptable way for himself at the moment, brushing aside all the bawdy thoughts, inspired by the hormonal transition of the body.

"Okay, let's see ... First, let's count the points. I have fifty-nine thousand, I will take the Kaguya Bloodline Boost Pill and be rewarded for Jinin's strength right away. The problem is that I do not know the awards, they have stopped showing, and this makes it difficult to count on the future. It is better not to assume with the system, so you should immediately spend a pill on Kaguya's pedigree, and then we'll see "- with this thought, Shikamaru pulled out one of the pills and immediately threw it into his mouth, having previously selected Kaguya's pedigree in the system.

A few minutes later, the amplification process began. After another time, Shikamaru let out a long breath.

`` Great, that was enough ... '' When the notification came about the completion of the task, Shikamaru nodded contentedly.

- Well, I was just counting on something like that, I immediately got twenty points in three indicators, and this is very good. With such success, you can buy a couple more pills and get an additional fifteen points, and this will help to complete the task on "Strength", in the end I can get another ten thousand, minus four thousand for the pills, I can get four thousand points clean. Not bad ... '' Nodding thoughtfully, Shikamaru did not hesitate to buy two more bloodline enhancement pills and immediately ate the first. When she finished the amplification process, he followed by ate the second one. He no longer took medications all together, the case with Uzumaki taught him a lot.

Quickly reviewing the status and receiving another notification at the same instant, the guy nodded:

- Well very well!


Reach two hundred and fifty power points.

Reward: 10,000 points of fate, S-grade forbidden taijutsu scroll.

- "Jonin's Power"

Reach 2000 chakra volume, 215 strength and endurance, speed, 125 chakra control. Possession of 10 techniques of at least B-rank and one A-rank. Develop your own B-rank minimum Jutsu.

Reward: 20,000, Pill of mutation, Special elixir of enhancing elements, Absorbing Seal of the Dead Demon.

Special Reward: Bloodline Fusion Pill.

Looking at the next points of fate, Shikamaru could only smile contently. The special award was also pleasing. Last time he received a special award for "The Genjutsu Way", "Chūnin Strength", "Jonin Uzumaki". All of them related to age, Shikamaru was superior to ancestors and other ninja in this aspect thanks to the system. Now he made an even greater gap, because the current pumping will be just incredible. Although, of course, to call Shikamaru's growth incredible would be an exaggeration. He is already ten years old and he has lived in this world for only six years. At one time, Naruto and Sasuke, from useless genin in some four years, reached almost the strength of demigods, so such growth was actually not particularly surprising when you think about it. Although, Shikamaru did have some advantages over Reincarnations.

After receiving all the awards, Shikamaru nodded contentedly.

- Not bad, almost eighty thousand, this time I surpassed all imaginable boundaries. I'm afraid after my release I will definitely reach the power of the elite Jonin and this is ten years ... Yeah. The mutation pill is curious, I wouldn't buy it like that, but I'm very ready to use it in a free copy. It would be nice to try, I hope these mutations are useful. The Seal of Absorption is useless, since I already have her scroll. If I had mastered her and could have given another reward, it's unpleasant. But, all this does not matter, but the merger pill ... Yes, it is, perhaps, no worse than the main reward. This pill is not cheap, but its use is something special! I'll definitely use it later!

With that in mind, Shikamaru returned to the quest list and opened the status. Now I had to think about what to buy. With his current number of points, great prospects opened up. Even Mokuton was quite affordable now. The question remained, where to start and is the element of the Tree worth such a waste?

Looking at everything, Shikamaru rubbed his temples.

- So many things, it's hard even to concentrate. I do not want to choose the most profitable option, but I have already received a lot of benefits. I rather want not to be very stupid, small mistakes will be tolerable. I've already done something stupid anyway because of my views or decisions. Although they were influenced by the child's body, but still ... I have almost completely become myself, so now I cannot write off everything to age


- Gene Expansion Pill + 1 Bloodline slot (Pill Limit 3 times) Then only Improved Gene Expansion Pill.

- Improved Gene Expansion Pill + 1 Bloodline slot and additional Bloodline mutation bonus

- Pill of mutation - gives a unique mutation to one of the bloodlines (mutation is random)

- Bloodline merge pill (special pill, allows you to merge two bloodlines into one and as a result produces a mutation) (Bloodlines must be at least 50% strength)

- Improved Bloodline Fusion Pill (allows you to merge four bloodlines into one and grants an additional random mutation to a unique bloodline)

All pills have limits, just like the pedigree enhancement pill. Simply put, the pill for expanding the chakra storage, after each intake, reduces the bonuses from the usual + 1000 to the chakra, after the second intake there will be +800, from the third +500, from the fourth +300, and the fifth is only 100+, which is naturally unreasonable to buy. A higher tier pill is already more profitable to take.

As for the pills of purification by + 3 (these are pills of the first order, increases only by + 3, pills of the second order increase immediately by +10)

For example: Pill of purification of chakra channels + 3 to control and Improved pill of purification of chakra channels + 10 to control. Taking the pill at + 3 keeps this "+3" bonus for only three accepts, after the third, the bonus will decrease by +2, and after the sixth, by +1 at all. It's the same for the Improved Pill, only the number of moves increases to five between decreases in effectiveness. Simply put, the Enhanced Pill needs to be taken a full five times to become +9 instead of +10.
