Chapter 119: Extended Genome

As soon as the exchange for the Expanded Genome was over, Shikamaru immediately threw the fortune strengthening pill into his mouth. This pill was supposed to extinguish all pain by about forty percent, judging by the description. Shikamaru did not know exactly how the acquisition of the Extended Genome would affect him, but it is likely that it could be very painful, it was better to play it safe now, and at the same time find out the full effect of these pills.

A minute later, the pill worked, and the Extended Genome began to digest and change the body. The ability to transform chakra into special elements came from Genes, often the owner of the Extended Genome owned the Improved one, but in the case of Shikamaru, although it was, but his Genome was not associated with the Extended, as, for example, it was associated with the same Oonoki. The genes have changed, yet even though the chakra in humans is almost always the same, the way they mix and use it is always different. Specific transformations depend on genetics. In the old days, Improved Genomes were not uncommon, but over time, completely new ones appeared, and the old ones disappeared in the war. Now Shikamaru was acquiring a very ancient Extended Genome. He did not even find any records about him, but judging from the description in the system, he allowed to own metals. Although he knew the use of Dust Release and its power, Shikamaru was still ready to take a risk, because he did not see himself at all in controlling Dust, and getting something unique was also not bad. With his Sharingan and Shikotsumyaku, he wanted something new ...

Ten minutes later, an unpleasant pain pierced the guy's body, but the pill instantly suppressed it, and then everything began to pass like clockwork. The pain didn't build up anymore, Shikamaru's body exuded transparent mucus, and he quickly became completely covered with it. After about an hour, everything was finally over, he did not even lose consciousness and he still succeeded in obtaining a new Extended Genome. Finally, he got what he wanted!

Extended Genome (1/1):

- Metal Release → 50%

With a satisfied grin, Shikamaru nodded.

- As I thought, the limit for one Extended genome. Moreover ... - having considered in more detail the instructions for this restriction, Shikamaru sighed gloomily: - These conditions are even more severe than when obtaining bloodlines. To obtain the next extended Genome, you need to reach twenty years, and then thirty. There is no limit as such, but once every ten years is already too much for me. Fortunately, there is a pill, but its price is not that easy to take. Moreover, there is only one use for a simple pill, and then you need to buy an improved one. In general, I am not particularly surprised, but I can't say that I am happy with this outcome ... I looked closely at the Genome Energy and something else, but now ...

After reading a little more of the instruction that had just appeared, Shikamaru darkened even more. Getting the Extended Genome changed some of the system settings. If there were any ... Shikamaru still couldn't figure out how everything worked. This system adjusted itself to the situation. Well at least it didn't harm ...

"So, now there is also a restriction on the Improved Genomes, I also expected this, but not so soon. Fortunately, everything is much better here, one pedigree - one genome. In my case, it's not even a problem, I can afford them "- with a frowning face, Shikamaru exhaled and quickly returned to his former mood. Now it was not worth worrying too much, it was even more interesting!

Plus, it's time to test your new ability and then start getting others!

Concentrating, Shikamaru thought.

- At the heart of metal is matter and its control, almost like Doton, so it's worth trying to create something with the help of simple things ... Now I am faced with a problem, because I do not know the techniques of my new element, just like with Storm ... Well, it's worth trying to interact with what is ... '' At this thought, Shikamaru focused on his own chakra.

- Change the mass or structure, this is how Doton works. In other cases, you can give the chakra itself elemental properties, such as the Stone Cannon Technique. Here, both the transformation of the elements and the shaping are involved, as a result of which, the shinobi simply creates a stone bullet from the chakra, which eventually leaves the user's mouth and increases in size. Quite an interesting technique, I need to do something similar by this analogy. I doubt that I could turn the earth into gold, chakra is needed here ... Only now, hmm ... - Thinking, Shikamaru gloomily scratched his forehead. In fact, it is easy to say what to do, the chakra cannot be called up and transformed by the power of thought, it needs a command, a special set of such commands. Simply put, hand seals. Without them, the transformation will not work, at least in the case of Shikamaru, who just received this element and did not own a special Dojutsu.

"Hmm, if you look like that, somehow people with Enhanced Genomes were able to understand ... So I should think" - with a determination in his gaze, Shikamaru stretched out his hand forward and concentrated:

"Come on ..." Instinctively, Shikamaru began to realize how to transform chakra in the proportion he needed. At that very moment, something started happening ...

After almost a hundred attempts to transform something, Shikamaru faced a problem, without control, simply directing the chakra, it is too difficult to give the chakra elemental properties.

After a few more tries, Shikamaru began to use the typical hand seals of the elements of Earth and Fire, in the end he began to work out a little.

After another hour of continuous attempts, Shikamaru wiped the sweat from his forehead and picked up a small metal ball.

- Not bad ... I kind of understood the principle. In fact, there can be almost any seals, but there must be a certain sequence. Some seals interact better with the main five natures, this is a kind of language, and you need to control the chakra, you can't do without them ... I instinctively understand how to interact with my Genome, but here I have to work hard to do something like that and obviously reduce the chain that I have heaped up here.

Shikamaru exhaled and began to fold the seals one by one, signaling the chakra. He had not yet identified a more logical sequence, so there were too many seals, he already knew which ones to remove to reduce the chain of interaction, but so far it could have worked like that. Having folded the last - forty-ninth hand seal of the Serpent, Shikamaru touched a small pebble and said:

- Change! - at the same moment, literally before our eyes, thanks to the chakra, the stone was transformed and turned into a silvery-white metal of exactly the same shape as it was. It was no longer a simple stone, but a real piece of lithium, at least Shikamaru believed it was lithium. The structure was very similar. It was quite lightweight, and the appearance of lithium can be discerned, yet he had already dealt with it in the past.