Chapter 130: A Moment with Sakura

The moment Shikamaru lovingly stroked Ino just did not fit into the heads of both girls. Ino always felt like he was treating her like a child, and now ... Why?

Shikamaru looked at that cute blushing face and let out a slight chuckle.

- What? Are you surprised? Ha, I can surprise you even more. Shikamaru sharply approached the blonde and touched her soft lips. He only touched it, but Ino's breathing immediately fell. Her hot sigh touched the guy's face. He did not continue, but only lifted the blonde's chin and met her eyes. He looked for opportunities. Of course, Ino didn't reject him, even though Shikamaru's hot breath touched the girl's wet lips, she still didn't resist. She could, but for some reason the whole body was trembling. At that very moment, Shikamaru no longer gave her a chance. He instantly took advantage of her weakness and already completely covered these pink lips with his. He took Ino's first kiss so calmly!

The girl's eyes widened in shock. Embarrassed to the point of indecency, she simply did not know how to react to her. This was not the outcome she expected from this meeting ...

"Mm ..." Shikamaru continued to frolic with pleasure with the inexperienced lips and defenseless tongue of the girl. She couldn't answer at all, but she didn't try to escape either.

"Shikamaru ... What ... This ..." Ino slowly began to blur in pleasure. If it had been someone else, she would have pushed the villain away with all her fury, but she was simply unable to push him away ... Everything in the lower abdomen fluttered, her lips began to respond.

Sakura stood just a meter away from this stage and did not know where to go now. The face turned red in embarrassment, and his eyes were watching everything. On the one hand, she wanted to run away and not see it, but on the other ...

- Enough for you! Stop it! - she herself did not understand how it escaped from her. Shikamaru immediately stopped, and Ino, covering her eyes, suddenly regained her composure. She immediately pulled away, but Shikamaru himself broke the kiss. A thin trickle of saliva parted, and then the guy looked at Sakura with a smile. Something vague flashed in the girl's shining eyes, she turned around and ran away. Ino was in a kind of trance.

"He ... he ... kissed me ..."

Shikamaru followed the fleeing Sakura before shaking his head with a grin.

"Maybe it shouldn't have been so drastic? Although, perhaps this will allow her to better understand her feelings. Only, even if she felt something for this Uchiha, I would still get mine. In that regard, I'm lucky - girls often like guys like me, especially considering my age. The female sex is always attracted to those who are older, at least until the age of majority ... The only question is Hinata, with her everything is different, unlike Sakura, it will definitely be more difficult there. Hmm, I need to clarify a couple more points ... "At this thought, Shikamaru turned to Ino and then smiled.

- It looks like I managed to surprise you, and seriously ...

Ino covered her face with her hands and tried not to look anywhere at all.

Shikamaru scratched the back of his head with a grin.

"Perhaps I'll leave her, I have a mission on my nose, and there I'm going to walk for a year or two outside the walls of Konoha. It will be a glorious time, maybe I will return to the exam, now it is better not to force it, knowing my character, I can cripple someone, two Anbu have already patted "- coming close to Ino, Shikamaru smiled and approached. Yamanaka immediately began to react and panic was immediately reflected in her eyes, but the guy did not touch his lips, he smiled and kissed her on the forehead, after which he gently stroked her hair:

"I'll go on a mission, wait for me. Then we will continue where we started! - turning around, the guy waved to the shocked blonde and abruptly disappeared with a gust of wind.

Now Shikamaru wanted to resolve one more case. Sakura's reaction pleased him, but if left as it is, it may not end very well. Shikamaru never left such things to chance or the will of fate. In matters with women, you must always have confidence and determination. One wrong yawn and distraction can get expensive. Only the naive will have to wait for the benefits to come to him personally. A man must take the situation into his own hands and act! Therefore, it was worth catching up with her, and clarifying something ...

At this time, Sakura slowly moved home with a thoughtful and slightly upset look. She ran away, but she herself did not understand why. What Shikamaru had done made her terribly angry! Even more annoying was Ino's stupid reaction, and as a result, she herself could not understand why her mood had deteriorated so badly.

"It's all because of this Shikamaru!" - Discontentedly clenching her fists, the girl mentally swore.

Just at the moment when Sakura had almost left the park, a familiar silhouette appeared right in her path. She looked up and immediately froze hesitantly. This man turned out to be he ... The girl did not understand why he suddenly appeared. But the irritation grew even more.

- What are you doing? Sakura asked with a touch of anger.

Taking a closer look at her, Shikamaru chuckled a little and began to slowly approach the girl. But Sakura for some reason quickly began to retreat. She was clearly nervous and what happened to Ino affected her even more than he had expected.

"I'm not that stupid!" - let him do the same? What more!

Shikamaru stopped and asked:

- Why are you running away, do you think I'll start kissing you too?

Sakura stopped and frowned even more. This question was very unpleasant and made her even more angry.

- What do you want from me?! Get out of the way, go to Ino or somewhere else, let me pass!

"Wow ..." Shikamaru took a step back and asked, "So then I won't kiss you?"

"Ah ..." Sakura suddenly blushed. All her emotions were instantly reflected on her face. But unlike Ino, she quickly realized everything and throwing an irritated look at the guy, clenched her fists and simply stopped paying attention to him. Turning around, she hurriedly began to leave.

As she walked past, Shikamaru sighed and quietly said:

- I like you too.

Sakura stopped abruptly and stared into his face in bewilderment. Shikamaru continued:

- You know, I think you need to cool off. With Ino, I wanted to clarify a lot, she was waiting for this, but could not admit, because she knew that I knew about her feelings. Therefore, I kissed her, and with you ... I think we will chat more.

- What? - Sakura did not understand, but at that moment Shikamaru suddenly evaporated, leaving behind several floating leaves. The girl blinked and clenched her fists in annoyance. He just ran away!

"What the ... But how is he ..." - Sakura stood for almost a minute and mentally cursed herself, and then she suddenly blushed and ran away. The observer from the side of Shikamaru scratched his forehead and thought:

"I hope everything will be okay with her? Now she just won't forget it, there is no point in pushing further. Although, I thought Sakura in love was different, but here it is ... It looks like she really is not able to sort out her feelings. Perhaps life-changing couples exist? I don't believe in this, but even so, I'm ready to fight. It's just too early yet. " With a slight grin, Shikamaru watched the girl go.

"Yes ... I'll go already, I should dump as soon as possible and master the techniques. Otherwise, now the skirmish with the strong Anbu could end badly. Only, it would be necessary to go somewhere else and be convinced of one thing ... If you have already begun to act, then you should not limit yourself to a couple of steps. "