Chapter 132: Against Tokubetsu-Jinin

As soon as the Shikamaru clone infiltrated the territory of the Hyuga clan, the first to react was the Tokubetsu-Jonin who was in charge of protecting Hinata. Noticing a short boy moving in the direction of the young princess, the shinobi's eyes flashed with displeasure. He instantly moved and found himself in Shikamaru's path. If it weren't for Hyuuga territory, he would not have intervened, yet he understood who this boy was and knew about his friendship with Hinata. But, this is the land of his clan and no one just comes here without an invitation.

Jonin was not rude, as soon as Shikamaru started walking towards him, the man simply said coldly:

- Boy, you seem to have wandered in the wrong place. Go away, this is forbidden territory for you. Hinata-sama didn't invite you, so you don't belong here.

But, there was no answer. Shikamaru didn't seem to notice this shinobi and wandered on without stopping.

When he walked past him, without even deigning to look. The Hyuuga's cold nature made itself felt. The man grimaced and, casting a displeased glance at the guy's back, moved abruptly. He did not want to attack the child on the sly, but just wanted to teach him a lesson by hitting in the open. It would be a good lesson for him!

When Jonin once again appeared in front of Shikamaru, this time all intentions were clearly visible on his face. He was going to drive out the intruder, and not in the best way ...

At the same time, Hinata and Hanabi finally noticed the ongoing skirmish. Only because of Jonin's back, they did not understand who he attacked. Therefore, the girls turned and began to observe what was happening with curiosity.

The jonin was fast, Shikamaru knew - this was definitely not the limit of his speed. But for a simple Chūnin, this would definitely be enough. Looks like it was Jonin who knew something about Shikamaru. In general, to some extent, he was even polite at the beginning, but only now ...

With a light chuckle, Shikamaru dodged the thrust with his palm without any problems. Cloud's style was much better than Liszt's against the Hyuuga. Interesting considering some incident between Hyuuga and Cloud. One way or another, Shikamaru easily left the trajectory of the blow and, surprisingly, Jonin, a counterattack immediately flew in his direction in the form of sharp spikes that grew directly from his fist.

The ninja's face immediately changed:

"Shikotsumyaku!" - As a child, he heard many stories about the battle between Hyuuga and Kaguya. Shikotsumyaku was not in the last place there and was a terrible problem for Hyuga Taijutsu. It has always been incredibly difficult for a tanker to break through a bone and reach it. It was not worth talking about permanent wounds on the palms. Fighting such an enemy with your bare hands is terribly dangerous.

It all happened in an instant. Shikamaru's fist was about to reach the man's ribs, as he instantly broke the distance and straightened up to his full height. At that moment, this experienced Tokubetsu-jonin looked at Shikamaru with a completely different look. The Shikotsumyaku holder is here in Konoha! It was surprising and at the same time suspicious ... Plus, he decided to sneak into the Hyuuga territory. All this made this shinobi become even more attentive to this "guest".

Shikamaru stopped paying attention to this ninja, and as if nothing had happened, he continued on his way to the Hyuuga princess. The sisters finally noticed the guy. Hinata blinked in surprise.

- Shikamaru? What are you ... - suddenly, the girl's face changed and shouted: - Beware!

The guy was already expecting this. Finally, his eyes filled with cold, and he growled angrily:

- Field!

Shinobi Hyuga no longer stood on ceremony, this impudent boy, who did not put him into anything, already began to anger him. He definitely needs to be taught a lesson in respect! Therefore, he attacked with all his might. He already knew Shikamaru was not that simple and would surely react. If so, it was worth seeing what this kid is so good at, since he dares so brazenly to go to the princess!

Due to the too small distance, the Taijutsu master could overtake Shikamaru in just a moment of a second. But suddenly, the Hyuuga widened his eyes in surprise and realized that he was simply unable to move. His hand remained just a few centimeters from Shikamaru's back, and the guy himself turned his head slightly and said with a sneer in his eyes:

"It looks like you haven't understood who is in front of you, it's interesting ..." With some anger, Jonin was about to answer something, but suddenly noticed a change in Shikamaru's gray eyes. At the same moment, locked in the field of shadow imitation, he suddenly realized that the world around him had changed beyond recognition! He is still unable to move, somehow influence what is happening ... In the heavens, as if tearing apart space, a bloody moon appeared, and then eerie shadows began to appear everywhere. In the beginning they looked like people and beasts, but then, shadows began to grow. The light of the bloody moon gave them strength - their size and shape changed rapidly. The shadows grew huge claws, fangs, terrible limbs. In this disgusting silence, for no reason at all, the sounds of children's laughter began to cut through ... The most terrible nightmares were embodied in reality!

"What is this ..." - Jonin slowly began to embrace fear and the more he succumbed to it, the deeper he plunged into Genjutsu. He didn't even realize that in those dark eyes he saw the real Sharingan. Even having started realizing his condition under Genjutsu, he did not have time to do anything. In reality, Shikamaru's real body was trapped in the shadows and knocked out this guard with a light blow of his hand. With a bloody flash, the shinobi's consciousness faded.

Shikamaru folded the seal, and the clone was immediately dispelled. With an unpleasant pain from the load due to the use of his eyes, the guy with a cold shine fixed his gaze on the defeated opponent:

"Using genjutsu from the eyes of a clone reduced the effectiveness by half. The load is not so bad ... For that, it would not hurt to cripple him properly. This Hyuuga should know his place! " Even though Shikamaru was angry, there was not a trace of anger on his face. It rather in itself did not look very friendly, and because of the gray eyes, few would definitely want to have a peaceful conversation with him. He repelled people in the past, but now he has reached the maximum of this ability.

The two sisters, after seeing what they saw, could only stare at Shikamaru in surprise. It is worth knowing that the guy defeated his opponent in just a few moves. Fast and clean, without even raising the alarm - like a real shinobi. The guy's age and the pride of the enemy played a role. The Hyuuga did not expect defeat at all and did not take the enemy seriously. Naturally, had it not been for Shikamaru the Konoha ninja, that Jonin would have been more vigilant and would have informed the entire clan of the invasion for sure. And what shinobi could just walk through the barrier of the village itself? Therefore, getting close to Hinata was a little easier due to the peculiarity of the situation.