Chapter 134: A Moment with Hinata

Pulling away from Hinata, Shikamaru put his hands in his pockets and said with a constant grin.

- You are very beautiful, did I already say?

The girl hid her face even tighter in the collar of her lavender down jacket. It turned out to be exactly the same as in Shikamaru's memories. Only the girl was much nicer, especially with that flushed face.

Since she didn't answer, Shikamaru continued:

"Although I like to embarrass you, I'm not saying it for nothing. I want you to understand this yourself, you are strong, beautiful and you are the princess of an influential clan. It will be difficult for us to build a relationship, yet I'm a simple ninja, yeah ... - With a slight laugh, Shikamaru followed the girl's reaction. But she was silent and did not even try to look at him. Therefore, he just sighed and shook his head:

"Tell Hinata, how can you and I be together when you're so embarrassed?" I started this topic so that at our next meeting you could at least talk to me, otherwise it will be awkward ...

Shikamaru was silent for a moment, expecting at least some answer. There was not much time left, if Jonin wakes up, anything can happen, the main thing is that this sweet conversation will end. Since Hinata didn't want to speak, then ...

But when he was about to take a step towards her, the girl raised her head and, still looking away, whispered softly:

`` I ... I will w-try ...

Her face was looking at him, and her eyes darted from side to side. Hinata fiddled with her fingers awkwardly, but tried to hold on. Shikamaru nodded with a slight grin.

"This is good, then maybe you'll even look at me," after these words, Hinata frowned her small brows and with a gleam of determination raised her eyes to the guy, embarrassed even more. She now looked a little paler than a ripe tomato.

Shikamaru did not push her too hard and stare excessively, he simply put his hand deeper into his pocket and fished a dark round ball out of it. Taking a step towards Hinata, he handed it to her, saying:

- It will be useful to you. Eat it and you will become even stronger, but do not show it to others. Of course, it's up to you ... If you accept, be prepared for unpleasant consequences. But the pain will pass, and your strength will definitely increase, then your already good talent will surpass everyone in your clan and by the exam you will become no weaker than Neji, I promise you that. - with a satisfied laugh, the guy added: - Of course, if you continue to train and think about me ...

Hinata listened in surprise, examining the ball on the boy's pale hand, and after his last words, the girl looked away in embarrassment.

- Okay, I said everything, do you remember?

Anxious Hinata nodded slightly, and then the unexpected happened. The girl did not even understand what was happening, as Shikamaru was again right in front of her, and her face was in his palms. With tears in her eyes, the girl realized the incredible, and then just lost consciousness ...

Moving away from those soft lips, Shikamaru licked his lips and grabbed Hinata in his arms. It was expected that she would shut down. But, the first kiss of a cute princess is taken away, which means victory is in your pocket. More often than not, you need to show determination, especially when you are not indifferent to someone. It remains only to get rid of the body ...

Realizing how strange these thoughts sound, a wry grin crept across the guy's face, and then he activated the Byakugan, considering in more detail where the unwanted passerby might be. After making sure everything was in order, Shikamaru very quickly reached the residence of the head of the Hyuuga clan. Right there, in the backyard, Hanabi was waving her arms and practicing Gentle Fist. At that moment, when she wanted to strike a biting blow with her palm, a familiar silhouette flashed right in front of the girl, and then immediately evaporated. Hanabi blinked in surprise and quickly looked around. Paying attention to the threshold of the house, she noticed there an unconscious Hinata. Hanabi immediately threw everything and ran to her sister.

Once next to Hinata, the girl panicked:

- Big sister, what's wrong with you ?! Older sister!

At the same moment, a young woman dressed as a maid ran out of the residence. As soon as she found the unconscious Hinata and the frightened Hanabi, she immediately rushed to check on the condition of the first princess. After a couple of seconds, she smiled and shook her head.

- It's okay, she just fell asleep.

- W-fell asleep? - Hanabi wiped away the tears that came out and said with surprise: - But ... But the older sister was ... - realizing something, Hanabi frowned with displeasure:

"Oh, this brother! It's all him! Made Hanabi cry, and also made his sister Hinata ... What did he do ... "- looking into the serene face of her sister, Hanabi finally smiled. Hinata's happy expression said a lot ...

"Looks like he's not so bad ... Hpmf!"

Thus, Shikamaru decided his business with the first Hyuuga princess, and then left the territory of their clan, completely forgetting about the small skirmish with Tokubetsu-Jinin. In fact, everyone else forgot about him ... When he woke up and was convinced of Hinata's safety, he quickly reported what had happened, and then her father also received the news about the first princess. The situation was not in favor of Shikamaru. That's just, his trace is gone ...

After finishing with Hinata, the guy decided to go home and quickly collect his things. He already had a task scroll, and it had long been decided that he would go to work. There was no point in notifying the authorities, especially Hiruzen. Now he will probably be visited by two beaten Anbu, and this is not the best reason to chat. Sometimes the old man could lose his temper, and then it would be possible to forget about the task. It would not be very reasonable to break through by force ... Therefore, it was worth leaving while it was possible, he had already, so, delayed all this pumping.

Returning home, Shikamaru found the expected scene. Mom cooked dinner, washed and cleaned, and in that order. Therefore, Shikamaru went to his room, collected all his belongings in a storage ring, and threw some into his backpack. He threw a black sleeveless jacket over his shirt, threw his backpack over his shoulder and went to his mother, having previously applied the transformation technique to avoid meaningless questions. It was worth saying goodbye before leaving and notifying at least someone. He knew about his changes and did not want to make excuses once again. Therefore, it is better not to allow meetings with the father, otherwise everything may result in an unpleasant conversation. Since Shikamaru had no intention of pretending to be a mouse, the conversation would definitely not work out. Fortunately, Shikaku worked forever.

Entering the kitchen, Shikamaru noted the smell of yakisoba with a smile. I wanted to eat, but it was time to leave. Walking up to his mother, the guy said:

- I'll go mom, I have a mission.

- What? Yoshino turned sharply and frowned. "Mission ... Wait, already?" Wait, where did you disappear the last days at all ?!

Shikamaru stopped and sighed in displeasure. Henga had to use it so as not to prolong this conversation once again. If it were not for his mother, he would not have used Jutsu at all. But, especially to swear and argue with her, he did not want. Shikamaru still retains some respect. In this world, he spent a glorious childhood and had good parents. Still, he still felt like a part of the family, even after the recent changes. Therefore, he decided not to argue and lied with slight irritation. He didn't like to do that, but he didn't want to be rude once again. He was even surprised at his own thoughts, usually he did not allow anyone to talk to him like that in the past, but here he even had to make excuses. A family...

"I was at Chоji's. - followed by a laconic answer.

- Yah? - Yoshino, put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes: - I saw Chоji yesterday, he, you know, came to visit you, you, you see, had hot springs. Are you wandering in the woods somewhere again? Or maybe he sat in the basement again?

Shikamaru didn't answer, but just kept walking away.

- I went! Don't look for me, I'm on a mission! - With a wave of his hand, the guy immediately disappeared. Yoshino stared in amazement for almost a minute at the place where her son had stood not so long ago. After another minute, she suddenly growled:

- Oh, you brat ... well, Shikaku, well, I ... what did you teach our son ?!

Shikaku, now on a mission, suddenly flinched. Sitting on a branch, he looked around sharply, and then exhaled with relief:

- Imagine ...