Chapter 142: Shukuba City

Simply put, if you take Hashirama's DNA and transplant it to yourself, a person will receive some of the regenerative abilities and the elemental skill of managing the growth of trees. But, in the end, these are just side abilities. Hashirama's true strength is not in his Senju bloodline or in the elements, but in how these two forces together changed his body, creating a new strength. It is impossible to adopt, with such a person you can only be born and later awaken. This is what makes the First Hokage unique. Such uniqueness can only be compared with the Uchiha possessing the eternal Mangeky Sharingan. Now there is also Shikamaru, thanks to a number of circumstances and he received such power, while his genes are even more unique due to many other bloodlines. But naturally he could not get the Asura's reincarnation chakra. At least that's the way it should be. After all, his ancestry did not relate to the bloodline, but rather related to the basic abilities of a certain kind.

In any case, Wood Release techniques are very useful. Tree clones are very resilient and can serve as ideal spies and even traps. With one such clone, you can communicate at a distance and turn them into completely harmless transmitter seeds.

The method of creation is a bit complicated, but when Shikamaru succeeded, he glanced at his copy and nodded in satisfaction.

"I wonder if you try this ..." - by the power of thought, Shikamaru easily established a connection and easily examined all the accumulated memories of the clone. There were not many of them, he was created nothing at all, but the ability to follow someone from a distance was impressive. Unfortunately, the clone did not copy the circulation system, so the Dojutsu would be able to identify the fake, but this is just a minor issue amid all the benefits. Shikamaru immediately began to think about the use of transmitter seeds.

"If it can be reduced, how much? Is it possible to force the swallowed seed to enter the victim's brain? " - with a satisfied grin, Shikamaru nodded - Thought is sane, pure control right in the brain is not the same as simple genjutsu. It is quite possible to use the special Jutsu of control thanks to such seeds. Plus, I remember being able to drain chakra. Thus, you can create a kind of parasite that slowly kills the victim. In villages without Dojutsu, it is simply a lethal weapon of mass destruction. A hundred trees, a hundred clones hidden in fruit, and a hundred infected bodies. A terrible Jutsu, if you really create it, of course. This is not to mention how you can interact with senjutsu chakra through tree cloning. Although, it will take a lot of chakra, perhaps even for me.

With a scowl, Shikamaru once again examined his copy:

"It seems that creating a clone based on our own cells and purely from wood, different techniques. The first case is very unique for someone like Hashirama and my genes. Other owners of Mokuton are perhaps only able to raise trees and make a purely elemental copy ... Transform a tree from soil into a clone or your own cells into the same copy, there are definitely differences. To create something from cells is almost to create a copy of itself, and this is inherent exclusively in Hashirama, now also to me. Probably, the clones of Yamato and Madara were different, because if their cells regenerated so quickly and had so much vitality, they would not be weaker than Hashirama. Naturally, in terms of the body and only wood techniques, Madara is very strong even without them. Yamato, on the other hand, could not compare in many ways, even with his genes. This directly speaks in favor of the correctness of my theory.

From new discoveries, Shikamaru interrupted the flow of information. Several clones were dispersed en masse. Having received their memories, the guy immediately nodded contentedly. An attempt to use the Birth of the World of Trees naturally turned out to be successful, but the costs of chakras are quite impressive, fatigue was not weak. In general, not surprisingly, today he had to check new Jutsu more than once, so the waste turned out to be quite adequate. A simple johnin from such loads would have died a hundred times already. Although, Naruto could have lasted twice as long as Shikamaru. You need a little more control for the techniques and then everything will become easier. This will cut waste by at least half, or even more. Then there is only experience, only it needs to be stuffed ...

After practicing with the element of wood for about an hour, Shikamaru has already spent most of the chakra, it will take some time to recover, so he decided to continue on the path. Now it was already possible to return to the road and walk by the usual route. The Byakugan check revealed no surveillance, which means you can relax a bit. If anyone is peeping from the shadows, it is not so important. As long as he possesses such strong powers of stealth, it is his merit, there is nothing you can do about it. But, Shikamaru was completely sure that he was alone here, so he could allow himself to relax a little. There is a long way ahead ... Two years of travel is not such a short time. During this time, it was worthwhile to implement some plans and prepare for future problems.


A few hours later, in the city of Shukuba.

The journey turned out to be quite short. Even without haste, Shikamaru reached the hotel town fairly quickly. In fact, after Kakashi fell behind, one could go straight to the mission. But, Shikamaru decided to visit this town and get hold of some information. He may not have left the village all this time, but he remembered several useful places for collecting data. In the Land of Fire, the hotel town of Shukuba was just such a place. Plus, unofficially, Shikamaru bought a small restaurant here. Shinobi usually do not do this, which, of course, surprised the guy every time. With their capabilities, the ninja did not want to get rich at all and only relied on tasks, and this is too strange ... In general, before it was reasonable due to constant wars. Yes, and shinobi are not masters of doing business, but still, everyone is quite capable of having a couple of enterprises and ordinary people under his command. Because it's strange that they didn't do that. There were no special laws prohibiting such business in the villages. Rather, shinobi did only what they were trained to do.

Anyway, Shikamaru bought this restaurant without any distant plans. In the past, he had an idea to establish a business, but with endless resources in the form of the Release of Wood and Metal, there was no particular need for something. In any case, it makes no sense for a normal shinobi to build an integral business on his own. The same Gato, with his disgusting name, is just a small man and against even Genin no more than a small rat. His life is essentially worthless. Experienced Jonin can quite easily make him obey or even turn him into a puppet. Therefore, a wise ninja manipulates from the shadows, and not an experienced one does such simple things as business. This used to make sense, since Shikamaru wanted to acquire information from the outside world, as well as an understanding of the structure of the country and how things are done here. And the money for a six-year-old child was definitely not superfluous. Now, with his abilities, all this power is just child's play, and money is useless pieces of paper. Perhaps that is why ninjas do not meddle in people's affairs, because there is not so much benefit from this, rather more harm ...

It is much more interesting to control Daimyo and thousands of mortals. One has only to think about how ordinary people can be useful and a number of their useful applications will immediately open. There you and resources in the form of vitality, souls and ingredients for pills. Naturally, we are not talking about all people, here we can only single out criminals, of whom there are thousands in this world. For a simple Jinin, having one other thousand souls or a Daimyo puppet doesn't really mean anything. Indeed, on the scale of the ninja world, the power of the Daimyo is simply ridiculous, but in the world of ordinary people, he is an important shot. In the hands of a knowledgeable person, even the souls of mere mortals can turn into a terrible weapon. Shikamaru, for example, had a forbidden technique for which souls are important, and here the benefits of controlling mortals show themselves in all their glory ... In any case, he has not really thought about it yet. Now the first goal is important - the "Poisonous Shinobi" must be eliminated before he fled to another city and disappeared into the shadows. This ninja was just an example of that "knowledgeable" using the resources of ordinary people. He probably didn't kill them for fun. Naturally, if he's not crazy ...