And Then Dawn Broke Over The Hills

And Then Dawn Broke Over The Hills

History22 Chapters19.1K Views
Author: Sigheti
Table of Contents

In the year 1934, Mary Elizabeth Graves, a 'cigar-smoking, whisky-drinking' British archeologist, and her team, carry out meticulous excavations at various sites in East Africa.

With a propensity towards sardony, and a trademark temper, Mary Graves assumes the supervision of an excavation in Kenya, after a government project to erect a dam in order to safeguard a rhodolite mining site stumbles upon remnants of archeological value.

Meanwhile, Mary's estranged husband, Charles, who aids a local clinic during the length of his stay in Kenya, has been struggling to maintain their marriage after the tragedies of the past years have caused antagonism between them.

On the horizon, conflict lingers. Brief but vicious isolated incidents of rebellion have arisen against the established colonial rule.

14 Reviews
Translation Quality
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World Background
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I give this book five stars solely because of its writing quality. other aspects are good, but the Author's usage of Grammer has me intrigued. Your narrative sense is just superb. You've got no problem in that area. The only thing I would recommend is giving the paragraphs breathing space. They are readable and understandable, but if possible, make your paragraphs shorter. And finally, even though I was immediately immersed in the scene from the start, I had a hard time keeping up with the characters. I recommend introducing fewer characters at the beginning chapters of your novel. Most especially the protagonists. If there are more than one or two protagonists, introduce them successively. All in all, The first scenes should contain a small number of characters. If this was a traditional novel, It'll do well. However, online novels are mostly light novels and readers will get overwhelmed with too much information at once. I sincerely appreciate this piece of work. it deserves a big thumbs up. Keep it up(✷‿✷)

2 years ago

Immense details and world development. Author is a natural talent for words and creates well-developed characters. You provided intense and powerful scenes which is a gift. Your word choices are immaculate. Please bless us with more updates! Excellent execution. (Also, very impressed that English is not their native language.) [img=update]

2 years ago

I really love these kind of stories but find it hard to write them. Your story is amazing. I genuinely love it. Keep going and I will continue to support this book

2 years ago

Very good depiction of the world background, even though this is the first novel of this genre that I have read, it makes me even more curious about the next storyline. Good Job!

2 years ago

Hi Author! I really like historical romances with a strong, independent female MC. Usually, they are rare to be seen. I read the synopsis and first two chapters. I must say that this story keeps me hooked. The character of Mary is potrayed really well. The background is awesome. I can even imagine the places, where the scenes occur. Keep up the good work author. I am definitely going to add this to my collection.

2 years ago

I'd rate high for this particular book because of how amazing it, author really gives off the feels of a well trained artist in this field as it could be seen by his peculiar handling of this story. I give a thumbs up to the author and i as a reader will stay on one side cheering him on!.

2 years ago

interesting characters and world background and nice plot 👍👍👍

2 years ago

As I read the chapters your writing style is awesome... Paragraph are okay that's not so long.. I hope Mary life would be more easier. 💕💕 KEEP WRITING !! BE MOTIVATED !!

2 years ago

First time reading a historical story here but so far the experience was good... Although there is not many chapters uploaded but sti l can say that it going to give u a total rolarcoaster type of vibe.... The story is full of drama and some serious atmosphere but what we can expect from a historical drama more than to be a action type of thing... The story background is nice and liked the idea very much... Good job author... U made my efforts of reading a historical story for the first time worth it...

2 years ago

I love this book, especially how you describe the background it is amazing, and also the Swahili curses just fit 😆. But do try to not go beyond five lines anyway keep going and please don't stop.

2 years ago

Such powerful scenes and use of words! I really like your writing. I don’t think there is a writer here that uses words like you do. One thing: I think others pointe this out already but the first chapter I was confused. I know you asked for more things that you wanted to work on but that’s the only thing I thought off Anyway I really love it !

2 years ago

The story is so described and ur writing style is great. Love ur work and just added to library.. keep it up author 😍[img=update][img=update]

2 years ago

What caught my attention was reading the synopsis is the word 'Anthropologist' because that's my major. For the storyline, the beginning of the chapter confusing me a bit and I haven't familiar with the characters so idk what's actually going on but the way you wrote your story was flawless with low grammar mistakes. The only thing I wanted to correct is Barasa or Barbasa name... You wrote his name either this two so I'm a bit confused. Other than that, it looks like a great story so I'll add this in my collection

2 years ago

Author knows how to attract their readers with good narration and beautiful imagery. Don't read FMC novels but this was truly great. The characters are also portrayed along with them feeling real not just figment of our imagination

a year ago