

"Demi-human?" Ed rubbed his chin. He felt that this might be a hint as to why he experienced a double in his stats under the sun...but he couldn't understand why he would experience such a painful thirst.

Ed glanced over to the available stat points and thought of what attribute he should focus on. After all, being a jack of all trades wouldn't do him very well if he were to face someone stronger than him.

"I guess with magic I could ameliorate any of the other stats." but Ed thought about a scenario in which he ran out of MP. As of now, he only knew that it could be raised through leveling up, just like HP.

"Is leveling up really the only way to increase MP?"

Right after saying that, there was a system notification.

[Tutorial unlocked: "Increasing your MP"]

Ed sighed after seeing this. The day was long and he was tired of exploring the system, although he could feel himself slowly getting addicted to the idea of becoming stronger quickly.

He lied down on the mattress and closed his eyes.


When Ed woke up, he was greeted by rays of sunlight glaring at his face. He groggily stood up from his mattress and walked over to the bathroom. As he was rubbing his eyes, he looked up at the mirror and realized that his skin had gotten paler, and his hair had gotten redder. He couldn't comprehend what was going on. "Did the evolution do this?" He shook his head, sighed and opened the tap. He had just woken up and he didn't want to deal with all of this confusion.


After Ed had eaten breakfast and wore his clothes, he set out to the library, which was about 5 km away. The distance was convenient for him; he would complete the running quest and get to check out the library in order to research whatever was going on with his body. Before stepping out of the building, though, he checked his daily quests.


[Zero to Hero]

Push-up, 100x: (0/100)

Squat, 100x: (0/100)

Sit-up, 100x: (0/100)

Running, 10km: (0/10)


50 EXP

1 stat point

※Warning: Failure to complete quest in 24 hours, will result in punishment.


It seems that the two other quests had disappeared. Ed thought that this might have been another factor of the evolution. He then remembered the 2 free points to add.

<2 available stat points>

He thought that magic would be useful, but as he didn't know much about it, he felt it would be a waste to use the points on it as of now.

He decided that he'd need to be faster and he'd need to be able to last longer in a fight, as he remembered that the combat assist skill would be much more useful if he had faster reflexes.

Ed smiled and stepped out of the building.

[Contact with direct sunlight detected.]

[Your stats have doubled.]

Ed began to feel the same heat, but this time, it felt more manageable and less painful. It felt as if he were being invigorated rather than being burned from the inside out.

Ed set off on his run, and breezed through the cityscape. He had surpassed top athletic capabilities.