
A Plan of Escape

Ed was growing restless. His patience was running thin. He wanted to go back home.

He stared at the creatures and pondered his next step.

He was weak.

It seemed like it would pretty much be impossible to get out of this situation in his current state and level.

Ed sighed at the scribbling noises the lab coats were making.

As if Ed wasn't already bothered by the things in the room, a familiar creature walked into the room.

"Who's that...?" Ed mumbled to himself.

He blinked a couple of times and it dawned on him.

It was Arxhor.

"Hello, my child. Are you alright? You seem a bit down." It said in a sarcastic, yet worried tone.

There was silence.

Ed's vocal chords feel foreign. It seems he's starting to feel dysmorphic towards his "original" body.

Suddenly, his heart began beating quickly. His chest was warming up at an alarming speed and the smell of burning began to surface.

Arxhor smiled at this, as if it had expected this.

Ed remembered the cultivation technique he had. Cultivation isn't merely for making yourself stronger (and improving stats when it comes to Ed), it's also useful for recovery and absorption.

Ed focused his mind and attempted absorbing the warmth.

[Absorbing optimal form of energy...]

[Strength +1]

[Agility +1]

[Magic +2]

Ed remained for hours in this state. During this, the creatures left...one by one. It seems like they were satisfied with the results and it was all under control.

However, what they didn't know was that Ed was still sane and still had his mind intact.

[Successfully absorbed the energy]

[Total stats gained: Strength: +29, Agility: +28, Stamina: +28, Magic: +53]

[Sufficient stats detected]

[Commencing download]

Ed's body was gradually changing colour and shape. His true body was being transported from his mind to the physical world.

Oddly, Ed felt no pain. He felt his lungs getting bigger, his heart beating louder, his arms becoming larger and lighter…

[Download complete]

Ed wasn't really paying attention to these changes. He was focused on figuring a way out of this place...wherever it may be.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep. He decided to do things step by step, and a good night's rest is first...or whatever the time is currently.


"I'm worried about Charlie...they haven't come out of their room for days now...and they wouldn't tell me what happened." Said a masculine voice.

"Could it be what happened on the news? Was Charlie there when it happened?" Said a feminine voice.

"I don't know…"
