
Robin entered my car and closed the door. Yes, I finally had my own car now. It felt real fucking good.

"Drive to the Richardson's area. Park the car outside their turf and walk rest of the way. They don't like others' cars popping in and and out of their street. They will trash it, and burn it. Understand?"

I had already started driving and slightly nodded. He reached into his jacket and brought out two pistols. He handed out one to me.

"Just in case."

We could see some of Richardson's men already and parked the car on the sidewalk. They lived in a closed neighborhood, and every house in a kilometre radius was owned by them. They lived in the inner circle, and we were just about to go there.

Many people gave us dirty looks, and all of them had their fucking weapon out.

"Keep your eyes straight and don't look at them."

I obeyed him. They creeped the fuck out of me anyway.

We reached the inner circle and entered the first house. Two big burly men blocked our way.

"What's your business?"

"We came here to propose a deal with Richardson." Robin said

"He ain't take no business from no one!" The other one bellowed.

"Isn't that him for decide?" I counter backed.

Now the men were confused. I don't think they expected anyone to tell anything after they told us to get the fuck out.

A car pulled up behind us and three men exited the vehicle.

One of the men came towards us.

"What the fuck are these guys doing in front of my house?" He screamed at his guards.

Robin turned to me and told silently, "He is Richardson."

The guards were nervous now. I didn't know why though. This Richardson didn't seem so scary to me.

Richardson was short black man, with black matt hair which waved in the cool, evening air. He did seem to be muscular, but not much. He looked kick-able in fact.

"Who are you and why are you here?" He asked, looking at us up and down.

"We are here on behalf of Redding." Robin said.

Richardson looked at us for a few moments and walked in his house, signalling us and his guards to follow him in.

He told us to sit down and made himself comfortable, while we had five guns pointed at our heads. I had to remind myself that we were at his turf now, and one wrong word could make us meet up with Shane. Even the fucking cops were scared of him, and that was no joke.

I thought I heard some moaning and bed creak upstairs, but I brushed the thought away. Richardson must be keeping ladies up for his own enjoyment. He poured himself a glass of beer and looked at us expectantly. Robin cleared his throat and started speaking.

"Well, Mr. Richardson, we have got a deal for you. Redding knows a lot of men who would pay a fortune for what you are selling. So we thought of splitting the profit sixty-forty. That is the deal we proposed."

Richardson looked at us, and took a long swig.

"You come to my turf, you play by my rules. Understand?"

Robin then smiled. "Of course. The deal is negotiable."

"Seventy five - twenty five" Richardson told, sitting back.

Now that was outrageous. Even Robin was having a hard time believing that.

Suddenly, we saw a naked woman coming down the stairs along with a young man in shorts, both of them laughing. But that soon stopped as they saw us. Or more clearly, Richardson.

"Father?" She asked, her voice shaking. The young boy already looked like he pissed his pants thrice. The guards were shocked as fuck. Richardson looked shocked as fuck. Everyone present in the room were- you get the drift.

Suddenly, two more men entered the room screaming.

"Richie! We got em Kruger and his men here! He says he looking for his goddamn son." The man looked at the naked woman and then the young man next to her and cursed angrily. We heard shots firing outside. Richardson cleared up his head and got up, ordering his guards to arm themselves. He then screamed at his daughter to wear clothes and stay the fuck up. She whimpered and scrambled up the stairs.

As soon as she disappeared, He took the boy by his throat, who was still pleading for mercy, and threw him up against the wall and shot him three times on the head. Blood was splattered everywhere.

The man, who came in to inform him, whom I later learnt was Richardson's sister's husband Derrick, said slowly. "Kruger ain't gonna like that, Richie."

Richardson looked at him and told,

"Fuck him."