Episode 10 sleep over day dream

5 hours later (7:00 pm in the night)

"So we have the stuff ready" said Michiru, "yeah we do were is Takumi though" said Hiro, "sorry I'm late" said Takumi, "oh wait how did you get here" said Hiro, "I was here since 6 pm but Ogami let me in because I've been at the co op before for some reason with my dad/ancestor, so I've fixed broken controller downstairs anyways I have a turtle named bubbles" said Takumi, "what turtle" said Michiru, then a turtle went out of takumi's bag ran up the wall and screamed wah. The three of them were confused what was going, "so who wants to walk on Ogami's book shelf and wreck it" said Takumi, Michiru assisted to get that turtle so she breathed ran the jumped to the book shelf but somehow she learned the ability to walk on walls and chased the turtle around most of the time the turtle squirts water on the celling and Michiru mostly stretched her arm and caught the turtle. When Nazuna walked she was wondering why was the room was leaking well Hiro said "its a long story" but Michiru said were are the other three she invited, "hey sorry were late" said Koichi, "hey" said Josuke, "hi" said Okuyasu, "wait didn't you say you invited a weasel or a mink" said Takumi, then out of no where Marie came and screamed "I'm a mink" said Marie.

1 hour later (8:00 pm)

While David was at the police department he opened up the file cabinet and he saw an unknown file call project pentagon it only said "project pentagon month January 4th 2012 made by Diego Shibata, pentagon is a weapon to help the humans and beastmen to live together like cupid's bow and arrow but it didn't work out because the humans used it to kill of the beastmen but it only killed 5 people after he was done reading it he decided to call Ogami to ask him about this pentagon. "Hey Ogami" said David, "yeah what is it" said Ogami, "have you ever heard a weapon called pentagon or some sort" said David, "well I've heard of it but I remember when it was introduce stuff didn't go well a human hated beastmen so he killed 20 beastmen as well as the creator Shibata" said Ogami (explaining), "wait that's strange it said it only killed five people" said David, then the phone hung up but knew it was a black out but David knew something was up and felt a touch in his shoulder when he turned around he saw stand behind him he knew his ability was to deal with electricity David used his stand Gemini to slow down time then he bashed to a window but somehow a chain came out of no where and took him to the medical center. "well if isn't are army of stand user working" said Alan, "well are best for capturing is might be sinistar, cobra and night hawks" said Clark.

Stand name: Sinistar stand master:????????

stand stats:

power B

speed ?

range B

durability A

precision ?

Potential ?

"So guys what are going to do tell spook stories or something" said Takumi, "well were not playing that fighting because you and Josuke keep wreaking us by mashing every button" said Hiro, "yeah about th-----" said Takumi, suddenly some of them heard a glass shattering in Ogami's office, "what the hell was that noise" said Josuke, "anyways I'm checking it out" said Takumi, when they headed to Ogami's office they found a brick but when Hiro checked it out he said "it was just some guy just doing a prank on us", but Hiro felt a pain in his stomach he realized he was shot by an arrow "what the a stand arrow" said Koichi, then some chain wrapped around his arm then Takumi ran to get Hiro but somehow he flew up in the air then a hand grabbed him and pulled apart his body and soul then Koichi used echoes act 3 but he remember he only aim five meters "echoes act 3 s-h-i-t three freeze" said Koichi, then the stand was pulled over by gravity that made the stand to go on floor 1 but Takumi's body fell safely to Takumi's body was normal but his eye's were pale of white but Michiru ran to the roof top and saw Hiro's with some guy about to inject some serum in his neck the Michiru's fist grew and punched the guys hand but the man punched her in the face. While the guy was ready for the injection on Hiro he didn't realize his body was gone, "oi oi oi oi" said Hiro, "what the how are you still alive" said ????, "anyways what's your name" said Hiro, "the name is Stephen what do you want" said Stephen, while Hiro and Stephen were talking he explained what was going on about him and his friend because someone injected them with some serum to follow commands from there user Hiro understand what he meant so let him go. Then Hiro ran to Michiru he tried wake her, "oi Michiru wake up" said Hiro, when Michiru woke up the only thing she did was hugging Hiro for some reason so Hiro carried her to her room as he was carrying her Stephen heard a noise so he warned him. Hiro laid her down and unleashed a weapon shaped like a T the monster came out and try to eat Stephen but as Hiro swung it the monster was sliced in half but when he got to the stairs Stephen heard something but he thought he was going to die he was defended by a ninja or samurai.

Stand name: T Stand master: Hiro Goda

power B

speed A

range A

durability E

precision B

potential B

Stand name: echoes act 3 Stand master: Koichi Hirose

Stand stats:

power: B

speed: B

range: C

durability: B

precision: C

potential: A

Episode 11 Armada Higarashi