Kira's return part 2/Episode 13 Sound of time

1 week later (13 Monday, December)

9:00 am

"Oi TAKUMI WAKE UP" shouted Hiro. When woke up he threw his alarm clock at Hiro but Hiro caught. "sorry I kept getting nightmares about my exams and grades" said Takumi. "What," said Hiro. "Anyways we need to head to this baseball game," said Hiro. "Okay," said Takumi.

15 mins later (9:15) at the museum

When all of the workers was done finishing the new room one of the workers saw a secret hole when putting his hand the only thing he grabbed is a random sword. He was about to tell his friend but when he unsheathed smoke covered the whole room. "What the hell," said one of the workers. "Eh it's probably some prank," said the worker. "Hey have you seen Doa," said the worker then all of them were knocked out by gravity. "Well I have a new partner since 1987 but he died from a tall haired French man," said the sword. "So what is your name sword," said Doa. "The name is Anubis and I'll take my revenge on the crusaders," said Anubis. "Well thanks for your Anubis," said Doa.

When Takumi and Hiro got t the baseball field they saw Michiru talking to some little bear or something then they saw Nazuna sitting on one of the seats (row 2). "Hey Nazuna," said Takumi. "Oh you're watching the baseball game," said Nazuna. "Yeah you know the game yeah I don't want to talk about it," said Hiro. "wait didn't you play baseball right, Hiro," said Takumi.

15 minutes later in the baseball game

"Woah Michiru is certainly good at playing baseball," said Takumi. When they were watching they saw a 210 cm tall person walking he had smooth brown hair, black eye colour, he had stitches on his arm. "Huh God dammit Soma," said Kuroo. "Wait that is his name," said Takumi confused. "Well I met him with Bon but Soma is kinda an idiot but sometimes he was smart about the direction and I don't understand why he keeps saying so yeah at the end of the sentence but that triggers me a lot," said Kuroo. While they were watching the game Kuroo realized something was funny and strange on the field he saw a vision of Akemi beside Michiru when it was her to bat. "Get fuck outta there Michiru!" shouted Kuroo. "What," said Michiru confused then the floor exploded "well well I have seen Kuroo and Soma in a long time," said Akemi. " That's impossible Mohammed and Himari defeated you in Kyoto, " said Soma. "I can explain everything but I don't have time to do it but the only thing I want is you two to see sunlight one last time," said Akemi. "What?" said Soma confused. "She meant two of us dead," said Kuroo. "oh," said Kuroo. Akemi shot acid out of their hand at Soma and Kuroo but Soma unleashed a move named stone whip at Akemi but she shot acid at Soma's arm then one of the stone shards shot at the leg that made her two legs stunned for ten minutes. "Man I didn't use this move for a long time since 2014," said Soma. "Well but I can tell you, Soma you are really stupid," said Akemi. "What," said Soma confused. Then Soma realized the acid was on his hand "what the fuck" said Soma but he saw something unfamiliar then Soma was sliced in half by Alemi. "What the hell," said Hiro. Some people were stunned by what happened in the field but Michiru saw a guy with a blade then it dashed to her but she was guarded by Jotaro with his stand star platinum

"We meet again Jotaro"

said Anubis evil laugh(with Doa's body)

Name: Soma Makoto

birthday and month: unknown

Hair colour: Brown

blood type: A-

Where he is from Japan and Korea

sex: Male

age 26

favourite food: Korean barbecue, Udon and Onigiri

Height: 6.7ft

habit: saying so yeah or yeah

Job: a reaper

favourite music: piano music

favourite musician or band: Mozart

relationship: Kazuho Mado

"Ora" said star platinum while he punched the blade of his hand but he caught mid-way through but Takumi did martial art on Doa. "What the hell is he doing," said Hiro. "That is Shaolin martial art I believe not sure," said Kuroo. "wait how are you not injured," said Nazuna. "Well all I can say is uhh I survive anything I think," said Soma. "What the how are you alive," said Hiro. "All I can say I learnt how to survive from being sliced in half by Mohammed and Yuri," said Soma.

"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora"


Anubis dodged his punch from star platinum then he stabbed him in the leg but Jotaro stopped time and removed the blade but Jotaro was still in the same position.

"Die Jotaro" shouted Anubis

Episode 14 Anubis

29th May 2021