
Third person POV

Priamos and stheno were now preparing to go back to Olympus in secret. Obviously there would probably be a bunch of guards watching every nook and cranny of that place so they had to move quickly.

They were currently back in earth and he was in front of his house contemplating wether he should go in or not. He was scared, he didn't know how his family would react, but he was planning on telling them ever.

He didn't want to keep secrets from them, it was like waiting for a bomb to blow up. He would tell them as soon as he got the chance but for now he'll hurt stand outside the door like an idiot.

Stheno was invisible right now so no one could see her, but she was thoroughly annoyed. "Just go inside already" she complained. He closed his and breathed in and out before opening them again. He lightly knocked on the door waiting.

The door swung open revealing his mother, of course he couldn't see cause of his blindfold. "Hi how may I help you" his heart broke when he heard her voice. She had definitely been crying and it broke his heart.

"Mom, it's me" he spoke back. Her eyes widened as she heard his voice. Tears welled up in her eyes as she embraced him. He wrapped his hands around her neck and hugged her back. Sure he didn't look the same but it was still him.

His mom ushered him inside with stheno coming in before the door shut. She asked him questions like 'where we you', 'how are you', 'where have you been', and so he answered all those questions with the truth, he didn't want to lie.

She listened carefully the whole time he explained the situation, and after she understood. She wasn't questioning why he was doing it, because it was clear as day why, and she understood.

After their talk he went into his room and packed a bag of clothes as stheno suddenly came into vision. "Your moms is true mom" she suddenly said. He smiled at her words, yes she didn't have a lot of money but she did the best she could do.

"Yea, she's the best" he spoke back the smile evident on his face. Stheno sat on his bed watching him pack his clothes. "For someone who's poor you have great style" she spoke admiring his choice of clothes.

"Thanks, I try" he said back. His blindfold was obviously off so he could see what he was packing but he didn't look at stheno once, accidentally turning her into stone was bad. When he was done he got dressed into new clothes.

He decided to go with a black turtleneck with a white flannel over it. He wore some black jeans and vans with them. He decided to leave his hair down just because it was uncomfortable up with the blindfold.

He zipped up his bag and put his blindfold back on before walking back out into the living room. He hugged his mom goodbye and told her to tell Marie everything. She nodded her and waved goodbye as she left.


As you may know they are right now in Olympus trying to sneak to hades library. It was going harder than they expected considering the hundreds of guards all around Olympus waiting for someone to show up.

They were currently bickering over who has the better style and obviously the conversation wouldn't end thanks to them both thinking they have the better style, it was annoying and quite never racking.

They finally got to the entrance of the library but there were two guards flanking the front. Stheno nudged priamos to handle them and he rolled his eyes annoyed but did what she said.

He ran out from their cover and quickly took off his blindfold, revealing his red eyes. Snakes came from his hair as he looked at one of them turning the man successfully into stone.

The other one tried to run up and kill him but priamos turned him into stone also, stopping him in his tracks. He put back his blindfold on as stheno stepped out of her hiding place, she went up to the door and opened it.

But when she put just one foot in she was blasted away and the door shut instantly. They obviously felt something sinister and edgy around them and they did not like it one bit.

"Now may I ask why you are trying to go into my library"