Third person POV
Ares was the Greek god of war and perhaps the most unpopular of all the Olympian gods because of his quick temper, aggressiveness, and unquenchable thirst for conflict.
He famously seduced Aphrodite, unsuccessfully fought with Hercules, and enraged Poseidon by killing his son Halirrhothios. One of the more human Olympian gods.
he was a popular subject in Greek art and even more so in Roman times when he took on a much more serious aspect as Mars, the Roman god of war.
Son of Zeus and Hera, Ares' sisters were Hebe and Eileithyia. Despite being a god, the Greeks considered him from Thrace, perhaps in an attempt to associate him with what they thought of as foreign and war-loving peoples, wholly different from themselves.
Ares had various children with different partners, several of whom were unfortunate enough to come up against Hercules when he performed his celebrated twelve labours.
Ares was noted for his beauty and courage, qualities which no doubt helped him win the affections of Aphrodite (even though she was married to Hephaistos) with whom he had a daughter.
Harmonia, and the god of love and desire Eros. Hephaistos managed to entrap the lovers in an ingenious bed, and the tale is told in some detail in Book 8 of Homer's Odyssey.
Once caught, the punishment for Ares' indiscretion was temporary banishment from Mount Olympus.
The most popular myth involving Ares was his fight with Hercules. Ares' son Kyknos was infamous for waylaying pilgrims on their way to the oracle at Delphi, and so earned the displeasure of Apollo.
who sent Hercules to deal with him. Hercules killed Kyknos, and a furious Ares engaged the hero in a fight. However, Hercules was protected from harm by Athena and even managed to wound Ares.
Another myth and ignominious episode for Ares was his capture by the twin Giants Ephialtes and Otus when they stormed Mount Olympus. They imprisoned the god in a bronze jar for one year and he was only freed through the intervention of Hermes.
Standing before him was the gate to Tartarus, and it wasn't pretty. It was big to say the lest, it was ginormous. You couldn't see over it and a yellow hue covered the rim of the gate perfectly.
Other than that it was dark, like ghost from the underworld was haunting the place. A grey fog was sitting in the air subtly. He didn't know what was beyond the gate or if he would come back out.
But he had to come back out.
He took a few deep breaths before the gate suddenly opened and he was pushed in before it closed behind him. That's when it all went black, him successfully passing out right their.
He woke back up in a cage. He lifted himself up and looked around to notice that he was hanging in a large bird cage. It was dark and the only light was the lamp hanging from the top of the bird cage.
The cage looked like it was made for a giant bird. He was still in his normal clothes but they were dirty and had dust on the them. In any case he was happy, the plan was successful and now all he needed to do was get out.
He sneakily took the black key from inside his sleeve and put it in the key hole of his chains. They dropped to the ground with a loud thud. He smiled to himself and rubbed his bruised wrist.
He attached the key back inside his sleeve before standing up and looking at the locked cage. He kicked the lock until it broke and the cage opened successfully, but there was nothing.
Since he was above ground everything below was dark, he didn't know how high up or if he jumped would he die. But he was willing to take the chance and jump if it means getting revenge on Zeus and the gods.
So he took his chances and jumped out of the cage falling until he landing on the ground with a painful thud. He groaned before looking up happy he didn't die. He stood up successfully but stopped when he heard a voice.
The voice spoke softly. It was high and bruised, like it had been their forever. But he swore he had heard that voice before. It walked closer into the darkness trying to see the person who was calling him.
And when he did his heart stopped and his mouth dropped to the floor. Surprise and relief welled up in him before it all came out with a shaky and almost cranky voice.