Chapter 40: Promise


I'm really nervous right now, to be honest. I know that this is the second time I entered the palace, but this is different from the other one. The first time I went here was because I was called for something that I didn't expected. But now? I felt kinda new. Just the mere fact that we will be fighting for our rights here, creeps me out.

But then, hearing what the soldier earlier had said, I felt at ease. I really thought that Granger will be separated to me.

Don't get me wrong ok? The truth is, I might sound overreactive at this, but hey! Can't blame me, i'm still traumatized by what had happened in my past. The other children here with us that day might have really forgotten about it, but not for us two. And I know that Granger is feeling the same either way. So being with him makes me feel safe. He's a family if I may say.

Ok, stop with the lame drama, and let's proceed to what is actually happening right now. Well, nothing much had happened since we entered the palace. Were all just sitting here, waiting for our turn in the trial. And just like what the princess said, a pair of children goes with one of the soldiers and comes back alive, but they are either full of bruises, or have been knocked out by someone.

Oh! And here comes another pair! I wonder if they're ok- No! All I saw was a soldier and a young boy who is one of the pair who entered before us.

They went near us, but what I noticed was the reaction of the boy. He was sad and I think, something bad happened.

The soldier went to the general in front of us. General Frost if I remember right. He bowed to pay his respect before talking.

"I am here to tell you that one of the recruits died. Assassin number 8 killed her." He said and everyone in the room heard it. Making us all shocked and some of the girls started to cry in fear.

"Are we going to die too? Do we really need to try?" One of my colleagues said.

"Ehem! Once you enter, there is no turning back, remember? This is your own choices, so there is no need to feel guilty." Said the general.

"Why didn't you say that their are trained assassins inside?! So what is this? A trial or a suicide mission? Are you trying to kill us all?" Another child ask, this time, it's a boy.

"The assassin didn't kill her. But he did." After pointing his finger, everyone was shocked to look at the boy earlier. He even too, was surprised by what the general did.

"No... No! It was just an accident, I- I didn't mean it... They played with my mind! They blackmailed me! I didn't mean to kill her! I didn't mean to kill my sister!" He cried, making me feel a stab in my chest. I felt something hurt inside of my heart as I hear him mourning with his sisters death. That was something that someone wouldn't want to experience, but he did.

"I don't understand." One of the children said. "We heard you say that she was killed by an assassin number 8? So why are you pointing a finger on him?" He asked curiously.

"You will find out when it's your turn." Said the soldier beside the general and looked at me. He also looked at Granger, so I thought, maybe it's time to- "Stand up! You two, follow me." He gestured and yeah, he was referring to us to follow him. It's our turn to face the challenge now.

"Tch! Another bait. So everyone will suffer the same as his sister then huh?" I don't know why, but I felt pissed at what the girl beside me said. I just didn't mind at that. But it made me look at her with no expression. "What?" She asked and rolled her eyes away from me. I kinda don't like her attitude, and because of this, I walked towards the young boy earlier and said...

"Don't worry... Everything will be alright, ok? I promise I will avenge your sister's death. I will bring justice for both of you." I said and looked at him intently.

"What would you do? I can't even cut her just a little bit, how much more since you're a girl?" He asked while wiping his tears. Well that made me a bit embarrassed. Everyone is looking at us right now. I guess we took attention too much.

"Don't worry... She's not just a girl. She is someone who you can thank on later, and I will help her take revenge for your sister." Granger said and held him in both shoulders. "Just trust us with this one ok?" He said. And without anymore words to say. We followed the soldier away from the crowd to go face the trial.

"I wish for your safety then! Goodluck for you two! Thank you for assuring me!" Was the last words we heard before we turned right on a pathway then entered a room.

Just like what we always do at Oracle Ban's house. We opened the door and saw a portal.

"Enter this portal and face the trial. The only way to get out is by-"

"Is by defeating all the bad person inside." I cut him short making him surprised, but it just made me smile from ear to ear.

"I guess I don't need to tell you the rules too then?" He said and we just nodded, before enetering the portal. And because of me having sickness inside of this thing, I just closed my eyes and waited to be thrown out of it. It didn't take too long before I heard a loud thud and a pain in my right shoulder as I stand up holding my arm.

"Are you ok? Do you need assistance?" Granger then asked and held me to support.

"I'm perfectly fine Granger, no need to be so worried."

"Tch! If you don't want me to worry that much, then take care of yourself!" He almost sounded like he was lecturing me so I pouted, and he just sighed at this. "Come on, let's go find the assassin that killed his sister. We kept a promise remember?" He asked, making me agree, but before taking a step. A gush of wind blowed us away, making us apart.

I was thrown the other directed from him and felt dizzy. After that, I lost consciousness...

To be continued~