The hall was filled with distinguished guests; some of the faces were very familiar to him. All the top and famous people in his entertainment industry were all gathered in the same place. He was proud to be part of such an event, to know that he contributed to such a great thing he was glad to have been chosen for the male lead position. It was one of the toughest projects he had ever taken but he was glad to have taken it. Portraying one of the greatest characters to be written by his favorite writer was just an honor.

He kept wondering whether Black Rose would be attending the banquet. Even if his idol was present no one would know who he or she was, no one had ever seen the real person behind the pen name Black Rose. He always wondered why Black Rose didn't want to be known, after all the work done by her or him were so great.

'The banquet will be starting soon,' his manager said as he joined him at the table.

'What's causing the delay?' Jasper asked.

'The host haven't arrived yet, don't know what Mr. Simon is thinking,' Paul his manger said as he checked his watch.

There was a bit of noise and Jasper turned his head to look at the source of it and noticed that it was at the entrance.

'It seems that our host has arrived,' Paul said as Simon walked in arm in arm with a woman who was dressed in one emerald green fabulous gown.

Jasper could tell that the gown design was just a recent design by a very famous local designer. From what he knows, they were only two of those gowns in the country. They must have cost a lot of fortune but why did the woman looked exactly like her?

The more the two got closer to him the more everything became clearer. It was her, the woman he couldn't forget. It's been a year and finally he was seeing her again. She wasn't a ghost and just like the last time, she was in another man's hold. Did this mean that she wasn't married? If she wasn't then this might be his only chance to get closer to her. He really made a good choice by coming to this banquet after all.

He watched as Simon took his woman to the table that was reserved for them. He watched her sit down with a smile on her face. She was the prettiest thing he had ever seen in his entire life.

'You need to tone down your staring,' Paul said as he patted him on his shoulder.

Jasper had totally forgotten that there were in such a public place so he cleared his throat before averting his gaze to Paul who wasn't hiding his sneaky smile on his face.

'Why are you smiling like that?' Jasper asked Paul.

'I have known you for years now and it is the first time I am seeing you being interested in a woman like that. Too bad she is taken and from my point of view, she is way older than you,' Paul said and without knowing he added more salt to his wound.

'I know right but I just can't help it. Can you do me a favor?' he asked Paul.

'What do you want?' Paul asked with a raised eyebrow.

'Later, can we go and talk to Simon?'

'You just want to see her very close and talk to her?'

'I would appreciate it if you do this for me. I will owe you one,' he told Paul and this time with so much emotion.

'Okay, I will do this for you but don't cross the line. We wouldn't want a scandal at this moment,' Paul reminded him and he nodded his head.

'I will behave.'

Just like that the banquet began, there were a lot of speeches made and a lot of performances but his mind wasn't there at all. All he could think of was that lady smiling and laughing with Simon's family. What will happen to him if she was involved with Simon? There was absolutely no way he could compete with him. Simon's family was one of the richest in the city and they always get whatever they wanted. He was just an actor and even when he was famous but his industry was cruel, that fame could just go up in flames in one moment and everything will be gone. The most agonizing factor was the fact that he was very young. Would she even be interested in a kid like him? He had never dated anyone before; he lacked the experience even though he had roles that showed a lot of romance in his previous dramas and movies.

If he were to be with her then it would be different from acting. It was going to be real and he was just scared out of his wits. Finally the whole boring thing came to an end and it was time for everyone to mingle. He had to smile at those people who kept talking to him. After all when he wasn't acting, he had to smile and be friendly to make money. It was hard sometimes but he was used to it. At moments like this, it always felt as if he will automatically switch to a business mode.

It was after a while when he saw Simon and his lady walking towards him. He could feel his hands sweating, it was something he had never experienced before and he was sweating buckets. He had to wipe himself with his handkerchief before Simon arrived.

'It's good to see you again J. you did such a great job portraying your character,' Simon said with a huge smile on his face as he stretched his hand to him.

He didn't take long but shook his hands with the man who had made it possible for the drama to be finished.

'I should thank you for your faith in me,' he said with a smile.

'I told you that he is a humble guy. One of the reasons why I like him,' Simon said but this words weren't directed at him but to the woman he had been crushing for over a year.

The woman looked at him and she smiled at him. That smile was just enough to shake his world. She stretched her own hand and he quickly took it. Her hands were small but very warm.

'It's nice to meet your acquaintance Jasper. I have enjoyed watching every dramas and movies of yours. You can say I am a huge fan,' she told him and he just couldn't hide it but smile at that remark.

'I am flattered to hear that,' he nearly choked on himself while uttering those words.

'I was busy pressuring Simon here to take me to you. I would like an autograph if you don't mind when you are not busy,' the woman said and that surprised him.

He didn't know what to say. He was still shaking, not knowing what to say to her and get here she was taking a step further into his life.

'I would love to do that but I currently don't have a pen and a paper with me at the moment,' he said feeling very shy. Why was he spouting such nonsense at a time like this?

'That's okay. You can give me the autograph another day if you don't mind,' she said and he felt his blood rushing all over. Was this her way of saying that she wanted to see him again?

'I can do that. I can have my people contact your people and give you the autograph,' he said with a sense of humor. He just wanted to be friendly with her. He saw her laugh and he was relieved that all the tension seemed to have lessened.

'There is no need for such formalities. Here is my business card, when you are free please give me a call and I will come get that autograph,' she said as she gave her the card.

He took it and looked at it for a while. Her name was written on the card and he looked up at her and smiled.

'I will surely make that call. Thank you,' he told her. She probably didn't know that she had just opened the door for him. He was very grateful for her boldness.

'I will wait for your call then,' she said and began to walk away with Simon.

When she left he stumbled back into his chair and took a deep breath. He scooped a glass of wine and gulped it all down at once. He never thought that he would have a conversation with a woman who had taken his heart a long time ago. If he had known this was going to happen, he would have searched some tips on how to flirt with a girl. He was going to do that once he returns but for now he was going to watch her even when it was just watching her back and seeing her with another man.


'Must you really torture that kid?' Simon asked Emerald as she sipped her red wine.

'How do you call that torture? That was a very pure conversation I had with an actor I admire. He is pretty good,' Emerald answered.

'Didn't you see how his face was all red? I can't believe that you are still this cruel.'

'Relax Simon and besides that just proves that I am considered pretty even among the younger generation. I was just so glad to finally talk to him in person. I am his huge fan,' Emerald said tapping her friend on his shoulder.

'Yu should know that he is a huge fan of Black Rose too. Why don't you do the kid a little favor and tell him who you are?'

Emerald looked at her best friend and scowled at him.

'That is something I plan to keep to my grave. I would rather enjoy this night with you like this than being surrounded by reporters. Let's just enjoy this night,' Emerald said and saw her friend calming down.

She understood what Simon was really trying to do but he had to understand that when she became the Black Rose and started writing her novels, she was just a teenager who was trying to run away from reality by writing fiction stories online. It was just her way of escape, a hobby and nothing she wanted to pursue but somehow decades later she was still writing.

After hiding herself for decades, all she just wanted was to live freely without the need to be stalked by her crazed fans or paparazzi. She had enough drama in her life already.

'Your mother seems to be calling me. I will join you in a moment,' Emerald said as she excused herself.

Mrs. Quinn was one respected lady in the city as well as the country. She was one hard ruthless and cold business woman but she also was warmhearted; something that only those who were close were aware about. Emerald smiled as she approached the old woman and kissed her on both cheeks.

'I am always happy every time I see you Emmie,' Mrs. Quinn said.

'I too am happy Sarah. It's been too long since I last saw you,' Emerald said as she took a glass of champagne from the passing waiter.

'I wanted to talk to you about Simon. Are the two of you finally dating?' she asked with curiosity and Emerald couldn't help herself but smile on that question. This woman was thinking so much ahead.

'No, he and I we are just best friends. Don't worry Sarah, one day your son will surely settle down. Just give him some time,' Emerald said not wanting to expose her best friend. If Sarah learnt that Simon wasn't into women, his mother would probably disown him and cast him to the wolves.

'Are you sure about that, because I don't see any changes at all?'

'He is someone who is always devoted to work and has less time to mingle, which might be why he is still single until now but I promise you that once he finds someone he is interested in he would surely not keep you in the dark and introduce you to her,' she explained.

'So you are not interested in my son at all?'

'I'm afraid he is someone I just consider as a brother and a friend. I don't have such intimate feelings for him. I am very sorry,' Emerald told Sarah the honest truth.

'That's bad, I would have love to have you as my daughter in law but seeing you over and over again is still good. At least I know that my son can still be around females since he has you,' Sarah said and Emerald began to suspect that Sarah might be aware of her son's situation than she realized. If she knew then was it a bad or a good thing? She had to talk to Simon as soon as she was done talking to Sarah.

'It would have been a pleasure too,' Emerald said without meaning a word. Sarah was a good person when they were just talking like this. She knew how much she loves her children, the thought of being her daughter in law, being governed by her as if she was some employee of hers, that wasn't something she would want. She had always wanted her freedom, which was one of the reasons why she kept her identity hidden for so long.

'Your friend is looking for you. I better not keep him waiting,' Sarah said as she stared into Simon's direction.

Emerald looked at Simon who looked a bit anxious and she smiled. She loved seeing him like that, that way she would blackmail him and threaten him to do anything she wants.

'I will take my leave now. It was nice seeing you once again,' Emerald bided her farewells and walked towards Simon.

'What did she want?' Simon asked.

'That is something I won't be telling you. Where is your lover? I haven't seen him for a while now,' Emerald asked as she looked around.

'He went outside for some air,' Simon answered.

'Good, let me go and have a talk with him then,' Emerald said and began to walk away before Simon stopped her.

'Please, just tell me what you two talked about,' he begged her and she looked at him.

'You will have to earn it.'

'Okay, fine. What do you want?' he asked her.

'That's the man I know. I recently saw a bag in this shop, I fell in love with it but too bad I was in a hurry and couldn't buy it. You have to buy it for me and I will tell you,' Emerald stated her demands.

'You know I can buy you the entire shop if you want, so tell me.'

'No, once you bring the bag to me. I will kindly narrate every word. Now, I need to find your man and talk to him. It's been long since I saw him,' Emerald said and escaped from her friend who was so anxious to hear more.

This was her way of punishing him. He clearly knew his mother's intention towards her and yet he kept on bringing her to parties, galas and banquets like this making his mother confused more and more. He was putting her in a tight spot and he deserves a bashing.

Emerald smiled at Jasper as she walked to the balcony where Simon's lover was. To be honest she really enjoyed having a conversation with Jasper. She didn't know that the kid was that shy. Even though he had participated in many projects in connection with her novels, portraying such confidence and charisma, she didn't know the young man would turn red upon making contact. This was the only fascinating thing she had witnessed the entire night.

'There you are!' Emerald said with relief as she spotted her target.

'I thought you will never come,' he said as he walked towards her for a hug.

'How can I not? If I don't see you then would you do the honors?' she asked him and he laughed.

'You know that I am a very busy person,' he said and she smiled.

'How can I not know, doctor?' she asked.

'So how are you?' Carl asked her.

'I was good before I get grilled by Simon's mother,' she answered him as she walked towards the pillar.

'Was she pressuring you again?'

'I think you two need to be very careful. I have a feeling that she is suspecting about Simon's sexual preference and that won't be good. You need to talk it out with Simon,' Emerald explained to Carl whose face went pale.

'You know how scared I am of that woman. I can't imagine coming out in front of her,' Carl said and she laughed.

'I got you there. She just gives one chills, so for now, tread carefully,' she advised.

'I will do that and by the way you look lovely,' he complimented her and she looked at herself.

'Your boyfriend has such a great eye,' Emerald said as she looked at Carl once more.

'That's why I fell for him,' Carl blushed.

'Just take care of my friend for me. You must be there for him always; I wouldn't want to see him hurt. He has enough on his mind already,' Emerald told Carl who took her hands in his.

'I love him so much and I will rather get hurt myself than to see him in pain. I assure you that I will love and care and protect him,' Carl said with very sincere eyes that she was really touched; only if she could find her own lover who would think like that.

'I believe you,' she said trying not to say many words. She felt like crying and there was no way she was going to allow him to see that.

'I better go back inside, my friends are waiting for me,' Carl said as if he knew that she wanted some privacy.

'Okay, tell Simon that I will be inside after a while,' Emerald said.

Carl kissed both of her cheeks before he returned inside. She was now alone, letting the fresh air hit her face. It wasn't a good time to cry, she would mess up her makeup and that would make her face bad. She didn't want to look bad at all.

'I'm sorry to disturb but are you okay?' a familiar voice asked and she turned her head around only to be looking at him. She smiled at him, seeing how worried he looks for someone he had just met a while ago.

'I am okay. Do you mind bringing me a glass of champagne, mine is empty?' she made a silly request, wanting to see whether such a high profile public figure.

'Okay, I will be back soon,' he said and disappeared inside.

She thought to herself; why was he so obedient like that? Many, who were like him, wouldn't agree to be sent on errands on a day like this. It was his day and yet he just agrees to go and bring her a glass of wine.

He returned to the balcony with a glass in one hand and a plate with a piece of cake in another. She smiled seeing how considerate he was.

'Thank you,' she said as she took the glass and the plate from him.

'I thought I should bring you some food. You were just having champagne throughout and it is bad for your stomach,' he told her.

'Thank you,' she said and took a dig into the cake.

'It's nothing,' he said blushing like a little girl.

She was surprised that he knew what she was having the entire night. Was he looking at her the whole night?

'I heard that you received a reward vacation after completing the drama,' Emerald said as she looked at Jasper.

'Yes I did.'

'I hope you are taking good care of yourself. You need proper rest if you are going to take on more projects. I would love to see more of you taking on Black Rose's work,' Emerald said with a smile.

'Are you a fan too?' he asked her.

'Something of that sort; I have her original copies of her every book that came out,' Emerald told him trying to see his reaction towards the news. His reaction was fabulous, she didn't know men could behave like this when they hear about something that they like.

'I'm sorry to say this but can I see them?' he asked excitedly.

'Of course you can. When you are free just call me and I will send you the address. You owe me an autograph anyway,' she said as she finished her cake.

'I am free tomorrow. Can we meet up then?' he suggested and she loved how fast he was.

'Sure, give me your phone,' she said and he gave it to her.

Emerald found the notes function and she wrote down her address and her name. She gave back Jasper his phone after she finished typing the address down.

'This is my address. Just come there tomorrow and don't forget to call me when you arrive. The security will not allow you in even if they know you,' she told him.

'I will do that. Thank you in advance,' he said.

'It's no big deal. I'm glad to see that someone appreciates Black Rose's work. It was nice talking to you again but this lady must go. See you tomorrow,' she said as she prepared to leave.

'Goodnight Ms Rose,' Jasper said and she looked at him. That was the first time he called her using her name.

'Just Emerald or Emmie will suffice,' she told him as she patted his shoulder.

'Okay, Emmie.'

'Goodnight Jasper,' she said as she leaves the balcony.

She found herself filled with such great joy as she anticipated her meeting with the superstar the next day. What more surprises was he going to throw her way? She just couldn't wait.