The master adventure of Margaret and Renato II

Renato: our infiltration clothes are great and it took me a while to get them.

Margaret thinking that they would be disguises of rich aristocrats and so on turned out to be a nice waiter's tuxedo and maid's clothes, she complains angrily, but as it was logical she did not use common sense very often, this somewhat uncomfortable says to him

Renato: you know that using your brain will not make you bald or make your hair white -after a few minutes he tells her- let's see your brain for the first time, mine is a waiter's brain, do you know why?

She angrily says: Of course I do, I am not a brute, your suit is to serve in the main room.

He happily and mockingly says: bravo, you see that your head doesn't hurt -he breathes a little and says- yours is a maid and not a cook for a reason, although you don't even know how to fry an egg, but you will give pleasure.

While laughing at the last remark, she, who can't stand it, instead of stating something logical, asks the following question

Margaret: Is it to be able to enter the bedrooms?

Renato who could not stand it any longer said in a cold way: No, it is for you and me to have intimacy, of course it is... it is something logical.

After that she complained to him saying that she was a genius to say bad things, but to say intelligent things was a serious case.

Although Renato scolded her in a thousand ways in part he felt calm, because if Margaret was really smarter than him she would have declined such an idea and would have known that what he was doing behind her back was something much more serious than a simple robbery of a future Marquez.

When they were dressed they rode on horseback to their starting point and as they slipped into the mansion, for some reason they had no problems entering since there were new easements their entry was a success, he did not take long to enter his character and mingle with all tranquility; for her part it cost her a little, what she had not done at home she had to do there, when she was finally left alone she could steal calmly and partly with peace of mind.

When she felt that she could not take it anymore, an object caught her attention, a beautiful diamond necklace, her ego was stronger than her and she took it calmly, what she did not count on was that hiding it among so many clothes would not be easy, so she had to hide it between her firm breasts while she stifled a slight gasp of excitement.

As she could she hid it between her body, but having a jewel something cold near her belly almost going down to her vagina by the movement of it made the poor thing almost gave her attacks of pleasure, as she could she went down and made a sign to Renato warning that she had done her part, so he hurried a little to finish his and left as if nothing, the escape could not be done by the same door they entered, as they knew of other doors they managed to leave by one where they had to leave the maid clothes and her tuxedo on the way.

For the second time Renato could admire Margaret's naked body while she commented that some jewelry had made her wet, believing that Renato would get angry he just smiled and licked the jewel and closer to her he touched her firm ass and in a whisper he said

Renato: I'll help you with that later.

In the royal gardens there was not so much surveillance and it was easy to get out, there they changed into hunter's clothes with some hoods and they could leave the grounds without any problem, although Margaret was more edited than before.

The million dollar question was 'Where do we go now?'; what Margaret didn't know was that Renato had more than planned another plan to leave the country and make a new life, he guided her to the dock where a boat was waiting for them and she asked in amazement

Margaret: Will they take us out?

He, already exhausted, could only say: yes, don't worry.

So it was, they embarked and left the dock, an already exhausted Margaret looked at the woods and houses while saying: goodbye, see you never Portugal.

Renato only laughed at Margaret's things and while they looked at each other happily they high-fived their hands as a sign of victory, what none of those present expected was that Renato would hug and kiss her, Margaret understood that the night would be pleasant for both of them.

Margaret somewhat excited decided to go to her cabin and organize everything stolen, the jewelry and clothes of before with those of now, Renato asked for a reasonable time to use these clothes, Renato on his side could only talk to the Captain of the ship and talk about his business, Margaret on her side was only distracted by the clothes and other luxuries, the funny thing is that she did not get to tell Renato that she had stolen a diamond necklace, although knowing the insurance she wanted to give him a beautiful surprise.

As her desire was stronger, she called Renato and decided to try the clothes and do a mini modeling to liven up the atmosphere of a while ago.

Renato hypnotized by Margaret's dancing pulls her towards him and kisses her with desire, while he touches her already naked body, he anxiously takes off his clothes and to be able to have Margaret without many questions he says

Renato: I want this not only for today but for as long as we are here, you are mine Margaret.

Margaret did not say no to Renato's seductive voice that gave an order and let him take her body and her virginity to his pleasure. She felt how Renato's thrusts were like the roar of a lion driving the other predators away from Margaret's body until she surrendered.

When Renato arrives to the Captain, a man already in his 40's and a friend of his father's, while looking at him in a stinging tone he asks him

Captain Mercenary: Is that your girlfriend, because she is very pretty?

Renato just laughs and in a curious and serious tone comments: that doesn't matter, besides we have more important things to talk about.

Joshua who is the Captain with black eyes and snow white skin, measuring almost 1.83; looks at him in a curious way and while raising his hands in sign of 'as you say' they go to the private cabin to talk about a job he has in mind of kidnapping children and women for sale in the part of Asia and Africa.

Renato who listened attentively to this work did not hesitate to give his resounding 'Yes' to this work of hate and pain, he showed him a box with several folders with the files of children and women who already had in their sights to be kidnapped, Renato looks at the folders 1 by 1 and after collecting the box decides to go to his cabin and sort the folders in his own way to bring an order, and near dinner Renato decides to find Margaret and go to the dining room with her, Joshua's small crew were furtive of crimes committed and even involved in piracy.

Margaret at no time asked where they were from or where she knew them from, Renato in part I think she appreciated it and calmly explained to her of future plans, that they would go to various places to do time and look at a new place for them, Margaret was fine with that, as they would now arrive with different identities and very different way of life than they had lived.

Margaret wanted to tell him about what she stole but Renato asked her to calmly see him and not to worry about it, after a nice dinner she decided to sleep a little in her cabin and then walk around the ship. For his part Renato looked at the map with the navigator and looked at his point of arrival, as Margaret would like tourism gave him more than enough time to look for the victims.

Their first point of travel was Venezuela where there were several children who were on that list, Renato tells her that he wants to get out of the cold and see that beautiful country, Margaret without paying much attention agrees and decides to enjoy the moment and her 'freedom' so much she had wanted and longed for years.

A few weeks later they arrived at the country Renato had longed for, they disembarked with all tranquility and admired the beautiful place, while she was sightseeing with one of the sailors Renato decided to put his dark plan into action, he went with the Captain and 2 more sailors to meet with some gangsters of that country and these in turn would help Renato to kidnap the children.

Going by car was something new and exciting for Renato since he had never had the opportunity to get into one, the children found them quickly and with a cruel lie they took them from that place and between lies and lies they fulfilled the kidnapping, the parents of the children were of low income where sometimes they borrowed from their friends to settle accounts with the bank, and as the children already knew how to do various types of jobs it was easy to take them and sell them for being a diamond in the rough.