
'I've seen you around a few times... huh.'

Beo walked through the dark, gloomy street, carrying the unconscious Alc on his shoulder as he headed toward the dormitory, far beyond curfew. Even so, Beo didn't seem to worry of the repercussions, thinking silently to himself as he traversed the empty sidewalk.

There was not a soul in sight, and the street lights flickered as the city's power reserves remained on stand-by, an attempt at conserving power throughout the night, but as Beo continued walking, he soon felt a strange presence, followed by a sense of dread. Sure he was being watched, Beo picked up the pace, Alc flopping from side to side as he lie unconscious, drunk beyond belief.

'Footsteps on the rooftops; there are multiple. I'm in no condition to fight with him in this state.'

Beo stopped before slowly walking into the center of the street beside him. It was then that his pursuers revealed themselves, circling him as others remained on the rooftops, wary of him. They wore black cloaks, covering every inch of their body and making them invisible when the light would die. Beo gripped Alc tightly, preparing to fight.

Beo spoke calmly, a smile slowly growing on his face as his terrifying teeth gritted.

"You guys're related to that girl, huh? We were right to take her hostage, then... I wouldn't have been able to have this much fun otherwise."

They didn't respond, but their breathing could be clearly heard, it being the only sound in the lonely road. Beo's muscles tensed as the light died once more, masking all of the assailants in the night. As the light returned, Beo was met at all angles, those coming from the rooftops being airborne. He lie face-to-face with them as his fist braced, ready to strike.

As his fist began to fly, a blue current engulfed Beo and Alc's bodies, sparking violently as the assailants continued to go in for the kill, but the current intensified, causing the light to die prematurely. The electricity buzzed as the darkness consumed Alc and Beo before the light returned and red stained the street. Blood lie, thrown about the walls of the residential buildings as Beo stood in the middle of the aftermath, unfazed.

"Don't expect thanks from me, monster..."

Kem stood behind him, not a single stain on his clothing as Beo stood, surrounded by the mangled bodies of the cloaked figures. He carried no weapon, his hands resting in his pockets as electric currents sparked from his body, his body acting as a conductor. He made no sounds, not even looking toward the two of them before vanishing, blue light trailing his movement throughout the city.

Beo paused for a second before continuing forward, his shoes sticking to the ground as he walked through the bloody street, the lights dying once more.


"Nyssa! Let go of he--"

A woman was smacked in the face, four men standing before her. A young girl lie in their grasp, the men throwing her face around and feeling throughout her body, their faces nasty and twisted. They wore black cloaks with their faces uncovered, and another man beside the woman wore a strange, green suit, a spiraling design covering it's entirety. His upper face was covered by a Venetian pantalone mask, resembling a bird's beak, but He carried a smile with him, it never truly leaving his expression as he looked toward his comrades, a revolver in hand.

"You shouldn't be out so late... Night's when all the scary, bad men come to play, deary."

His sadistic tone enraged the older woman, her eyes instantly gaining an intensity as she attempted to raise herself from the ground. The cloaked men laughed at her struggle, the young girl crying as she looked upon her mother, her school uniform torn beyond recognition. She sat powerless, wishing to save her mother yet completely unfit to do so as the men continued to toy with her, drool staining her uniform.

The man with the green suit spoke, simultaneously pushing the mother down with ease.


Another cloaked figure appeared out of nowhere, floating through the air as his entire body was covered, a golden crown on his brow. His identity remained covered by a black, Venetian mask, the face of which having a sinister grin as he responded, his face unmoving. His voice was distorted, inhumane sounding, and deep, unsettling the woman and her daughter.


Vanity groaned, and the suited man's smile grew.

"How'd it go?"


The man snarled, understanding what Vanity said as the two hostages failed to understand. He only groaned in a very bestial manner, inaudible to the naked ear.

"Yamo was nabbed, huh?"

The room grew silent for a moment, the tension scaring the hostages even further, but they soon burst into laughter, Vanity remaining silent. Their wicked chuckles filled the entire, dark building and it lasted for minutes before finally subsiding. The woman continued to fight, pulling at her restraints furiously as those around her continued to watch, failing to laugh this time.

The suited man's smile faded, and his gun raised, pointing directly at the woman's head. Her daughter's heart sank as she threw herself toward her mother in a desperate attempt at stopping him, but the men behind her continued to restrain her, Vanity vanishing as swift as he'd arrived.

"Nooo!!! Let her go!"

He continued to speak, completely ignoring her cries as he pulled the slide lock of the firearm, his finger on the trigger.

"That act's gotten old, don't ya think?"

The gun's blast reverberated throughout the building as the mother fell to the ground, red staining the ground beneath her. Her daughter froze, the men behind her letting her go as they began dying of laughter, their leader following suit. She sat there, her eyes completely devoid of life as she looked upon her mother who shared those same, dead eyes. Her thoughts halted as she sat on her knees, the laughter around her fading away.